
  • 网络Authorized System;the approval system
  1. 而任何局部的、技术性或者形式上的IPO变革措施,诸如核准制、单纯市场化询价、股票配售方式等等都是治标不治本的方法。

    And any local , technical or formal IPO reform measures , such as the approval system , simple market-based inquiry , the stock distribution , and so are palliative approach .

  2. 核准制和保荐制的实行更加有利于股票IPO价格发现功能的发挥,同时,中国投资者普遍素质不高,抑制了中国股票IPO价格发现功能的发挥。

    Approval System and sponsor the implementation of the system more conducive to the stock IPO price discovery function , at the same time , China is not high quality investors to curb Chinese IPO stock price discovery function .

  3. 核准制下投资银行IPO评估系统研究

    The IPO Evaluation System of Investment Banking Under The Authorization System

  4. 核准制IPO定价实证分析

    The Positive Analysis of IPO Pricing under the Checking System

  5. 本文主要研究了核准制下中国股市IPO定价影响因素等有关问题。

    This thesis mainly demonstrates the IPO pricing factors approve the system China stock market , and other related issues .

  6. 3)美国环境政策法案(NEPA)的最新要求(启用了核准制)。

    And 3 ) National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA ) .

  7. 随着我国股票发行额度制的退出及股票发行核准制的正式实施,一直被忽视的IPO发行人质量评价问题得到了证券市场前所未有的重视。

    With the implementation of authorization system of issuance of shares , the evaluation of the stock issuer 's quality of IPO , which has been neglected for a long time , has aroused great attention .

  8. 采用了买入持有超额收益、累计超额收益和Fama-French三因素模型的常数项三个指标,通过对比审批制和核准制下的新股发行定价效率,来说明发行制度改革对IPO定价效率的作用。

    Using the Buy-and-hold abnormal return , Cumulative abnormal returns and Fama-French three-factor model as three indicators constant , by comparing the approval system and approval system under the IPO pricing efficiency , to illustrate the affection of the Stock Offering System reform on the efficiency of IPO pricing .

  9. 核准制下新股发行抑价的统计分析研究

    The Statistic Research on the Underpricing in IPO under the Verification System

  10. 2001年4月通道制推出,标志着核准制正式实行。

    April 2001 channel system launched , the formal approving system implemented .

  11. 2001年3月17日,呼唤已久的核准制正式实施。实践证明,本系统有较好的效果。

    On March 17 , 2001 , the Verified System came into effect .

  12. 论股票发行核准制

    Viewpoints on Institution of Approval in Stock Issuing

  13. 试论我国外贸经营权的登记和核准制

    On the System of Registration and Authorization To Our Regulatory Regime of Foreign Trade

  14. 并分析了核准制及注册制这两种主要发行制度的优缺点。

    The article gives a comparison between the authorization system and the registration system .

  15. 核准制下外资企业上市对国内上市公司的冲击谁在羁绊外企A股上市

    The Impact of Foreign Companies Going Public on Domestic Public Companies under the Sanction System

  16. 1999年6月~2001年3月是从审批制到核准制的过渡阶段。

    June 1999-March 2001 was the transition phase from the authorizing system to the approving system .

  17. 我国的新股发行上市经历了从审批制度到核准制的制度变迁。

    The IPO market of China experienced the institutional change from approval system to authorized system .

  18. 另一方面,核准制的有效实施,将在很大程度上依赖于注册会计师的高质量审计和恰当的审计意见类型。

    To execute the new IPO system effectively depends on CPAs'high quality auditing and proper audit opinion .

  19. 股票发行市场化的顺序&兼论核准制

    Stock issue : marketization order

  20. 随着核准制的实施,我国开始新股发行市场化进程。

    With the implementation of the system of approval , our country begins the market-oriented process of new stocks .

  21. 《中华人民共和国证券法》规定,在我国股票发行采用核准制。

    The institution of approval in stock issuing is used in our stock market according to the Chinese Securities Act .

  22. 核准制基本解决了股份公司一级市场融资的制度设计;

    The system of sanction fundamentally figures out the system design of new issue of financing in the primary market .

  23. 本文通过实证方法,检验这种现象在实行核准制以后是否有所改善。

    In this paper , empirical methods , testing of this phenomenon since the introduction of approval system is improved .

  24. 本文通过对改革前后新股抑价程度变化的分析来评价我国新股发行制度准市场化改革(实施核准制)的实施效果。

    The paper makes an empirical analysis on the effect of approval system reform in Chinese initial public offering market .

  25. 注册制与核准制相结合,是现代各国证券发行监管的一种趋势。

    The combination of the registered system and the authorized system are the trend of the supervision on the securities market .

  26. 保险公司总公司、分公司和中心支公司的高级管理人员适用核准制;

    The examination and approval system shall apply to the senior managers of the headquarters , branch companies and central sub-branch companies .

  27. 对于监管机制,需要改进目前的核准制,在此基础上,逐步过渡到注册制。

    As for supervision , we shall first improve the current approval-based system and then promote the transition to a registration system .

  28. 同时,本章还对目前现实存在的两种证券监管模式即注册制及核准制与信息披露的关系进行了论述。

    Furthermore , the author also talks about the relationship between the information disclosure system and two different kinds of securities regulation modes .

  29. 江苏阳光股份有限公司是我国证券市场实施核准制以来的第一家发行可转换公司债券的上市公司。

    Ltd is the first listed company that may publish convertible bonds since the ratification system was performed in securities markets in China .

  30. 本文通过对核准制下发行的第一只转债&阳光转债的投资价值的实证分析,简要介绍了可转换债券及其性质以及常见的投资价值分析的方法;

    Some properties and methods for investment value of convertible bond are studied in this paper by empirical analysis of YANG-Guang convertible bond .