
hé tɑo mù
  • walnut
  1. 他们的双层衣柜是17世纪西班牙式的,用名贵的核桃木制作而成。

    The wardrobe is from17th century Spain , made from rare walnut wood .

  2. 她最爱吃的就是核桃木火腿。

    And hickory honey hams are her absolute favorite .

  3. 这个钟表有一个核桃木外壳。

    The clock has a walnut case .

  4. 核桃木薄板染色工艺的研究

    Dyeing Craft of the Walnut Wood Lamella

  5. 你一定要试试核桃木蜂蜜火腿。

    Have to try hickory honey ham .

  6. 山核桃木山核桃树坚硬、结实、厚重的木材边材含有木质导管,但不如中心木质那样坚硬。

    The hard , tough , heavy wood of such a tree . Sapwood contains xylem vessels , but not as strong as heartwood .

  7. 山西传统民间家具是指明末至民国初期,使用以核桃木、榆木为主的杂木,供商人和小官宦甚至普通手工业者和农民使用的具有浓郁乡土气息的家具。

    Shanxi Traditional folk Furniture , made of Satin Walnut and Elm , was popular with businessman , officer , common handicraftsman and farmer during the late Ming dynasty to early days of the Republic of China .