
  • 网络agricultural antibiotic
  1. 农用抗生素B-7的研究1.产生菌的分类鉴定

    Studies on the agricultural antibiotic B-7 1 . classification and identification of the producing strain

  2. 农用抗生素TS99产生菌YH9407的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on the Producing Strain of Agricultural Antibiotic TS 99

  3. 农用抗生素产生菌Z(139)菌株的稳定性

    The stability of strain Z_ ( 139 ) producing agricultural antibiotics

  4. 新型核苷类农用抗生素米多霉素(Mildiomycin,MIL)对各种植物的粉状霉菌有强烈的拮抗作用,且毒性很低。

    Mildiomycin , a new nucleoside antibiotic , showed remarkable biological activity against powdery mildews of many plants with low toxicity .

  5. 农用抗生素TS99对烟草赤星病菌具有明显的抗生作用。

    Agricultural antibiotic TS 99 has strong antibiotic effect against Alternaria alternata .

  6. 宁康霉素&海洋细菌BAC-9912产生的新型农用抗生素

    Nincomycin : New Antifungal Antibiotics Produced by Marine Bacterium BAC-9912

  7. 发酵液经过预处理后,依次用大孔树脂吸附,硅胶柱吸附层析和薄层层析等分离方法即可获得农用抗生素TS99纯品。

    Pure TS99 could be obtained from pretreatment fermentation broth through macroreticular adsorbent , silica gel column chromatography and thin-layer chromatography .

  8. 农用抗生素产生菌菌种选育的研究进展

    The Research and Development of Agricultural Antibiotic Produced Strains Selective Breeding

  9. 农用抗生素2-16产生菌的分类鉴定

    Taxonomy of the producing strain of agricultural antibiotic 2 16

  10. 我国农用抗生素的现状与发展趋势探讨

    Discussion on the Situation and Development of Agro-antibiotic in China

  11. 农用抗生素研究开发新进展

    Recent progress on the research and development in agricultural antibiotics

  12. 农用抗生素120有效成份的研究

    Studies on the effective components of Agricultural Antibiotic 120

  13. 微生物源农药包括活体微生物农药和农用抗生素两大类。

    Microbe-produced pesticides include microbial agrochemical and agro-antibiotic .

  14. 抗真菌农用抗生素的研究进展

    Progress on the Research in Antifungal Agricultural Antibiotics

  15. 新型农用抗生素的筛选研究

    Studies on Screening of New Agricultural Antibiotics

  16. 由于化学农药和农用抗生素滥用,农业病虫害不仅对化学农药产生了抗药性,甚至对原本效果很好的农用抗生素也产生了抗药性,农业生产面临着严重威胁。

    The abuse of chemical pesticides and agricultural pesticides caused pesticides resistance and antibiotic resistance .

  17. 农用抗生素的新资源&海洋微生物

    New Sources of Agricultural Antibiotics-Marine Microorganisms

  18. 农用抗生素的研究

    Study on the agricultural antibiotics

  19. 农用抗生素94166-Ⅱ、Ⅲ的提取、分离、纯化及结构鉴定

    The Extraction , Separation , Purification and Structure Identification of Antibiotic 94166 - ⅱ, 94166 - ⅲ

  20. 农用抗生素是指微生物产生的,可用于防治农业有害生物的次级代谢产物。

    An agro-antibiotic is a secondary metabolite produced by microorganisms that could be used to control agricultural pests .

  21. 来源于海洋真菌的农用抗生素的研究进展抗植物病原真菌海洋细菌的抗菌作用研究

    The Research Process in Farm Antibiotics from Marine Fungus Study on Antimicrobial Activity of Marine Bacteria against Plant Pathogenic Fungi

  22. S-系列农用抗生素理化特性初步研究&Ⅰ常压低电泳和硅胶薄层层析实验

    Studies on the physico-chemical characteristics of the S-Series agricultural antibiotics & ⅰ . low-voltage paper electrophoresis and silica gel thin layer chromatography of the antibiotics

  23. 农用抗生素产生菌的原始菌株,往往产量很低或质量较差,不能满足工业生产的需要,必须对它的某些性状进行改良。

    The original strains producing agricultural antibiotic is always low in output or bad in quality , it can not meet the requirement of industrial production .

  24. 作为在亚洲广泛使用的农用抗生素和多种医用药物的前体,井冈霉素在农业及医学上具有非常重要的应用价值。

    As a widely-used agricultural antibiotic in Asia and a precursor of various medicines , validamycin A bears extraordinary value for agriculture as well as pharmaceutical industry .

  25. 综述了近年来国内外农用抗生素生产上常用的几种高产菌株育种技术的研究进展,内容包括:自然选育、诱变育种、基因重组育种、生物工程育种技术。

    The article reviews the advance on the breeding technology of high yield stains in agricultural antibiotic , including natural selecting breeding , mutation breeding , gene recombination breeding and biotechnology breeding .

  26. 另外我国目前应用推广较多的农用抗生素,绝大多数属于国外公司产品的仿制品,所以有必要开发和研制目前生产和市场上急需的,拥有知识产权的农抗新产品。

    So it is important for us to develop the new agricultural antibiotic product which we could have our own property right to satisfy the need of agricultural production and market of China .

  27. 在农用抗生素的研究与开发方面,应加强分子育种技术的应用、农抗作用机理的研究以及化学结构的改造等。

    Research and development of agricultural antibiotics should be strengthened , including such areas as the utilization of molecular breeding technology , mechanisms of action of agricultural antibiotics , and antibiotic chemical structure modifications .

  28. 传统的诱变育种是最广泛的选育方法,以基因工程为核心的现代生物技术也应用于农用抗生素产生菌的菌种选育中,并逐渐成为农用抗生素菌种选育的主导技术。

    The traditional way for selecting strains is wide way , the modern microbiologic technology taking the gene engineering as center is also applied for strains breeding , and it becomes the main way gradually .

  29. 通过离体烟叶平皿叠培养筛选模型得到的链霉菌S&10菌株所产生的农用抗生素对烟草赤星病菌具有很强的抑制作用。

    Streptomyces S-10 strain was screened by a new screening model in petri dish using tobacco leaves in vitro . The agricultural antibiotics produced by S-10 strain possess of very significantly inhibiting effect on Alternaria alternata .

  30. 本试验旨在从原始森林土壤中分离并筛选出对植物病原菌具有良好拮抗效果的放线菌,寻找新农用抗生素产生菌来源,并对其产生的抑菌活性物质进行初步的研究和分析。

    This research aimed at isolating and screening of antagonistic actinomycetes with great activity to plant pathogens , searching for the source of new agri-antibiotics , studying and analyzing the antibacterial substances produced by them preliminarily .