
hé cái jūn
  • nuclear disarmament
核裁军[hé cái jūn]
  1. 下届政府将积极寻求多边核裁军。

    The next government will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear disarmament .

  2. 你是赞成还是反对核裁军?

    Are you pro or con nuclear disarmament ?

  3. 那个就是朱迪丝·克罗夫特,核裁军运动女代表。

    That 's Judith Croft , the CND woman .

  4. 一位朋友7岁时列出的丈夫必备条件清单包括传说中的必须拥有金黄色头发,必须是核裁军委员会(CND)成员。

    A friend 's husband-checklist , when she was seven , included the legendary must have blond hair and be a member of CND .

  5. 现在是时候推动新一轮核裁军了。

    It is time for a renewed push towards nuclear disarmament .

  6. 中国认为,该条约的无限期延长,再次确认了核裁军、防止核扩散和促进和平利用核能

    China believes that the indefinite extension of this treaty reaffirms the

  7. 目前,核裁军是一个国际性的热门话题。

    At present , nuclear disarmament is a international and topical subject .

  8. 这并不意味着多边核裁军的目标没有用。

    That does not mean multilateral reductions targets are useless .

  9. 将要求代表们支持单方面核裁军。

    Delegates will be invited to endorse unilateral nuclear disarmament .

  10. 他参加了在伦敦召开的核裁军会议。

    He attended a conference on nuclear disarmament in london .

  11. 在五角大楼内部,人们对核裁军几乎没什么兴趣。

    Inside the Pentagon , there is little appetite for nuclear cuts .

  12. 我不同意她在核裁军问题上的看法。

    I don 't go along with her views on nuclear disarmament .

  13. 别忘了戴上你的核裁军运动的徽章。

    Don 't forget to wear your CND badge .

  14. 她在核裁军的问题上态度很坚决。

    She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament .

  15. 当前,国际核裁军努力正面临前所未有的机遇。

    Unprecedented opportunities now exist in international nuclear disarmament .

  16. 停止军备竞赛和核裁军

    Cessation of the nuclear-arms race and nuclear disarmament

  17. 南太平洋和平与核裁军论坛

    South Pacific Forum for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament

  18. 他也是核裁军运动的成员。

    He was also a member of cnd .

  19. 他跟核裁军运动的主席琼鲁道克讲了话。

    He spoke to CND chairperson Joan ruddock .

  20. 人民促进和平与核裁军组织;

    People for peace and nuclear disarmament ;

  21. 她说她支持核裁军。

    She said she supported nuclear disarmament .

  22. 印度总理辛格希望印度在实现全球核裁军方面走在最前列。

    India Prime Minister Pitches Global Nuclear Disarmament

  23. 核裁军的进展,离不开全球的战略平衡和稳定。

    Progress in nuclear disarmament cannot be achieved without a global strategic equilibrium and stability .

  24. 他呼吁进行核裁军,但是并未提到伊朗自己的核项目。

    He called for a nuclear disarmament but didn 't mention Iran 's nuclear program .

  25. 湾区亚裔支持核裁军组织

    Bay Area Asians for Nuclear Disarmament

  26. 六方会谈不应该被当作核裁军谈判,日本外交部的一位官员表示。

    These must not be treated as nuclear disarmament talks , said one foreign ministry official .

  27. 如果奥巴马赢得连任,他应该会推动进一步的核裁军。

    If Mr Obama wins a second term , he should push ahead with further cuts .

  28. 可以预言,双方在核裁军领域里的较量还将继续下去。

    It can be predicted that the contests in the field of nuclear disarmament will continue .

  29. 这本身就是我们为核裁军事业做出的独特贡献。

    This , in itself , is our unique contribution to the cause of nuclear disarmament .

  30. 而且,即使它们真的宣布大规模核裁军,核查起来也会相当棘手,尤其是在后几个阶段。

    And even if widespread disarmament occurred verification would be tricky , especially in the later stages .