
  1. 古籍是中国古代文明的重要历史标志之一。

    Ancient books are important historical landmark to Chinese ancient civilization .

  2. 论中国古代文明起源与形成的特点

    The Characteristics of the Origin and Formation of Chinese Ancient Civilization

  3. 士对中国古代文明进程具有极其重要的意义。

    Shi has extremely importance to the process of ancient Chinese civilization .

  4. 《洪范》&中国古代文明的活的灵魂

    Grand Law : The Living Soul of Ancient Chinese Civilization

  5. 中国古代文明是一种农业社会文明。

    The ancient civilization of China is a kind of agricultural civilization .

  6. 中国古代文明持续发展与生态环境的关系

    On the relation between sustainable development of Chinese ancient civilization and ecologic environment

  7. 仰韶文化经历了由母系氏族社会逐步过渡到父系氏族社会的漫长历史长河,在中国古代文明起源中具有重要意义。

    It has an important significance of the origin of Chinese ancient civilization .

  8. 中国古代文明与青铜器的发展

    Development of the Ancient Chinese Civilization and Ancient Bronze

  9. 夏文化与中国古代文明起源

    Xia Culture and Origin of Chinese Ancient Civilization

  10. 关于中国古代文明起源问题的理性思考

    Question of the Origin of Chinese Ancient Civilisation

  11. 中国古代文明和国家起源研究中的几个问题

    Some Issues in the Research on the Origin of Ancient Chinese Civilization and State

  12. 夏、商与西周三代,是中国古代文明由兴起到繁盛的重要历史时期。

    Xia-Shang-Zhou dynasties were an important historic period of Chinese civilization from rise to prosperous .

  13. 陕西省是中国古代文明发祥之一,有悠久的历史。

    Shaanxi is one of the Chinese archaic civilized origins which has a long history .

  14. 中国古代文明确实了不起。

    Ancient Chinese civilization is really extraordinary .

  15. 中医是中国古代文明伟大的文化遗产。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM hereafter ) is precious cultural heritage of ancient Chinese civilizations .

  16. 纸与中国古代文明

    Paper and the Ancient Chinese Civilization

  17. 中国古代文明及其研究

    Chinese Ancient Civilization and Relevant Research

  18. 书法以其自身特有的信息载体和审美符号在中国古代文明史上扮演了重要的传播媒介的角色。

    As a unique art form , Chinese calligraphy played a key media part in ancient China .

  19. 这些都展示了中原文明在中国古代文明中无可替代的历史地位。

    These have displayed the important historical status of civilization of Central Plains in ancient Chinese civilization .

  20. 中国古代文明的研究是国内外学术界非常关注的一个领域。

    Academic circles at home and abroad pay great attention to the studies on ancient Chinese civilization .

  21. 《光阴》这本书,揭示了中国古代文明与今天所倡导的绿色和平思想之间的某种天然联系。

    " Time " reveals a natural link between the ancient Chinese civilization and Greenpeace thoughts advocated now .

  22. 中国古代文明和其他文明各有所长。各有所短。

    Ancient Chinese civilization and other civilizations have their own strengths and weaknesses respectively in the different subsets .

  23. 唐代国力强盛,被认为是中国古代文明的一个高点。

    Tang Dynasty with great political hegemony , is generally regarded as a high point in Chinese ancient civilization .

  24. 中国古代文明历史悠久,源远流长,是世界上唯一独立起源且连续发展的文明。

    Chinese archaic civilization with a long history is the only civilization which has independent origin and consecutive development .

  25. 中国古代文明的发展,是中华民族艰苦奋斗、自强不息的结果。

    In the past one hundred years or so , the Chinese people waged arduous struggles to win the independence .

  26. 称谓是民族文化的一种体现,是中国古代文明的重要组成部分。

    Addressing terms , an embodiment of the national culture , is also an important part of Chinese ancient civilization .

  27. 纸质书写材料的流行,对中国古代文明的发展产生了巨大而深远的影响

    The currency of stationery made of paper had a far reaching and enormous influence on the development of the ancient Chinese civilization

  28. 夏文化代表了古代文明的诞生,同时又是探索中国古代文明起源的基础和出发点。

    Xia culture embodies the birth of Chinese ancient civilization . Besides , it is the base and starting point of probing the civilization .

  29. 秦汉作为统一全国的封建王朝,存在了四百多年,成为中国古代文明发展的第一个高峰,这与它有较为完善的京师治安制度,在长时期有效地维护了社会稳定是分不开的。

    The dynasties of Qin and Han which existed more than four hundred years became the first peak of the Chinese feudalism civilization development .

  30. 黄河流域是中国古代文明的发祥地,地上地下有许许多多的古迹文物。

    It is the birthplace of ancient Chinese civilization and has a wealth of historic sites and relics , many of them buried underground .