
  • 网络Social fairness and justice;social justice
  1. 按要素分配中的社会公平正义观及一种社会心理的矫正&构建和谐社会必须解开的一道难题

    The Idea of Social Justice and Fairness in the Distribution according to Elements , and an Adjustment of Social Psychology & A Difficult Problem to be Solved before Constructing the Harmonious Society

  2. 强化检察监督职能,维护社会公平正义。

    The strengthen the function of procuratorial supervision and defend social justice .

  3. 司法是社会公平正义的最后一道防线。

    Justice is last defense of social equality and justice .

  4. 社会公平正义取向下的我国政府公共服务改革探讨

    On Social Fair Justice Orientation of the Chinese Government Public Service Reform

  5. 第三,对于促进中国社会公平正义具有实践作用。

    Thirdly , it may promote the social equity and justice in practice .

  6. 必须坚持维护社会公平正义。

    - We must safeguard social fairness and justice .

  7. 从农民土地财产权利的贫困看社会公平正义

    Fairness and Justice in the Poverty Rights of Chinese Farmers ' Land Property

  8. 女性发展是实现社会公平正义的前提。

    The development of female is the premise of realizing social equity and justice .

  9. 实现社会公平正义对于构建社会主义和谐社会的重大意义

    The Great Significance of Realizing Social Fairness and Justice for the Socialist Harmonious Society Construction

  10. 合理的收入分配制度是社会公平正义的重要体现。

    A rational income distribution system is an important manifestation of social fairness and justice .

  11. 其在保障离婚自由、体现社会公平正义等方面发挥着积极的作用。

    Protection of the divorce in freedom justice and social equity has played an active role .

  12. 和谐与法治视角下的社会公平正义

    On Social Fairness and Justice under the Angle of View of Harmony and Government by Law

  13. 四是切实保障和改善民生,促进社会公平正义。

    Fourth , we ensured and improved people 's wellbeing and upheld social fairness and justice .

  14. 诚实信用原则是社会公平正义观念与具体民法规范之间的连接纽带。

    Honesty principle is the link between the idea of social justice and the standard of civil law .

  15. 第三,必须坚持社会公平正义,以保持社会的和谐和稳定;

    Third , we will continue to promote social fairness and justice and maintain social stability and harmony .

  16. 第三,必须坚持社会公平正义,以保持社会的和谐稳定;

    Third , we must continue to promote social fairness and justice and maintain social stability and harmony .

  17. 法官应处处以法为据,时时维护法律的尊严,维护司法公正,促进社会公平正义。

    It always maintains the dignity of law , maintains judicial fairness and promotes social fairness and justice .

  18. 行政自由裁量权是实现社会公平正义的必要内容;行政自由裁量权在公平正义社会的要求下更需加强控制。

    Administrative discretion is essential to realize social fairness , and needs more control in a fair society .

  19. 这对当事人合法权益的保障和社会公平正义的实现都带来挑战。

    It brings a challenge to protect the legal rights of parties and achieve social equity and justice .

  20. 事实上,收入差距往往与人们对社会公平正义的心理感知有关。

    In fact , the income gap is often associated with psychological perception of social fairness and justice .

  21. 紧紧围绕更好保障和改善民生、促进社会公平正义深化社会体制改革。

    Social reform must evolve around the protection and improvement of the people 's livelihood and advance fairness and justice .

  22. 解决好这些问题,直接关系到维护社会公平正义,保持社会和谐稳定。

    Solve these problems , directly related to the maintenance of social equity and justice , maintain social harmony and stability .

  23. 中国特殊利益集团的存在严重危害了社会公平正义,阻碍了改革的深入进行。

    The existence of Chinese special interest groups seriously endangers social fairness and justice , hinders the deepening of the reform .

  24. 再次,背离了社会公平正义,以至于构建社会主义和谐社会受到制约。

    Third , it deviated from the social fairness and justice , so that the construction of socialist harmonious society is restricted .

  25. 就伦理学视角而言,则从道德与利益之间的关系、实现社会公平正义的需要等角度论述了企业承担社会责任是企业无法逃避的道德要求。

    On the ethics perspective , discuss that enterprises assume social responsibility is inescapable moral demands from the perspective of corporate ethics .

  26. 社会公平正义是社会和谐的基本条件,制度是社会公平正义的根本保证。

    Social fairness and justice is the basic element of social harmony and system is the fundamental protection for social fairness and justice .

  27. 为救济被害人,实现社会公平正义,危险责任制度因此形成并不断发展。

    To provide relief to victims , to achieve social fairness and justice , risk responsibility system was formed , and continues to develop .

  28. 民事证据制度对维护社会公平正义,推动社会进步具有重大积极作用。

    The civil evidence system to maintains the social justice to be just , promotes the social progress to have the significant positive role .

  29. 律师职业是现代法治社会公平正义的重要保障之一,其在现代法治社会的地位甚为重要;

    The profession of lawyer , one of the most valuable guarantees for social justice and equity , counts much in modern legal society .

  30. 改革开放以来,我国社会公平正义的实现程度大幅提高。

    Since polices of reform and opening to the outside world was performed , accomplished degree of social equity and justice has been elevated obviously .