
  1. 严肃申报程序,建立规范的管理制度是做好评前推荐工作的制度保障;

    The disciplinary enforcement of the reporting process and the setting up of the normal management system an institutional guarantee ;

  2. 规范进口行为,严格海关申报程序,限制小批量进口,统一进口市场;

    Standardize the import behavior , make strict the customs declaration procedures , restrict the small amount import and unify the import market ;

  3. 已经被批准用于其它疾病治疗的药物或者是尚处于试验阶段未被批准的药物都可以通过孤儿药物申报程序进行。

    Orphan drug designation is available for drugs already approved for another disease or condition or for experimental drugs that have not been previously approved .

  4. 本次座谈会有助于四川省动漫企业进一步了解国家动漫精品工程申报程序以及动漫企业认定的相关政策。

    The symposium will help to further understand the state enterprise in Sichuan Province animation animation animation quality project reporting procedures and policies identified companies .

  5. 前项制造机具之申报程序、应备文件及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。

    Regulations governing the procedure , necessary documents , and other matters to be complied with in respect of the above declaration shall be determined by the competent authority .

  6. 然后,信息服务可以利用相同的整合数据为其他使用者提供服务,如为标准申报应用程序或面向客户的Web应用程序实现自动化的过程。

    The same consolidated data can then be leveraged through information services to other consumers , such as automated processes for standard claims applications or client-facing Web applications .

  7. 自行申报纳税程序中,纳税人具有一定的程序自主性,因此纳税申报可产生确定税额的效力。

    In the self-reporting tax procedure the taxpayer has some autonomy , so the tax returns have legal effect to decide the tax amount .

  8. 工业局:光碟制造申请许可及申报之程序、内容、应备文件及其他应遵行事项之办法。

    Industrial Development Bureau : in charge of applications for optical media manufacturing permits , the procedures , contents and documents required for declarations , and other related matters .

  9. 前二项申请许可及申报之程序、内容、应备文件及其它应遵行事项之办法,由主管机关定之。

    Regulations governing the procedures and contents , necessary documents , and other matters to be complied with in respect of the application and declaration under the preceding two paragraphs shall be determined by the competent authority .

  10. 在介绍工程变更的分类及审批原则的基础上,阐述了施工过程中工程变更的具体实施与操作细则,包括申报审批程序及变更单价的确定等。

    Based on introducing the classification and approval principles of the engineering alternation , this paper expounds the concrete measures and operation procedures of the engineering alternation in the course of the construction , which include the examination and approval procedures , and the determination of the unit price , etc.

  11. 分析了FIDIC条件对单价变更的限制,探讨了施工中单价变更的原因,单价变更的申报、审批程序和单价分析方法。

    This article analyzes the limitation to the rates variation according to the FIDIC conditions , meanwhile , the author discusses something about the reasons of rates variation in construction , the submission and reviewing procedure of rates variation , and its analytical methods .

  12. 世界文化遗产的标准及申报方法和程序

    Standard of World Cultural Heritage and the Heritage Declaration Method and Procedure

  13. 试论工程变更的内容及申报审批的程序

    The contents application and endorsement process of project changes

  14. 申报和评审程序。

    The procedure of declare and comment .

  15. 新时期高校科研项目的申报和管理程序研究

    A Study on the Application and Management Procedure of Scientific Research Projects in Universities in the New Era

  16. 结合工程施工监理实践,就工程变更的内容、分类、申报及审批程序、变更工程单价确定等几个方面进行了介绍和探讨,同时对如何做好工程变更管理工作谈了看法。

    Combined with the construction practice , from several aspects , the paper discussed the engineering change management , and proposed some advice .

  17. 主要论述外资并购反垄断控制的主管机关的设置,反垄断控制的申报、调查程序和听证会程序。

    The author mainly discusses in the M & A of foreign capital the setting-up of administrative authorities in charge of anti-monopoly control , the procedure of its application , hearing and national security examination .

  18. 介绍了高速公路附设房建工程变更的原因、分类以及对工程变更的审批原则和申报审批的程序。

    A brief survey is given about the causes and classifications of the variation on the auxiliary building engineering of motorways as well as its principles of examination and approval and procedures or submitting for examination and approval .

  19. 论述了工程变更的内容及申报审批的程序,介绍了工程变更的分类,阐述了工程变更的审批原则,指出了工程变更中的具体要求和措施该工艺技术有着广阔的应用前景。

    The paper discussed the contents , application and endorsement process of project changes and introduced its classification . At the same time based upon introduction of endorsement principle some concrete requirements and measures are proposed for project changes .

  20. 前项固定污染源空气污染物年排放量之计算、申报内容、程序与方式、查核及其它应遵行事项之办法,由中央主管机关定之。

    The central competent authority shall determine regulations for the calculation , reporting content , procedures and methods , checking , and other binding matters for the annual air pollutant emissions quantities of stationary pollution sources in the foregoing paragraph .

  21. 再次,将欧美国家并购投资风险进行了比较,包括东道国产业政策对外资并购设置的申报、审查程序;

    At last , we compare the country risk in different countries , including the declare and check-up procedures for foreign capital M & A in host countries 、 the supervision in competition policy of host countries and national securities policy .

  22. 简化外商投资的申报和有关审批程序;

    Simplifying outside what company invest declares with the relevant examination and approval procedure ;

  23. 美国国家公园申报准则及审议程序

    Application requirements and deliberation procedure for cadidates of National Park in the United States

  24. 难免压疮申报表的设计与申报程序

    Design of inevitable bedsore declare form and its reporting process

  25. 在新外资并购法出台后,商务部发布了《外国投资者并购境内企业反垄断申报指南》,以对反垄断审查申报的程序问题进行指引。

    After the Rules of Merger and Acquisition by Foreign Investors of Domestic Enterprises , the Ministry of Commerce also issued the Guidelines of Antitrust Filing for Foreign Investors Merging or Acquiring Domestic Companies , which are supposed to provide instructions regarding the procedural issues of antitrust filings .