
  • 网络Inner Mongolia Art
  1. 李世相是内蒙古大学艺术学院教授,著名作曲家。

    Li Shixiang is a Professor of Inner Mongolia University , famous composer .

  2. 建国60年内蒙古影视艺术创作的回顾与展望

    Retrospect and prospect over film and TV artistic creation of Inner Mongolia in the past 60 years

  3. 近五年来,内蒙古大学艺术学院学科建设工作取得了显著成绩。

    In the recent five years , the building of the subject of the Art college of Inner Mongolia university has made great progress .

  4. 同时坚持用蒙汉两种语言演出,突出了民族特色,为内蒙古的民族艺术注入新活力。

    Insist perform in two languages , her national characteristic make the Inner Mongolian art alive .

  5. 石青,1969年生于中国内蒙古。他的艺术创作跨越影像、装置和行为。

    Shi Qing ( b.1969 , Inner Mongolia ) is an artist whose practice spans video , installation and performance art .

  6. 首届内蒙古民族器乐艺术研讨会比较集中的议题是:北方民族乐器渊源及历史沿革考证;

    The main topics of the First Symposium on Inner Mongolia National Instrumental Music Art : 1 . the headstream of the national musical instruments in the north and the historical evolution ;

  7. 在内蒙古民族器乐艺术研讨会上对论文《火不思寻证》写作过程、以及在研究古代音乐文明中所遵循的研究路线、原则与方法的说明。

    The article introduces the process of how the author had written the paper " Exploration and Attestation of Hobus " in the Symposium on Inner Mongolia national Instrumental Music Art . It also illustrates the research line , principle and methods to study ancient music civilization .

  8. 为此,笔者通过调查和分析,就在内蒙古地区高校公共艺术课程中加强蒙古族音乐教学内容提出可行性计划:第一,加强政策引导,营造良好的蒙古族地区音乐环境;

    As a result , the following suggestions have been made on strengthening Mongolian music teaching in universities in Inner Mongolian area : 1 、 To strengthen the education policy leading in order to create a better Mongolian music environment .

  9. 文章最后,笔者得出初步结论,即:内蒙古地区的美声艺术要想发扬光大,必须走一条与内蒙古本土艺术相互融合、互融互进、相得益彰的发展道路。

    This is if we want to carry forward bel canto in Inner Mongolia , We must walk a way that combine it with our local arts and mutually melt into each other , so that we can bring out best in each other .