
  • 网络Complaint;petition;declaration
  1. 除了申诉书和回复书之外,陪审团可以全权要求任何诉讼方呈交进一步的报告书或文件。

    In addition to the complaint and the response , the Panel may request , in its sole discretion , further statements or documents from either of the Parties .

  2. 向服务提供方递交申诉书时有效的条例版本可应用到由此开始的行政诉讼中。

    He version of these Rules in effect at the time of the submission of the complaint to the Provider shall apply to the administrative proceeding commenced thereby .

  3. 2月,开曼群岛大法院(CaymanIslandsGrandCourt)批准了一项申诉书,申诉者为香港MasoCapital管理的3家基金,它们要求将中国电影发行集团博纳影业(BonaFilm)清盘。

    Earlier this month , the Cayman Islands Grand Court granted a petition on behalf of three funds managed by Hong Kong-based Maso Capital to have Chinese movie distributor Bona Film liquidated .

  4. 马道夫被免费保释,迄今为止还没有正式对该指控做出回应或提交申诉书。

    Madoff is free on bail and hasn 't formally responded to the charges or entered a plea .

  5. 有些不好,你疯::你发誓,诅咒.嚼子的生命,没有申诉书.这是最大的帮助.强大的生命。

    Some bad , you crazy : : Do you swear , curse . Chewing son 's life , no complaints reported . This is the greatest help . Powerful life .

  6. 美欧申诉书中提到的原材料包括矾土、焦炭、氟石、镁、碳化硅、金属硅、黄磷和锌等。

    Complaint referred to the United States and Europe , including the raw material bauxite , coke , stone fluoride , magnesium , silicon carbide , metal silicon , phosphorus and zinc .

  7. 所以他决定做一个自动申诉生成器,以之前成功的申诉书为模板。

    So he decided to create an automatic appeal generator , using previously successful letters as a template .