
hé xí jī
  • nuclear attack
核袭击[hé xí jī]
  1. 我们是否处于遭受核袭击的危险之中呢?

    are we at risk of a nuclear attack ?

  2. 那就是,我们能不能永久地消除核袭击的可能性,能不能将这种威胁完全消除

    is the notion of permanently eliminating the possibility of a nuclear attack , eliminating the threat altogether .

  3. 加强护理队伍应对核袭击的培训。

    Enhancing nursing training for cop - ing with nucleus attack .

  4. 边境地区未来核袭击后的护理特点及应解决的问题

    The characteristics of future nursing and the problems to be solved after nuclear attacks in frontier regions

  5. 其实真正的目的是逼迫苏联重新设定核袭击的目标--这是一笔非常大的开销--

    The idea was that we would force the Soviets to re-target their nuclear weapons -- very expensive --

  6. 答:大部分专家也许会认为,朝鲜不大可能突然发动核袭击。

    Most experts would probably argue it is unlikely North Korea would mount a nuclear attack out of the blue .

  7. 本文通过时两种核袭击情况下的地运动参数计算,分析了空袭对万州区淹没人防工程地区的地质灾害的影响。

    In this article , with calculations of soil-movement parameters in case of two kinds of nuclear air-attacks in wartime , the geological disasters in Wanzhou district were analyzed .

  8. 研究了未来核袭击条件下护理工作的特点:①核袭击突然发生,护理保障任务艰巨;

    This arti - cle explored the characteristics of nursing in the future nucleus assaults , such as ① the arduous guarantee tasks of nursing due to sudden nucleus assaults ;

  9. 此外,以色列还强调,它拥有实施二次打击的能力,包括在伊朗对以色列发动核袭击的情况下,决策者依然能够存活下来。

    In addition , Israel would " emphasise " that it has " second-strike capability , which includes survival of decision makers " in case of an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel .

  10. 揭开原子弹战争时代的序幕,首次对日本广岛进行核袭击的飞行员于星期四逝世,终年92岁。

    The pilot of the plane that ushered in the age of atomic warfare with the first nuclear attack on the Japanese city of Hiroshima , died Thursday at the age of92 .

  11. 这些加固的地堡用于抵御核袭击,并且内部装有电力系统、水净化系统、防爆破活门和核生化气体净化装置。

    The fortified structures are designed to withstand a nuclear strike and come equipped with power systems , water purification systems , blast valves , and Nuclear-Biological-Chemical ( NBC ) air filtration .

  12. 一家中国报纸报导,中国人口最多的城市上海建成一个巨大的地下防空掩体,以备在遭遇核袭击或是其他灾难时保护民众。

    A state-controlled newspaper in China says the country 's most populous city , Shanghai , has built a vast , underground bunker to protect people in the event of a nuclear attack or other calamity .

  13. 右下角写着“广岛核袭击”。就算没有字,这幅图像也很直白,它是一个严峻的前奏,为博物馆展现的毁灭之旅拉开序幕。

    Period lettering in its lower-right-hand corner identifies the scene as " Hiroshima ( atomic ) strike . " Otherwise , the image speaks for itself , a grim prelude to the museum 's tour of destruction .

  14. 人们很可能已经忘了1982年发生的针对苏联天然气管道进行的电子设备破坏行动,这次行动引发了大规模的爆炸,以至于美国军队一时以为这是核袭击的早期信号。

    Prior efforts include a largely forgotten 1982 campaign of electronic sabotage against the natural gas pipeline being built by the Soviet Union that caused so large an explosion that U.S. military forces briefly thought it was an early sign of a nuclear attack .

  15. 如果印第安纳州普渡大学(purdueuniversity)的科学家们获得成功,手机可能构成防范核恐怖袭击威胁的系统的核心。

    And if scientists at Purdue University in Indiana are successful , the phone could form the heart of a system to protect against the threat of a nuclear terrorist attack .

  16. 核恐怖袭击人员损伤特点与医学防护

    The characteristics of injuries and medical protection in nuclear terror raid

  17. 遭核爆炸袭击的地区。

    The areas hit by the nuclear explosion .

  18. 如果美国不能入侵并占领伊朗的话-好好想想伊拉克吧,对于伊朗的核野心来说袭击只不过是扬汤止沸罢了。

    Without America invading and occupying Iran unthinkable after Iraq such a strike would at best delay rather than end Iran 's nuclear ambitions .

  19. 如今,德黑兰的统治者拥有如此多的反击方式,以至于如果对他们的核工厂发动袭击,可能会引发连锁反应,最终引发一场战争,从黎巴嫩到阿富汗这条弧线上的每个国家都将卷入。

    Today , Tehran 's rulers have so many ways of hitting back that a strike on their nuclear plants could set off a chain reaction , triggering a war that would involve every country in an arc from Lebanon to Afghanistan .

  20. 核电站遭受恐怖袭击后可能的环境影响我国VTS已实施了很长时间,在改善我国沿海、港口水域海上交通安全、提高海上交通效率和保护环境等方面,取得了一定的成就和效益。

    Potential Environment Effects on Nuclear Power Station Subjected to Terrorism Attacking VTS has been developed for many years in China and brought on the improvements in efficiency , safety and the reduction of potential environment pollution .

  21. 核与辐射恐怖袭击事件源项估算

    Estimate computing on the source of the nuclear and radiological terrorism events

  22. 针对核与辐射恐怖袭击的应急准备和响应

    Emergency Preparedness and Response against Nuclear and Radiation Terrorism

  23. 本文将重点讨论核或辐射恐怖袭击的可能形式、情景和可能的后果,以及必要的应急准备。

    This paper introduces the potential forms , scenarios , consequences of terrorism events , and necessary preparedness .

  24. 全国广播公司和华盛顿邮报的报道都称,卡特赖特泄露了美国向伊朗核设施发动网络袭击的机密。

    Both NBC news and the Washington Post report that Cartwright allegedly leaked information about a cyberattack on Iran 's nuclear facilities .

  25. 他谈及了以色列施加的诸多安全威胁,并表示,如果伊朗的核基础设施遭遇袭击,伊朗将摧毁以色列的特拉维夫和海法两座城市。

    Many spoke of security threats posed by Israel and pledged his country would destroy Israeli cities Tel Aviv and Haifa if Iran 's nuclear infrastructure came under attack .

  26. 伊朗领导人表示,该国的核计划遭网络袭击十个月后,又被一种新的电脑病毒袭击。

    Iranian leaders say the country has been targeted by a new computer virus , ten months after its nuclear programme was reported to have been affected by a cyber attack .

  27. 第二个原因是,封锁霍尔木兹海峡这样的严峻威胁,可以说是伊朗用以防止美国或以色列对其核设施发起军事袭击的主要威慑手段。

    The second reason is that a serious threat to close Hormuz is arguably the principal Iranian deterrent against a military attack by the US or Israel on its nuclear facilities .

  28. 在9·11事件之后,核设施遭恐怖袭击的可能性增大,实物保护系统评估的重要性也受到了专家与媒体的广泛关注。

    After the September 11 attacks in the USA , the potential threats arises from nuclear terrorism , and the importance of evaluation on PPS is taken note of by exert and media .

  29. 这将是一年多来举行的首次会谈。这次会谈被认为是企图阻止以色列可能对伊朗核设施发动的袭击。以色列动武可能显著影响中东的石油供应。

    The talks , the first for more than a year , are seen as an attempt to prevent possible Israeli strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities that could significantly affect oil supplies from the Middle East .

  30. 本文介绍了不同类型核与辐射恐怖袭击的特征及其威胁水平、各类事件的潜在后果和发生概率,以及从两个层次上对此类威胁的响应。

    The description and level of various threats , the potential consequences and occurrence probability of different nuclear and radiation attack events , and the responses to these threats ( crisis and consequence ) are introduced at two levels .