
nèi zī qǐ yè
  • domestically funded enterprise;enterprise with domestic funding
  1. 内资企业需从事国际货物运输代理业务一年以上。

    A domestically funded enterprise shall have engaged in international freight agency for at least one year ;

  2. 外国直接投资(FDI)对内资企业的技术溢出有不同的渠道效应。

    There are different technique spillover channels from foreign direct investment .

  3. 重庆市FDI对内资企业技术溢出效应的实证研究

    Chongqing FDI to Domestic Capital Enterprise Technology Overflow Effect Real Diagnosis Research

  4. 结果表明,全行业范围内,FDI对内资企业技术创新能力的影响不明显。

    Results show that , in the entire industry , the FDI effects are unobvious .

  5. FDI对内资企业间接贸易效应的实证分析&以高新技术产业为例

    An Empirical Analysis of FDI on Domestic Enterprise Indirect Trade Effect & Taking High Technology Industry as an Example

  6. 市场竞争、技术溢出与内资企业RD效率基于行业层面的实证研究

    The Market Competition , Technical Spillover and the R & D Efficiency of Domestic Enterprises : An Empirical Research Based on the Industry Level

  7. FDI是否降低了中国内资企业的出口竞争力?&基于显示比较优势的研究

    Will FDI weaken the competitive power of the export of domestic enterprises ? & Research based on revealed comparative advantage

  8. 在FDI流入较多的行业,外资企业的生产效率与规模效率明显高于同行业的内资企业。

    The foreign enterprises in the industry which attracts more FDI perform better in productivity and scale efficiency than domestic enterprises .

  9. FDI对于内资企业模仿和学习先进技术具有明显的溢出效应,但对内资企业自主创新能力的提高的溢出效应不大。

    FDI has obvious spill-over effects on technological progress of domestic firms , while weak on autonomous innovation abilities of domestic firms .

  10. 第二,FDI提供了技术外溢的条件,但并不是技术外溢本身,内资企业接受技术外溢受其吸收能力的制约。第三,不同来源特征的FDI在不同区域、行业的技术外溢效应有所不同。

    Secondly , FDI provides the channel of technology transfer rather than technology spillovers itself , spillovers effect are not an automatic consequence of FDI .

  11. 产业关联、行业集中度和技术差距对内资企业工业增加值和FDI技术溢出效应的影响截然不同。

    Finally , Industry linkages , industry concentration and the technology gap each has different impact on the industrial added value of domestic enterprises and FDI technology spillover .

  12. 特别是自2001年我国加入WTO以后,对外商投资的准入限制越来越少,外资企业可以在更多的领域内与内资企业展开竞争。

    Especially since 2001 China attended to the WTO , foreign investment has fewer and fewer restrictions to access to China . The foreign-funded enterprises compete with domestic enterprises in more and more fields .

  13. WTO要求我国内外资企业立法一体化,内资企业立法平等化,企业立法模式统一化、内容系统化。改造我国企业立法要确立非法人企业的民事主体资格;

    The process of the entry of WTO makes it necessary for our country to ensure an equal and integrated legislation of domestic and foreign enterprises , unified modes and systematic contents of legislation .

  14. 其次,来华FDI属于要素获取型,其主要目的在于攫取内资企业具有比较优势的资源禀赋,其中又以熟练的劳动力资源占主导,从而导致了负向的集聚型技术溢出。

    Secondly , FDI to China belongs to the type of elements-sourcing , whose main purpose is to take advantage of domestic enterprises ' resources , leading to negative congregated technology spillovers .

  15. 从实证分析可以看出,外资份额对我国产业劳动生产率的提高起到了积极的促进作用,但由于内外资企业存在着较大的技术差距,FDI对内资企业同时也存在着挤出作用。

    By demonstration analysis , we can conclude that FDI has the active effect on industrial productivity , but because the gap between multinationals and domestic corporations , FDI also has the extrusive effect to domestic Corps .

  16. 其次,从内资企业的学习模仿和内外资企业的相互竞争两个作用机制方面,分别采用地区和行业数据对FDI在我国的总体技术外溢效应进行了回归分析。

    Secondly , this paper uses intra-area and intra-industry data to analyze the incidence of FDI spillovers in China according to local enterprise 's study and imitation in host countries and competition between FDI and local enterprises .

  17. 对全国以及东中西各地区来说,FDI对内资企业的技术创新投入具有显著的促进作用,且促进力度东部最大,接下去依次为中部和西部地区。

    FDI has a significant promoting effect on the input capacity of technical innovation in domestic enterprises in the national , eastern , central and western regions , and it promotes the east most , the next are the central and the west .

  18. 外资参与越多,行业层面FDI对企业的研发投入和产出的正面影响越大;对内资企业来说,企业层面FDI对内资企业研发投入和研发产出均有显著的正面影响。

    With more foreign presence in one firm , industry-level FDI had a greater positive impact on the R D input and output of firms ; for domestic firms , firm-level FDI had significantly positive effects on R D input and output of firms .

  19. 实证分析结果显示,FDI对制造业企业的技术创新和内资企业的技术创新有微弱的促进作用;外资进入程度低的行业,FDI主要通过示范效应,促进了东道国企业的技术创新。

    The empirical analysis results show that FDI in manufacturing enterprise and domestic manufacturing enterprises are all have a faint simulative effect on technology innovation . In low foreign participation degree industry , FDI mainly through the demonstration effect to promote domestic enterprise technological innovation .

  20. 内资企业的增值税负担高于外资企业的现象并不显著;

    The difference between foreign and domestic enterprises is not significant in VAT .

  21. 外商直接投资对中国内资企业工资影响的理论及实证研究

    Foreign Direct Investment and Wage of Domestic Enterprises : Theory and Empirical Research

  22. 零售业内资企业可持续发展研究

    A Study on Sustainable Development of Domestic Retailing Firms

  23. 我司成立于2003年,是一家专业生产五金件内资企业。

    I Division was established in2003 , is specialized in producing hardware-funded enterprises .

  24. 浅谈私营独资会计的核算与运用外商投资独资化趋势及内资企业的应对之策

    The Trend of Single Proprietorship in Foreign Investment and Counter-measures of the Domestic Enterprise

  25. 内资企业与外资企业人才状况的分析与比较研究

    An analysis and comparison of Talents in Domestic Chinese Company and Foreign Capital Enterprise

  26. 行业内不对称地位的外资企业与内资企业的动态博弈及启示

    Dynamic Games and Suggestions on Asymmetrical FDI Enterprises and Chinese Enterprises in Some Industries

  27. 新企业所得税法下内资企业的税收筹划

    Taxation Preparation of Domestic Owned Enterprises Under the New law of Business Income Tax

  28. 转型对内资企业有利,尤其是对新设内资企业有利;

    The transformation is in favor of domestic investment corporation , especially the new ones .

  29. 如何筹划内资企业费用的税前扣除空间的技术筹划

    Concerning the arrangement of tax-deduction on domestic capital enterprise expense The Design of Technology in Space

  30. 换句话说,外资企业对同质劳动力支付了比内资企业更具竞争性的小时工资。

    In other words , foreign-owned enterprises paid a more competitive hourly wage than domestic enterprises .