
  1. 农产品生产成本偏高的成因分析

    Analysis of Higher Production Cost of Chinese Produce

  2. 农业生产资料是农业生产的重要投入品,其价格调整直接关系到农产品生产成本变化,间接影响了农民的收入。

    Agricultural production materials price adjustment directly influence the agricultural products costs , indirectly influence the interests of farmer .

  3. 提高农业生产力,降低农产品生产成本是提高农产品价格竞争优势关键。

    Increasing agricultural productivity while decreasing the production costs of agricultural products is the key to enhance the superiority in competition of agricultural product price .

  4. 农产品生产成本的高低直接关系到农产品生产的经济效益,关系到我国农产品在国际农产品市场上的竞争地位。

    The amount of the cost of produce is directly concerned with the economic benefit of produce production and the competitive status of the Chinese produce in international produce market .

  5. 近年来,农产品生产成本上升,农产品生产企业利润下降,通过出口补贴出口退税维持农产品出口利润使国民福利受损,农产品出口是否是经济的受到质疑。

    In recent years , agricultural production costs rise and profits fall , it make consumer welfare damaged for maintenance of the profit through agricultural products export subsidies and export tax rebate . It is questioned that weather exports of agricultural products is economical .

  6. 农业生产缺乏有效的保护,农产品生产成本迅速上升、农产品价格低迷与农民收入增长乏力等一系列问题困扰着未来中国农业的发展。

    Agricultural development is faced with a sense of problems , such as lack of efficient protective measures for agricultural production , rapid rise of the costs for agricultural production , low prices of agricultural products , weak growth of earnings of peasants , and so on .

  7. 纵观现有文献,大多是从定性的角度说明农业科研投资对农产品生产成本的影响,本文通过实证建模的方法分析农业科研投资对粮食生产成本的影响必将是对现有文献的有益补充。

    Throughout current literatures , most explain the influence of agricultural research investment on food production costs only from the qualitative perspective . The paper using empirical modeling method to analyze the influence of agricultural research investment on food production costs must be a beneficial complement to the existing literatures .

  8. 若国内农产品的生产成本不能随关税下调而快速下降,我国农业发展将受到影响。

    If the cost of the agricultural products would not be decreased with the decreasing of tariff , China 's agriculture will be affected .

  9. 由于使用更好的化肥、选育良种、机械化程度提高,农产品的生产成本已经大幅下降。

    Costs of production have been substantially lowered for farm products by better application of chemical fertilizer , improved strains of seed and increasing mechanization .

  10. 中国大部地区经历了30年来的最冷冬天,从而导致能源价格和农产品生产经销成本上升。

    Large swaths of China have experienced their coldest winter in three decades , raising energy prices as well as the production and distribution costs of agricultural products .

  11. 农产品生产企业质量安全成本收益及决策机制分析

    An Analysis on Cost-Benefit and Decision Making Mechanism of Quality Improvement in Agro-food Producing Enterprises

  12. 而从农户自身的角度来讲,他们也迫切需要节本增效的农业技术在提高农产品产量的同时降低农产品的生产成本。

    From the point of farmers themselves , they also need cost-saving and income-raising techniques to help them not only improve agricultural output but also reduce the cost of food production .

  13. 使用机会成本概念作为农产品成本收益核算的计价基础,可以获得农产品的完全生产成本;

    The real production cost of agriculture production could be acquired by using the opportunity cost of factors to account the benefit-cost of agriculture products ;

  14. 然而,我国劳动密集型农产品近年来因为质量及安全性的下降,土地密集型农产品因为生产成本逐年攀升,使得我国农产品出口受阻,竞争力降低。

    However , in recent years , because of the quality and safety reduction in labor-intensive agricultural products and higher production costs in main grain corps , the competitiveness has been weakened in the international market .

  15. 现在再想象一下:由于干旱造成俄罗斯谷物严重歉收,小麦、玉米及其它农产品价格在短短数周内猛涨了50%,而这些农产品在你的生产成本中占了很大部分。

    Now imagine prices of wheat , corn and other agricultural commodities , which comprise much of your input costs , jump 50 per cent in a matter of weeks because of a drought in Russia that has caused catastrophic crop failure .

  16. 分析了1999年河北省农业生产形势、农民消费现状、农产品市场建设状况,提出了农业发展的新思路:实现集约经营,全面降低农产品生产成本;

    The situation of agricultural production , farmers ′ consumption and the construction of agricultural products market in 1999 was analyzed , and the new ways to develop agriculture was put forward .

  17. 绿色贸易壁垒的设置加大了我国农产品出口的难度,削弱了我国劳动密集型农产品在国际上的优势,增加了农产品的生产成本。

    The existence of Green Trade Barrier adds to difficult for exporting of Chinese agricultural products , weakens the advantage of Chinese labor-intensive agricultural products in world market , and increases the cost of agricultural production .