
hé suàn
  • calculate;business accounting;check computation;adjust accounts
核算 [hé suàn]
  • [business accounting] 核查计算

  • 超产核算

核算[hé suàn]
  1. 经初步经济核算表明,本工艺可取得较好的经济效益和环境效益。

    The adjust accounts on economics show that this technology can produce important benefit on both environment and economy .

  2. 珠海发电厂小汽轮机控制油系统蓄能器核算

    Check computation of control oil system accumulator of boiler feed pump turbine in Zhuhai Power Station

  3. 然后对环境经济核算方法进行了比较与评价。

    Then it compares and analyzes the theory of environmental and economic accounting .

  4. 那么,如果说还有什么问题,就可以简化为经济核算了。

    The problem , then if there is one boils down to the issue of economic calculation .

  5. 一年来,苏联围绕经济核算制与林业、森工两张皮的问题仍在热烈争论。

    Enthusiastic discussions were st-ill going on in the period of1988-1989 about the economic accounting sys-tem and about the twofold system of forestry and forest industry .

  6. 年以上财务经验,包括:预算经验,成本核算经验,财务报表经验

    Up to 4 years relevant experience on budget , cost acing report analysis . 4

  7. GDP核算中的价格指数及存在问题研究

    The Research of Price Indexes of GDP Accounting and the Existing Problems

  8. ERP在发电成本核算中的应用

    The Adhibition of the ERP In Cost of Generating Electricity

  9. 绿色GDP核算:理论·方法·应用

    Green GDP Accounting : Theory , Method and Application

  10. 石油企业绿色GDP核算指标体系研究

    Study on Petroleum Enterprise Index System of Green GDP

  11. 加快绿色GDP核算体系建设

    Speed Up the Development of Green GDP Accounting System

  12. 传统会计是全面核算了人力资源价值v与m的;

    Traditional accounting accounts both the V and M of the value of human resources .

  13. 新疆绿色GDP的核算与分析

    Account and Analysis of Green GDP in Xinjiang

  14. 绿色GDP核算难点及对策研究

    Difficulty and Solve to Green GDP Check Computation

  15. 绿色GDP核算指标计算方法探讨

    Green GDP Calculation Target Computational Method Discussion

  16. 海洋绿色GDP核算的两大功能

    Two Functions of Marine Green GDP Accounting

  17. 绿色GDP中环境资源损耗核算方法的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Accounting Method of Environment Resources Depreciation in the Green GDP Accounting System

  18. 用SA方法分析医院会计核算信息系统

    Using SA Method to Analyse the Hospital Accountant Calculation Information System

  19. 海洋绿色GDP核算主要有两大功能:记账功能和管理功能。

    The marine green GDP accounting has two major functions , accounting function and management function .

  20. 智慧运营ERP成本核算;

    Intelligence operations ERP cost accounting ;

  21. 定单ABC成本核算法&成本核算体系的再造

    ABC Method in ' Order ' Concept & the Rebuilding of Cost-accounting System

  22. 初探绿色GDP核算方法及实证分析&以山西省大同市为例

    An Elementary Discussion and Analysis of Green GDP Calculation Methods & A Case Study of Datong City in Shanxi Province

  23. 依据FIFO作为核算存货成本是一个最合理的计价方法。

    It 's reasonable to calculate inventory cost based on FIFO .

  24. 可持续发展战略的推行需要一种新的经济发展核算指标来修正现行的国民经济核算指标,这就是“绿色GDP”。

    We need a new system , which is the green GDP to amend the current checking index system to check the national economy .

  25. 因此,构建以绿色GDP为核心指标的综合经济与环境核算体系,就成为目前重要而急待解决的课题。

    For this reason , Structuring the comprehensive economic and environmental accounting system becomes the important and urgent subject to be solved at present .

  26. 本文通过对ERP中成本管理方法的分析,结合企业的实际生产过程,提出了基于标准成本的成本核算与控制方法。

    On the analysis of costing management in ERP , this paper proposes a costing and controlling method based on standard costing in production .

  27. 基于TOC的会计成本核算法在战略决策中的实证研究

    The Empirical Analysis of the Cost Accounting Based on TOC in the Field of Strategy Decision

  28. 必须推进GDP核算制度的改革,开展绿色GDP的研究,不断完善发展的度量指标体系。

    The reformation of accounting systems of GDP , the research of green GDP must be carried out , the standards of development should be improved continuously .

  29. 传统的国民经济核算体系及其主要指标GDP具有一定的局限性,无法反映包括人力资源、自然资产等在内的真实国民财富。

    The traditional system of national accounting and its core indicator GDP are limited to reflect the real national welfare including human resource , natural asset and so on .

  30. 国民经济核算体系(SNA)以及体系中的核心指标GDP,是衡量一个国家经济水平和经济发展的重要指标。

    System of National Accounts ( SNA ) and GDP of systematic core index are important indices for evaluating national economic level and development .