
  • 网络IRR;Internal Rate of Return;Internal rate of return method
  1. 传统的论证方法有净现值法,内部收益率法,投资回收期法,必要运费率法等,这些方法各有利弊,船型论证决策方案的制定应是全方位指标综合评价结果。

    The traditional evaluation methods include NPV method , IRR method , RPR method , RFR method , and so on .

  2. 净现值法和内部收益率法的比较

    Comparison of net present value method with internal rate of return method

  3. 第二章运用经济学原理概述了投资项目经济评价的一般程序和步骤,并介绍了投资收益率法、净现值法(NPV)、内部收益率法(IRR)等经济评价的一般方法;

    The following part briefs the general procedures and steps of the investment evaluation by using engineering economic principle , and indicates some common methods , such as investment revenue rate , net present value ( NPV ), inner revenue rate ( IRR ) and so on .

  4. 内部收益率法多方案评价准则探讨

    Probing into the Plans Appraising Criterion for Internal Revenue Rate Method

  5. 内部收益率法局限性认识及其改进思路

    Limitations of the Method of Internal Rate of Return and its Improving Thinking

  6. 论投资方案评价的内部收益率法

    Discussion on the Method of Internal Rate of Return for Evaluating Investment Program

  7. 内部收益率法在多方案经济效益评价中的应用

    Application of interior interest rate method on appraising economic benefit of multiple projects

  8. 从而揭示了内部收益率法存在的意义及应有的定位。

    Thereby the practice meaning of inside income rate method is brought forth .

  9. 内部收益率法是技术经济效果的动态评价方法。

    The Internal Rate of Return is a dynamic evaluation of the economic and technical result .

  10. 差额投资内部收益率法的问题剖析与改进

    An Analysis for the Improvement of Delta IRR Method The Calculation of Rate of Return on Investment

  11. 一直以来,传统的投资决策方法(如:净现值法、内部收益率法、回收期法)是决策者的主要投资决策工具。

    Traditional valuation tools , including DCF ( Discounted Cash Flow ), are the major approaches in the investment decisions .

  12. 在确定型环境里,投资决策有净现值法、内部收益率法、回收期法和收益指数法等方法。

    In certainty world , there are net present value approach , internal rate of return approach , payback period approach and profitability index approach .

  13. 确定性决策方法包括净现值法、内部收益率法和投资回收期法。使用确定性方法对项目进行价值评估,往往忽略项目的经营灵活性和战略成长性,从而造成项目价值的低估。

    We often ignore the management flexibility and strategy growth in the project and undervalue the project if we value the project by the certain decision approaches .

  14. 本章在研究了风险投资的含义和基本特点的基础上,介绍了传统的投资决策方法即净现值法和内部收益率法的基本原理。

    This chapter introduced traditional investment decision method , such as net present value and inters return rate on the base of function and character about venture capital .

  15. 介绍了泵业企业长期投资决策中最常用的净现值法和内部收益率法这两种决策方法。

    The thesis introduces the net present value method and the internal rate of return method which are most commonly used in the long term investment of pump enterprises .

  16. 对于矿山开采方案比选,由于各方案服务年限、生产规模不一致,差额投资内部收益率法比较适合。

    For the comparing and selecting of mining program , the method of the differential investment internal rate of return was suitable because of different service life and production capacity .

  17. 文章继而对这两种常用决策方法进行比较分析,发现内部收益率法至少有三大缺陷,即它有一个不适当的机会成本假设;

    Then the thesis compares and analyses the two common methods , and finds out least three defects in internal rate of return method : it has an improper opportunity cost hypothesis ;

  18. 在技术经济评价中,本文采用了费用现值法、差额内部收益率法和费用&效益分析法等经济学方法对各方案进行了比较分析。

    The economic methods such as CPV ( cost present value ) , AIRR ( internal rate of return ) and C-B ( cost - benefit ) are adopted to judge the projects .

  19. 采用内部收益率法和净现值法分别测算古建筑保护项目的内部收益率和净现值,并对于古建筑保护项目的基准收益率的确定提出相应的解决方案。

    Estimates internal rate of return and net present value by the method of economic evaluation in common real estate , and bring forward a suggestion how to make certain basis rate of return .

  20. 解决独立性投资项目选择的一种常用的有效方法是平均内部收益率法或加权内部收益法,这似乎已成定论。

    It seems that an effective way of how to have the right choice of various investment projects is based on the theory of average internal income rate or the theory of weight-added internal income rate .

  21. 内部收益率法与净现值法假定同一项目、同一时期内产生的现金流入会产生不同的再投资收益率,这种不切实际的假设容易导致择优决策的失误。

    Internal income rate method and net present value method is the assumption that the same item and the cash inflow in the same period will have a different earning ratio of re-investment , this kind of impractical assumption causes fault according to the qualification policy-making .

  22. 本项研究对四种投资方案模拟运作企业的未来现金流量进行了预测,并分别采取增量内部收益率和EVA法进行方案比较研究,研究的项目计算期为11年。

    The future cash flow of the four investment priorities is not only predicted accordingly , but also optimized with the adoption of the internal increment yield and EVA method .

  23. 求解建设项目内部收益率的切线法

    The Tangent Method About the Internal Revenue Ratio of the Establishing Item

  24. 通过对折现率与现金流量结构间的相互关系的分析,探讨内部收益率的存在性与现金流量模式的关系,给出净现值法与内部收益率法具有一致性的条件;

    By analyzing the correlation between discount rate and cash flow model , it studies how cash flow model influences the existence of inner revenue rate , and it also investigates the consistence condition for net present value method and inner revenue rate method .

  25. 内部收益率涵义浅析该方法存在失当之处,与差额现金流量内部收益率法和NPV法相矛盾。

    There are some problems with the LP method which contradicts the delta IRR ( Inner Rate of Return ) and NPV ( Net Present Value ) methods .