
nóng kěn qǐ yè
  • Agricultural reclamation enterprises;state-owned land-reclamation enterprise
农垦企业[nóng kěn qǐ yè]
  1. 在重组之后,农垦企业的效率得到显著提升。

    After the reorganization , farming cultivate enterprise efficiency improved significantly .

  2. 国营农垦企业财务包干农业推广及发展服务

    Financial contract of national reclaimation farms agricultural extension and development services

  3. 海南农垦企业管理体制的改革与创新

    Reform and Innovation of Enterprise Management System in Hainan State Farms

  4. 本文主要研究近年来农垦企业分公司重组的效率问题。

    This paper mainly studies in recent years farming cultivate enterprise branch recombination efficiency .

  5. 国营农垦企业财务包干本国的企业经营能力

    Financial contract of national reclaimation farms

  6. 系以茶叶种植、加工、销售为主的国有农垦企业。

    We are a state – owned enterprise specialized in tea planting , tea processing and tea sales .

  7. 农垦企业面临着提高经济效益和建立适宜的农业生态系统结构等极其重要的问题。

    The agricultural reclamation enterprises are confronted with the vital question of raising economic benefit and construction of oasis agroecosystem .

  8. 面对国际竞争,中国农业应打造一批“农业航母”,而农垦企业具备打造“农业航母”的独特优势。

    Confronting international competition , China should build leading agricultural groups , for which the agricultural land reclamation enterprises are particularly qualified .

  9. 在此次大规模重组中,农垦企业能否有效克服低效率现象是农垦改革成功与否的重要标志。

    In this large-scale reorganization , farming cultivate enterprise can effectively overcome the low efficiency phenomenon of farming cultivate reform is successful important sign .

  10. 在上述理论分析和农垦企业业绩评价指标体系的基础上,提出了对农垦企业实际开展绩效评价工作的建议。

    In the above theoretical analysis and in the agriculture and reclamation enterprise achievement appraisal target system foundation , proposed to the agriculture and reclamation enterprise actual development achievements appraisal work suggestion .

  11. 第二章回顾了企业重组等有关概念,明确企业重组的理论依据;并介绍效率理论,并对有关农垦企业重组效率的研究现状进行阐述。

    The second chapter reviews the relevant concepts such as enterprise restructuring , clear enterprise reorganization theory ; and the efficiency theory , and the farming cultivate enterprise recombination efficiency research of .

  12. 基于上述分析,提出了协调农垦企业与区域经济发展的合理机制。

    On the basis of the analysis above , the establishment of coordinating mechanism between state farms and the region is of great importance in realizing the sustainable development of state farms .

  13. 海南农垦企业入世后管理面临的问题及其思考入世后,海南农垦企业面临的挑战与竞争的核心不在于资本、规模,也不在于市场占有率,而在于管理。

    Management Problems of Hainan State Farms after China 's Entry into WTO and Countermeasures After China entered WTO , the challenges to Hainan State Farms are not capital , scale and holding rate of market but management .

  14. 中国农垦企业实行农工商综合经营,多级法人和多层次经营体制,属于国有经济,具有区域性、社会性、产业综合性等特点。

    An integrated business operation system is implemented for Chinese state farms , which includes multi-legal persons and is actually a multiple level system of state economic nature . Such a system is featured with regionalization , socialization , and industrialization .

  15. 广东农垦培育龙头企业的思考

    Thinking on Fostering Leading Enterprises in Reclamation Farm

  16. 农业、农垦、乡镇企业是黄羊镇现有产业体系的基本组成部分。

    The three basic industries are agriculture , Land Reclamation Enterprise , and township enterprise .

  17. 海南农垦新兴高效农业与经济作物生产营销海南农垦企业入世后管理面临的问题及其思考

    Management Problems of Hainan State Farms after China 's Entry into WTO and Countermeasures