
  • 网络chinese wine culture
  1. 中国酒文化与酒包装容器

    Chinese Wine Culture & Wine Packaging Container

  2. 黄酒(由大米或黍米制成)是体现中国酒文化的一个代表。

    Yellow wine ( made of rice or millet ) is a good representative example of Chinese wine culture .

  3. 中国酒文化研究50年

    Fifty Years ′ Research on China Culture of Alcoholic Beverages

  4. 中国酒文化的艺术特色探微

    Exploration About Artistic Characters of Chinese Alcoholic Drink Culture

  5. 中国酒文化博大精深,涵盖酿酒业方方面面,是祖国的宝贵文化遗产,在世界酒文化之林独领风骚。

    China culture of alcoholic beverages has rich and deep meanings , including everything in liquor-making industry .

  6. 中国酒文化源远流长,有长达几千年的发展历史,在消费者心目中占据着重要位置。

    Chinese wine culture has a very long history , which takes a very important position in the eyes of consumers .

  7. 中国酒文化源远流长,影响着我国政治、经济、文化、生活的各个方面。

    Chinese wine culture has a long history , affecting all aspects of life and political , economic and cultural , China .

  8. 中国酒文化课程渗透师范生综合素质培养的研究

    Study on the Permeation of the Training of the Normal School Students ' Comprehensive Quality in the Course , Wine Culture in China

  9. 行酒令不仅为宴会带来了乐趣还促进了中国酒文化的普及。

    The drinkers ' wager game not only brought fun to the drinkers at the banquet , but also promoted the popularization of Chinese wine culture .

  10. 我国的酒包装与酒产品一样有着源远流长的历史,二者所有的独特的文化蕴涵和鲜明的民族文化特征共同构成了中国酒文化的主要内容。

    He packing of our Chinese Liquor is as remote as its products through the history . Both of them are blessed with unique cultural sense and distinct national characteristics , which fill the form of the Chinese liquor culture .

  11. 这些酒器既证明了中国酒文化的悠久历史,又反映了当时广阔的社会生活内容,其中主要涉及原始农业、冶炼业、宗教信仰、审美以及语言文字等方面。

    These drinking vessels not only prove the ancient history of China alcoholic drink culture , also reflect the broad social life contents , including primitive agriculture , smelting industry , religious beliefs , esthetics , language and word and so on .

  12. 和是一种尽善尽美的境界,是中国酒文化、中国饮食文化和整个中国民族文化的特点,也是中国人生政治、伦理、审美所追求的最高境界。

    This is a kind of perfect realm , representing the characteristics of Chinese wine culture , Chinese dietary culture and the whole Chinese nation 's culture . It also reflects the ideal perfect state of politics , ethics and appreciation of beauty in Chinese people 's life .

  13. 浅谈中国的酒文化

    A Preliminary Study on Chinese Liquor Culture

  14. 中国的酒文化源远流长,有关酒的历史遗迹和文明则可追溯到新石器时代。

    Chinese liquor culture is a long history , the heritage and civilization about Baijiu can date back to the Neolithic age .

  15. 贵州茅台镇盛产白酒,其中以酱香型白酒最为典型,而茅台酒更是蜚声中外,在中国的酒文化中占据着特殊的地位。

    Guizhou Maotai Town abounds liquor , Maotai liquor in which the most typical , and is known in the world of Maotai , wine culture in China occupies a special position .

  16. 屠苏酒具有一定的医学保健功能,也是中国古代酒文化的遗产,对屠苏酒的起源、配制、饮用、药效等进行探索研究是对中国酒文化和酿酒技术发展的继承和丰富。

    Tusu Liquor has healthcare functions . As the heritage of Chinese ancient wine culture , the research on the origin of Tusu Liquor , its preparation , its drinking and its medicinal effects could better inherit and enrich Chinese wine culture .

  17. 浅论中国古代诗酒文化

    A Brief Talk on China 's Ancient Culture of the Poem and Wine

  18. 为研究中国古代酿酒技术发展史,宏扬中华优秀酒文化,建议应加强对中国酒文化的研究和编写《中国古代酿酒技术发展史》。

    In order to study the historic development of Chinese ancient brewing technology and to glorify Chinese liquor culture , the author suggests that the research on Chinese liquor culture should be enhanced and the history of Chinese ancient brewing technology be compiled .