
  • 网络rural organization
  1. 中国农村组织系统论

    On rural organization system in China

  2. 小城镇建设中的农村组织创新论我国农业型乡镇政府公务员队伍改革

    Township Construction-Oriented Rural Organization Innovation On the Public Servant Reform of the Rural Township in China

  3. 西部贫困农村组织结构研究

    The Organizational Structure in Impoverished Rural Areas in the West

  4. 管理和加强农村组织方案

    Programme for managing and strengthening rural organizations

  5. 合作社和其他农村组织科

    Cooperative and Other Rural Organizations Sectio

  6. 对农村组织的监督和规范应从法制和道德两方面双管齐下。

    Supervision of rural organizations and norms should be the rule of law and moral aspects of both .

  7. 农村组织创新包括对农村社会经济组织体系进行调整和对农村社会经济活动主体进行改造。

    Rural organization innovation includes adjustment of its social economic organization system and reform of the subject of social economic activities .

  8. 通过对农村组织及居民构成的分析,提出村域经济发展组织动员的主体与客体。通过对相关主客体特征的分析,研究村域经济发展组织动员的手段、机制和类型。

    After analyzing the formation of rural organizations and residents , this study proposes the subject and object for the organization and mobilization in the village-region economic development .

  9. 而从鼓励发展生产的角度,党在农村组织建设上容许新富农党员存在。

    However , in the light of the need to encourage the development of production , Party members with a new rich-peasant class background were permitted to exist within the rural Party organizations .

  10. 农村组织研究的重点是从群体行动层次(即组织)积累资料,描述和了解中国现代化进程中的农村社会结构变迁,了解中国农民群体的内部凝聚力和国家体制力量的博弈关系。

    Based on the data accumulated from the level of collective action ( organization ), the study of rural organization aims to describe social transformation in the modernizing rural areas and the game relationship between the cohesive power inside peasant communities and the state power .

  11. 当前,面对加入WTO和全面建设小康社会的新形势、新任务,有必要大力发展农村中介组织以发展农村经济、增加农民收入。

    Facing entry WTO and new situations and tasks of building a comfortable society completely at present , it was necessary to develop rural medium organizations to prompt rural economy and increase incomes .

  12. 加快发展福建省农村中介组织的思考

    Thinkings on advancing development of rural medium organizations in Fujian Province

  13. 河北省农村合作组织发展研究

    Reserch on the development of rural cooperative organizations in Hebei Province

  14. 加强农村基层组织建设的思考

    Reflection on strengthening the construction of primary organization in rural areas

  15. 中国农村金融组织空间结构分析

    Analyses of the Space Structure of Rural Financial Institutions in China

  16. 基于土地股份制的农村物流组织模式研究

    Land-based Joint-stock System in Rural Areas of Logistics Model of Organization

  17. 中国农村金融组织制度创新研究

    Study on Innovation of Rural Finance Organization System in China

  18. 中国农村金融组织:结构及与经济增长的关联性分析

    China 's Rural Finance Institutions : Structure and Causality with Economic Growth

  19. 农村体育组织和骨干队伍还不够完善。

    2 , Sports organizations and key members in Dagang were short .

  20. 我国农村现行组织制度运行障碍及理论设计

    Operating Obstructions of China 's Rural Current Organization System and Theoretical Design

  21. 农民增收:农村基层组织建设的思考

    Increasing Farmers ' Imcome : Pondering on the Rural Basic-Level Organization Construction

  22. 论我国农村金融组织体系的改革

    On the Reform of China 's Rural Financial Organizational System

  23. 构建多元化农村金融组织体系的可行性分析

    The Inevitability of Constructing the Rural Multiplicative Finance Organization System

  24. 不断提高农村党组织执政能力的思考

    Thought on Continuously Improving Ability of Administration of Rural Party Organization in Countryside

  25. 表面上看,我国农村金融组织体系是比较完善的,既有合作性金融,又有政策性金融,还有商业性金融等等。

    This system consists of cooperative finance , commercial finance and policy finance .

  26. 乡村治理中的农村民间组织发展

    The development of rural civil organizations in countryside governance

  27. 认真分析农村基层组织反腐倡廉建设面临的突出问题。

    On how to strengthen the basic organization building of the league in college ;

  28. 功能视角下我国现代农村金融组织体系的建构研究

    Study on the Establishment of Chinese Modern Rural Financial System from the Functional Perspective

  29. 中国农村合作组织分析:回顾与创新

    Rural Cooperative Organizations Research : Review and Innovation

  30. 农村基层组织主导的混合型制度变迁模式&南岭村制度变迁案例研究

    Mixed Institutional Change Mode Guided By Rural Grass-root Organization & A Case-study of Nanling Village