
  • 网络Community health care;community medicine;Community medical care;primary care;community care
  1. 我国的社区医疗正在建设中,目前以人工服务为主。

    The primary care service sites are building up over our country , however most of the sites emergent are working still with manual and away from modern .

  2. 加快实施传染病医院、疾控中心标准化建设,提高城乡社区医疗服务能力。增加高品质公共服务供给。

    The central region should accelerate the standardization of hospitals for infectious diseases and centers for disease control and prevention , and improve the ability of urban and rural communities to provide medical services .

  3. 运用面向服务体系结构(SOA)可以很好地架构社区医疗信息系统。

    Thus conducting the service-oriented architecture can better construct the community medical information system .

  4. VPN技术在连接社区医疗服务站中的应用

    VPN Technology in Connection Community Medical Service Station Application

  5. 加入WTO后外文医学期刊的订购及对策国外部分医学院校社区医疗实践现状与启示

    Acquisition of foreign medical journals after China 's entrance into WTO and its countermeasures Present Situation and Enlightenment of Community Medical Practice of Foreign Medical Colleges

  6. 本文的研究不仅是为H公司如何在社区医疗市场形成核心竞争力进行探索与指导,也为集团公司产产协同的应用探索新路。

    This study not only explores and guides H Company how to form core competence but also explores a new way for the cooperation of different industries .

  7. 基于HPC的社区医疗系列监护设备的研制

    Development of HPC-Based Monitoring Devices for Community Medicine

  8. 本文分析了国内外心电监测仪发展及应用状况,鉴于现在社区医疗的需求,结合心电信号的特点,设计了基于嵌入式Web服务器心电监测系统的整体设计方案。

    The integrated design strategy of ECG monitoring system based on embedded web server were given , in view of the demand of current community medicine , combined with the characteristics of the ECG .

  9. 研究当前的社区医疗服务的情况,结合国家基本公共卫生服务规范,采用基于J2EE平台的SSH架构技术开发实现了一套社区医疗服务信息管理系统,符合新医改的要求。

    This paper studies community medical service . Combined with basic public health service specification , using the popular technology architecture SSH based J2EE ; we developed a community health service information management system . The system meets the requirements of the new medical reform . 3 .

  10. 基于COM+的社区医疗信息系统(CHAIS)设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Community Healthcare Automation Information System ( CHAIS ) Based on COM + Service

  11. 析普适环境下的电子社区医疗服务系统研究

    Analysis of medical service system of electronic community in pervasive space

  12. 到社区医疗中心进行义诊

    Go to a community medical centre to give free medical consultation

  13. 高校社区医疗模式的探讨

    Probing Into the Model of Community Health Care in High College

  14. 公立三级医院管理社区医疗服务中心的实践与探索

    Experience and explore on community health center management by tertiary hospital

  15. 建立精神病社区医疗护理服务中心的探讨

    Probe Into Launching Community Medical and Nursing Services Center for Psychotics

  16. 大型综合性医院社区医疗护理服务的实施

    Experience of large-s cale synthetic hospital in developing community nursing service

  17. 但,目前缺乏适用于社区医疗服务的设备和器材。

    However , there are no suitable devices and equipments .

  18. 国外部分医学院校社区医疗实践现状与启示

    Present Situation and Enlightenment of Community Medical Practice of Foreign Medical Colleges

  19. 比利时社区医疗护理服务机构见闻

    Information on Nursing Service Organizations in Community Medicine of Belgium

  20. 医学生对社区医疗卫生服务认知情况的调查分析

    Investigation of Medical Students ' Cognition of Community Medical Service

  21. 社区医疗保健服务需求定量调查分析

    Analysis of Quality Study on the Requirements of Medical Care in Community

  22. 社区医疗企业的经营策略研究

    Business Data Considering the tactics of how to manage residential medical care

  23. 社区医疗服务风险特点、产生原因及管理策略

    Risk characters , causes and measures of community medical service

  24. 社区医疗智能答疑系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of an Automatic Question-Answering System for Community Medical Services

  25. 新医学模式在社区医疗及精神康复中的应用

    Application of the new medical model in community medicine and mental rehabilitation

  26. 大医院帮扶社区医疗工作的探索与实践

    Exploration and practice on tertiary hospital helping community health care

  27. 社区医疗卫生服务体系建设中的政府角色

    The Role of Governments in the Construction of Community Health Service System

  28. 基于分布式多层架构的社区医疗系统应用研究

    Research and Application on the Multi-Tier Distributed Community Medicine System

  29. 社区医疗与高端医疗体系间信息共享协作接口的研究

    Research of Information Sharing Interface between Community Medical and Top Medical Systems

  30. 社区医疗机构与医院双向转诊的实现

    The Realization of the Bi-directional Referral between Community Medical Institutions and Hospitals