
  1. 农药标签的农业措施、应用对象及安全间隔期等的说明;

    The direction of pesticide label , including agriculture measure , application scope and restricted - entry interval period , etc.

  2. 本文着重介绍农药标签采集管理系统的前期设计与实现思想。

    This article focussed on the early design and final accomplishment of the system for collecting and managing the pesticide label .

  3. 农药特殊用途标签的标注问题;

    ; ( 3 ) the label contents of the special use pesticides ;

  4. 茶可能含有农药,即使它标签上写的是无机

    Tea may contain pesticides , even if its been labelled as organic

  5. 随着农药工业的不断发展,农药应用的水平逐渐提高以及各国农药标签管理工作的不断加强,相比之下,我国农药标签管理工作还有许多不完善的地方。

    As the developing of pesticide industry , improving of pesticide use standard and strengthening of pesticide label management , there have appeared some new problems and contradiction in Chinese pesticide label management .