- nuclear attack

are we at risk of a nuclear attack ?
is the notion of permanently eliminating the possibility of a nuclear attack , eliminating the threat altogether .
Enhancing nursing training for cop - ing with nucleus attack .
The characteristics of future nursing and the problems to be solved after nuclear attacks in frontier regions
The idea was that we would force the Soviets to re-target their nuclear weapons -- very expensive --
Most experts would probably argue it is unlikely North Korea would mount a nuclear attack out of the blue .
In this article , with calculations of soil-movement parameters in case of two kinds of nuclear air-attacks in wartime , the geological disasters in Wanzhou district were analyzed .
This arti - cle explored the characteristics of nursing in the future nucleus assaults , such as ① the arduous guarantee tasks of nursing due to sudden nucleus assaults ;
In addition , Israel would " emphasise " that it has " second-strike capability , which includes survival of decision makers " in case of an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel .
The pilot of the plane that ushered in the age of atomic warfare with the first nuclear attack on the Japanese city of Hiroshima , died Thursday at the age of92 .
The fortified structures are designed to withstand a nuclear strike and come equipped with power systems , water purification systems , blast valves , and Nuclear-Biological-Chemical ( NBC ) air filtration .
A state-controlled newspaper in China says the country 's most populous city , Shanghai , has built a vast , underground bunker to protect people in the event of a nuclear attack or other calamity .
Period lettering in its lower-right-hand corner identifies the scene as " Hiroshima ( atomic ) strike . " Otherwise , the image speaks for itself , a grim prelude to the museum 's tour of destruction .
Prior efforts include a largely forgotten 1982 campaign of electronic sabotage against the natural gas pipeline being built by the Soviet Union that caused so large an explosion that U.S. military forces briefly thought it was an early sign of a nuclear attack .
And if scientists at Purdue University in Indiana are successful , the phone could form the heart of a system to protect against the threat of a nuclear terrorist attack .
The characteristics of injuries and medical protection in nuclear terror raid
The areas hit by the nuclear explosion .
Without America invading and occupying Iran unthinkable after Iraq such a strike would at best delay rather than end Iran 's nuclear ambitions .
Today , Tehran 's rulers have so many ways of hitting back that a strike on their nuclear plants could set off a chain reaction , triggering a war that would involve every country in an arc from Lebanon to Afghanistan .
Potential Environment Effects on Nuclear Power Station Subjected to Terrorism Attacking VTS has been developed for many years in China and brought on the improvements in efficiency , safety and the reduction of potential environment pollution .
Estimate computing on the source of the nuclear and radiological terrorism events
Emergency Preparedness and Response against Nuclear and Radiation Terrorism
This paper introduces the potential forms , scenarios , consequences of terrorism events , and necessary preparedness .
Both NBC news and the Washington Post report that Cartwright allegedly leaked information about a cyberattack on Iran 's nuclear facilities .
Many spoke of security threats posed by Israel and pledged his country would destroy Israeli cities Tel Aviv and Haifa if Iran 's nuclear infrastructure came under attack .
Iranian leaders say the country has been targeted by a new computer virus , ten months after its nuclear programme was reported to have been affected by a cyber attack .
The second reason is that a serious threat to close Hormuz is arguably the principal Iranian deterrent against a military attack by the US or Israel on its nuclear facilities .
After the September 11 attacks in the USA , the potential threats arises from nuclear terrorism , and the importance of evaluation on PPS is taken note of by exert and media .
The talks , the first for more than a year , are seen as an attempt to prevent possible Israeli strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities that could significantly affect oil supplies from the Middle East .
The description and level of various threats , the potential consequences and occurrence probability of different nuclear and radiation attack events , and the responses to these threats ( crisis and consequence ) are introduced at two levels .