
  • 网络Comprehensive Agricultural Development;iad
  1. 农业综合开发中水利措施的探讨河南省农业生产潜力及综合开发对策我国加入WTO对农业综合开发的影响及对策

    Discussion on the effect and measures of Chinese agricultural comprehensive development in WTO

  2. 文章结合我国的国情,提出我国农业综合开发在WTO框架下的应对措施。

    The article produces the measures in WTO frame of Chinese agricultural comprehensive development according to the situation of our country .

  3. 本文首先分析了加入WTO对我国农业综合开发的不利影响和有利影响,不利影响主要在于国内市场分额被挤占、农产品质量差距明显等;

    The article analyzes the disadvantages and advantages of agricultural comprehensive development of China after she joins in the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) . The disadvantages mainly lie in native market occupation and agricultural products over-disparity in quality .

  4. 从农业综合开发所处国内国际环境(农业发展新阶段、农业国际化和WTO规则、农业市场经济发展和农业财税体制改革)阐述农业综合开发的所负担的历史使命和创新的必要性。

    Its historical mission and necessity of its innovation are expatiated , basing on the domestic and international background , including the new stage of agricultural development , agricultural internationalization and the rules of WTO , agricultural market economy development and the system reform in agricultural finance and taxation .

  5. 采用方差分析、χ2检验和联结指数,对构成克拉玛依农业综合开发区外围荒漠植被的主要物种在2m×2m尺度上种间联结性进行了定量研究。

    The analysis of variance , χ ~ 2 test and association indices are used together to analyze quantitatively the interspecific association of main desert species in the outer space of Karamay Agricultural Comprehensive Development Region .

  6. 转变观念,面向市场,提高农业综合开发整体水平

    Gearing the Market to Raising the Comprehensive Development Level of Agriculture

  7. 加大农业综合开发力度,确保农业经济稳步增长

    Strengthen the Comprehensive Agricultural Development to Ensure Steady Agricultural Economic Growth

  8. 依托农业综合开发,推进农业园区建设

    Advancing Agricultural Parks Construction on the Basis of Comprehensive Agricultural Development

  9. 黄河三角洲农业综合开发研究

    Study on the agriculture comprehensive exploitation of the Yellow River Delta

  10. 关于我国农业综合开发的几个问题

    Some Problems about the Comprehensive Exploitation of Agriculture in Our Country

  11. 中南引农业综合开发区水土资源平衡分析

    Water and Soil Resources Balance Analysis in Agriculture Comprehensive Development Zone

  12. 山丘区农业综合开发土地治理的探索与实践

    Practices on Integrated Agricultural Exploitation and Land Control in Hilly Area

  13. 浙江省农业综合开发的发展方向与对策

    Development direction and countermeasure of agriculture comprehensive development in Zhejiang province

  14. 谨防工程腐败侵蚀农业综合开发项目建设

    Guarding Against the Comprehensive Agricultural Development Projects Eroded by Construction Corruption

  15. 水资源的保证程度是农业综合开发工作的基础。

    The water resources are a base of agricultural comprehensive development .

  16. 实施农业综合开发促进小流域经济的可持续发展

    Comprehensive Exploitation on Agriculture and Sustainable Development of Small Watershed Economy

  17. 黑龙江省农业综合开发在线系统的建设

    Constructing the Agricultural Integrated Development Online System in Heilongjiang Province

  18. 调整结构推进兴安农业综合开发进程

    To promote the progress of Xingan agriculture comprehensive development by adjusting structure

  19. 转型时期我国农业综合开发投资机制研究

    On China 's Investment Mechanism for Agricultural Integrated Development in New Period

  20. 农业综合开发成果和发展的探讨

    The Initial Successes of and Suggestions on Agricultural Comprehensive Development

  21. 山东枣庄市沿运区域农业综合开发研究

    Study on Agriculture Integrated Development of Zaozhuang of Shandong Province

  22. 论坚持科技推广搞好农业综合开发

    Discussion on Technique Extension and Comprehensive Development for Agriculture in Henan Province

  23. 射阳县农业综合开发促进粮食生产的思考

    Thoughts on Comprehensive Agricultural Development for Food Production in Sheyang

  24. 农业综合开发战略定位及其运行机制研究

    Research on Strategic Position and Its Operating Mechanism of Comprehensive Agricultural Development

  25. 农业综合开发项目经济评价特点浅析

    Talk about the economy analysis characters of agriculture development projects

  26. 江苏省农业综合开发十五规划研究

    Study on the Tenth-Five-Year Plan for agricultural comprehensive development in Jiangsu Province

  27. 搞好农业综合开发,推动农业稳定发展

    Fostering the Comprehensive Agricultural Development to Push Stable Agricultural Development

  28. 山西农业综合开发与水资源的可持续发展

    Integrated Development of Agriculture and Sustainable Development of Water Resources in Shanxi

  29. 阐述了土地结构与农业综合开发的意见。

    Moreovere , the structure and agriculture exploit model in Luochan county .

  30. 加强农业综合开发,增强农业发展后劲

    Strengthening integrated development of agriculture and reinforcing reserve strength in agricultural production