
  • 网络Pioneer Park;entrepreneurial park;high-tech business incubator
  1. 台湾农民创业园是推动两岸农业交流合作,促进两岸农业共同发展的高效能的平台。

    Pioneer Park of Taiwan farmers to promote cross-strait agricultural exchanges and cooperation is to promote the development of cross-strait agricultural co-efficient platform .

  2. 加入WTO后我国留学人员创业园发展的对策研究

    On Policy of Overseas Students Pioneer Park after China Joining in WTO

  3. 昨日上午,酝酿已久的上城区大学生创业园在完善了各项设施配套,完成了各种报批手续后,揭开面纱,在LOMO创意谷正式开园。

    Yesterday morning , long-awaited College Students Pioneer Park was officially open in LOMO Pioneering Valley , after finishing various facilities , the completion of the procedures .

  4. 高校大学生创业园若干法律问题浅析

    The Law Problems of Colleges and Universities Students ′ Entrepreneurship Park

  5. 厦门留学生创业园单身公寓,中国

    Single apartment of Xiamen Overseas Student pioneering park , china , 2002

  6. 中央有关部委领导参观北京市留学人员创业园。

    Heads of the state ministries visit Beijing Overseas Students Pioneer Park .

  7. 台湾农民创业园是一个新生事物。

    Taiwan farmers Pioneer Park is a new thing .

  8. 印度爱尔兰英国创业园孵化器调查

    Survey the Incubator in India , Irish and Britain

  9. 关于建设山西省软件创业园的建议

    Suggestions about the Construction of Shanxi Provincial Software Park

  10. 2006年,命名第一批“北京留学人员创业园”并授牌。

    In2006 , the first group of Overseas Students Pioneer Parks are titled and presented .

  11. 高职院校学生创业园对能力本位的培养与影响

    " Students ' Starting Enterprises Zone " in Vocational Colleges Fostering and Affecting the Ability Standard

  12. 高效空间网络的编织&聊城市高新技术创业园设计体会

    Intertexture of the High-Efficient Space Network & Design Experience of High-New Technique Pioneering Park in Liaocheng

  13. 哈尔滨火炬创业园加快发展步伐

    Harbin Business Incubation Park Accelerates Development

  14. 花园城市里的科技园&扬州大学科技创业园设计

    Science and Technology Building in garden City & Design for Science and Technology Bulling of Yangzhou University

  15. 台湾农民创业园是两岸农业合作交流的新型模式。

    The development park for Taiwan farmers is a new model of cross-strait agricultural cooperation and exchanges .

  16. 在此背景下,呼和浩特留学人员创业园急需制定发展规划。

    In this context , Hohhot Overseas Students Pioneer Park , an urgent need for development planning .

  17. 呼和浩特留学人员创业园位列中西部第二方阵,处于上升时期赶超阶段。

    Hohhot Overseas Students Pioneer Park , the Midwest ranked second phalanx , the rise time catch-up phase .

  18. 公司位于江苏省张家港市经济开发区(北区)留学生创业园。

    Company is located in Zhangjiagang City , Jiangsu Province Economic Development Zone ( North ) Students Pioneer Park .

  19. 目前,两岸学术界对台湾农民创业园成果比较稀少、比较零碎。

    At present , the cross-strait academic achievement Pioneer Park in Taiwan are relatively few farmers , more fragmented .

  20. 2006年,有关领导和第一批获得“北京留学人员创业园”命名的留学人员创业园代表合影。

    In2006 , the representatives of the firstly titled the Overseas Students Pioneer Parks take photos with some government officials .

  21. 定期举办“北京市留学人员创业园工作研讨会”,交流、研讨留学人员创业园建设经验。

    Beijing Overseas Students Pioneer Park seminar is regularly held to exchange and discuss the further construction of the park .

  22. 2005年,北京市留学人员海淀创业园在国际孵化器评选中获得“最佳社会收益奖”。

    In2005 , Haidian Overseas Students Pioneer Park is awarded the Best Social Return Prize in an international incubator contest .

  23. 引领青春酷派风格与技术创新潮流的公司往往位于平淡无奇的企业创业园。

    Companies that exuded youthful cool and technical innovation were usually to be found in bland , corporate business parks .

  24. 整个园区内绿树成荫、环境优美,创业园将力争成为一流的花园式园区。

    The industrial park is green , beautiful , the entrepot will strive to become a first-class garden style are .

  25. 台湾农民创业园发展中存在哪些问题?怎么样才能把它建设好?这是摆在中央和各级地方政府面前的一项重要课题。

    How can it build ? This is placed in front of the central and local governments is an important issue .

  26. 建立中英科技创业园指导委员会,指导和支持科技孵化器的工作。

    Establish a China-UK science and innovation park steering committee to guide and support the work of science and technology incubators .

  27. 每年举办“北京市留学人员创业园工作人员培训班”,提高留学人员创业园管理服务水平。

    An annual Staff Training Course of Beijing Overseas Students Pioneer Park is held to improve the level of service and management .

  28. 高职院校创办“学生创业园”是职业能力本位教育思想的具体体现。

    " Students Starting Enterprises Zone " in Vocational Colleges is the specific reflection of the educational thought of professional ability standard .

  29. 中关村管委会和各留学人员创业园对留学人员企业进行资金扶持。

    The Management Committee of Zhongguancun and Beijing Pioneer Parks provide financial supports for the starting-up business of the overseas Chinese talents .

  30. 2003年,“海外优秀学者为国服务志愿团”参观北京市留学人员创业园。

    In2003 , a delegation of Outstanding Overseas Chinese Talents who are willing to serve China visits Beijing Overseas Chinese Students Pioneer Park .