- 名farming and sericulture

[farming and sericulture] 泛指农业生产;种地与养蚕
The provincial prosecutor , Nuon San , said in an interview that a number of people in the area had died from H.I.V. in the past and that the authorities were investigating whether Mr. Chrin may have been responsible .
A Comparison Test of Nong Sang No.8 and Nong Sang No.12
Fu Sang-agriculture topics for the development of cross-cutting style has always been given .
Fu Sang-agriculture holds the unique philosophy of life and aesthetic ideals belonging to the Chinese .
Volume 6 " Tianling : Nongsang " was the most developed one and had profound influence on the latter agricultural development and management .
Where Nongsang harvest year , in winter Jide election the following year auspicious Lunar New Year in February take the altar for the sacrifice festival gods .
Because of vested with the functions of narrative , " Sang-agriculture " reflected by Fu gives better performance of its agricultural characteristics of cultural identity and literature .
Chapter III respectively from the historical , political , philosophical perspective on the three agricultural Sang given to the agricultural and cultural characteristics of the overall reflection .
They began to pay attention to the agricultural production and carried out a policy to utake the agricultures as the urgent affairs ^ , restored and developed agriculture at different levels .
Its reform policies on farming , finance and taxation , and commerce embody profound legal thinking and reveal the experience and lessons in the evolution of economic law system in ancient China .
To stabilize the social order and develop the production as soon as possible , each rulers issued the policies to utilize forest orderly , award farming and prohibit deforestation at the beginning of regnum .
This kind of folk culture is based on agriculture civilization and public thinking . It is a very important embodiment for human art language and thinking way . It is like the inexhaustible treasures in modern design .
Chapter I , Summary . It states briefly the concept , research scope and the significance of Fu Sang-agriculture , defining Fu Sang-agriculture as Fu in which agriculture is the main theme given to agriculture and directly related to Fu .
It is based on this while combining the related materials that the six different models are inducted , including family heritage , urging sericulture as tradition , workshops and factories heritage , schools and education heritage , agriculture heritage and folk objects heritage .