
  • 网络taxes on special agricultural products;tax on agricultural specialty products;agriculture special tax
  1. 我们免除农业税和农业特产税是立了法的;

    We have legislation on rescinding the agricultural tax and taxes on special agricultural products .

  2. 建议取消木材和其他林产品的农业特产税、育林基金制度等;

    The author proposes to cancel the special tax to the timber and other agricultural local product and the afforestation fund system , etc.

  3. 第二,调整税收政策(财政收入政策):调减农业特产税及提高出口退税率。

    Secondly , taxation policy should be adjusted ( financial income policy ): regulate and alleviate agricultural specialty tax and improve export duty drawback .

  4. 其后又在农(牧)业税的基础上发展起了农业特产税、耕地占用税以及契税、屠宰税等。

    Then , to the agricultural ( husbandry ) tax were added the agricultural special tax , farmland use tax , contract tax and animal slaughter tax .

  5. 对为保护生态环境,退耕还生态林、草的特产品收入,在10年内免征农业特产税。

    For farm products produced in the process of environmental protection and returning farmlands to forests and grasslands , they will enjoy a 10-year suspension from income tax .

  6. 财政部、国家税务总局关于取消除烟叶外的农业特产税有关问题的通知

    Circular of the Ministry of Finance , the State Administration of Taxation of the People 's Republic of China , on Relevant Issues concerning the Cancellation of Special Agricultural Taxes Except Tobacco Leaf

  7. 其二,在农村税收的征收上,缺乏行之有效的法律监督和运行机制,尤其是农业特产税的征收缺乏保障据实征收的法律规范;

    The second one , on the tax levying , there lack of legal systems that is to supervise and run , especially lack of law and statute which lead to collect agricultural special tax canonically ;

  8. 国务院关于对农业特产收入征收农业税的规定

    Provisions of the State Council Concerning Imposition of Agricultural Tax on Agricultural Speciality Income

  9. 三年内免征资源税、屠宰税、农业税、农业特产税和免收十年土地使用费;

    Within three years , they shall be exempted from Resources Tax , Slaughtering Tax , Agricultural Tax and Agricultural Specialty Tax and Land Use Fee is exempted for ten years .

  10. 介绍了农村税费改革的内涵,包括对农业税、农业特产税、屠宰税、乡统筹、村提留、劳动积累工、义务工所进行的改革和调整。

    Content of tax and fee reform in countryside of China , including the reform and adjustment of agricultural tax , tax on special agricultural products , tax of butcher , over plan of township , draw down of village , accumulating labor , obligation labor .

  11. 按照农业税条例的有关规定,减免农业税和农业特产税。

    And reducing or remitting agricultural taxes and taxes on special farm produce according to the relevant provisions of the regulations on agricultural taxation .