
  1. 所以本文还采用了定性分析方法,对创业板上市条件做一个更全面的比较。

    So this paper also adopted the qualitative analysis method .

  2. 然后是国内创业板上市条件的具体法律分析,说明了企业为什么热衷于去海外上市的一个法律背景。

    Then the article elaborates the GEM listing conditions specific legal analysis , explains a legal background of the reason why enterprises keen to go overseas .

  3. 通过法条来阐述了我国互联网企业国内创业板上市的具体条件。

    The article of this part elaborates specific conditions of domestic Chinese Internet enterprises listed on the growth enterprise market by law .

  4. 我国创业板市场实体性上市条件法律分析

    Legal Analysis of Substantiality Listing Standard of Chinese Growth Enterprise Board

  5. 第二部分,创业板上市企业的上市条件及股份制改造。

    The second part is about conditions for the growth enterprise market enterprises to appear on the market .