
  • Creative Director;ECD
  1. 狄克逊监督项目的创意总监设计研究工作室

    Dixon oversaw the project as creative director of Design Research Studio .

  2. 她道:菲比o菲络加入赛琳(Céline)担任创意总监就提高了这个品牌的转售价值。

    When Phoebe Philo joined C é line as the creative director , it added more resale value to the brand , she says .

  3. 有些出版社会有创意总监,他们会委托自由职业的设计师做设计,或者指派自己社内的设计师做。

    Some publishers have creative directors , who commission ( freelance ) or assign ( in-house ) designers .

  4. 他是JunctionPoint的创意总监,是迪士尼的游戏开发者,也是《传奇米老鼠》的制作人。

    He ` s the creative director of Junction Point , a Disney-owned game developer that came up with Epic Mickey .

  5. 旗下BananaRepublic公司的创意总监及设计执行副总裁。

    Simon Kneen , creative director and executive vice president of design at Gap Inc.

  6. 美国一家3D打印机制造商,斯切特西公司创意总监娜奥米·坎普弗尔表示3D技术仍在不断向前发展。

    Naomi Kaempfer , creative director of Stratsys , a U.S. manufacturer of 3-D printers , says manufacturing in 3-D printing is still evolving .

  7. Twitter联合创始人兼创意总监,34岁的比兹斯通在接受《金融时报》采访时表示。

    Biz Stone , 34 , co-founder and Creative Director of Twitter , talks to the Financial Times .

  8. 2015年,他出任古驰(Gucci)创意总监后推出的首个作品就是一款带有巨大G字母相扣标识的皮带。

    His first look for the house on becoming creative director in January 2015 featured a belt fastened with giant interlocking Gs .

  9. 这个显示社会地位的标识由汤姆福特(TomFord)上世纪90年代担任古驰创意总监时首推,但它当时是土豪的标志。

    The logo was first made a status symbol under Tom Ford in the early 1990s . Back then , it was a symbol of raw materialism .

  10. 职务:高级女式时装公司Ralph&Russo创意总监

    Title : Creative Director , Ralph & Russo

  11. 这两人都步唐纳愠灓(DonnaKaran)之后尘,唐纳愠灓鹑去了路威酩轩旗下自己同名品牌创意总监一职。

    That followed Donna Karan 's departure from her eponymous LVMH-owned brand .

  12. 在被一家广告公司任命为创意总监的时候,CurtisPotter甚至还没积极的寻找全职工作哪。

    Curtis Potter wasn 't even actively seeking full-time work when he was appointed creative director of an advertising agency .

  13. 以及目前担任《Vogue》创意总监的格蕾丝·柯丁顿(GraceCoddington)。

    and , before that , Grace Coddington , who is now the creative director at Vogue .

  14. 就拿她本人来说,身为蔻依和丝蔻(SeeByChloe,蔻依的副牌——编注)的创意总监,她每年要监制八个系列,包括一个度假系列和一个早秋系列。

    For example , as creative director at Chlo é and See By Chlo é , she oversees the creation of eight collections a year , including resort and prefall .

  15. 作为前任苹果创意总监,她发明和设计了第一台Iphone,包括它的运行系统,用户界面和用户体验。

    As Apple 's former creative director , Brody helped develop and design the first iPhone , including its operating system , user interface , and user experience .

  16. PennaRecruitmentCommunications创意总监乔纳森•理查兹(JonathanRichards)表示:黄金规则就是演讲前别喝醉。

    Jonathan Richards , creative director at Penna Recruitment Communications , says : The golden rule is not to get drunk before you speak .

  17. 最早开始同时为两个品牌效力的设计师中也有一些响亮的名字:迈克尔·科尔斯(MichaelKors)在1997年到2004年同时是赛琳(Céline)的创意总监;

    Meanwhile , of the first generation to embark on the two houses / one designer model - Michael Kors , who from 1997-2004 was also creative director of C é line ;

  18. 活动策划创意总监林树鑫(SKLam)向香港信报英文网站Ejinsight透露,灯海的造价高达八位数。

    SK Lam , creative director of events planner , told Ejinsight , the lights cost an ' eight-digit figure ' to create .

  19. 作为法国童装品牌邦布朗(Bonpoint,法国顶级童装奢侈品牌——译注)的创意总监,克丽丝汀·那莫瑞图(ChristineInnamorato)把大把的时间花费在了思考时尚这件事上。

    As the creative director of the French children 's clothing company Bonpoint , Christine Innamorato spends a lot of time thinking about fashion .

  20. 米歇尔是狂热的陶瓷藏家,在他担任理查德•基诺里公司(RichardGinori)创意总监时,他就沉溺于此。理查德•基诺里是历史悠久的意大利瓷器品牌,正是古驰2013年出手相救,才使它免于破产。

    Michele is an avid ceramics collector , a passion he indulges as the creative director of Richard Ginori , the historic Italian porcelain brand that Gucci saved from bankruptcy in 2013 .

  21. 虽然如此,路威酩轩旗下另一知名品牌纪梵希(Givenchy)的创意总监里卡尔多舠希(RiccardoTisci)是显而易见的候选对象。

    Even so , Riccardo Tisci of Givenchy must be an obvious frontrunner .

  22. 真丝既实用又神秘,埃特罗创意总监基恩•埃特罗(KeanEtro)说。

    Silk is both practical and esoteric , says creative director Kean Etro .

  23. 温图尔的最大资产就是格蕾丝柯丁顿(GraceCoddington),这位红发创意总监也已稳居其位20年之久。

    Wintour 's greatest asset is Grace Coddington , her flame-haired creative director , who has lasted 20 years too .

  24. 今年的迪奥男装(DiorHomme)胜过以往,算是创意总监克里斯•万艾思(KrisVanAssche)的巅峰之作。

    Dior Homme was better than usual , one of creative director Kris Van Assche 's best at the brand .

  25. 曼哈顿(Manhattan)一家广告公司的创意总监伊莱恩・麦考密克(ElaineMcCormick)称自己已坚持使用四五次蓝图化清理法了。

    Elaine McCormick , a creative director at a Manhattan advertising firm , says she has gone on BluePrintCleanses four or five times . '

  26. 在EA洛杉矶荣誉勋章开发团队已经手工挑选出来的总经理肖恩戴克,执行制片格雷格古德里奇和丰富的资深创意总监法雷利工作室领导。

    The Medal of Honor development team at EALA has been hand-selected by the studio leadership of General Manager Sean Decker , Executive Producer Greg Goodrich and Senior Creative Director Rich Farrelly .

  27. 在这家由鞋履转为成衣的巴黎知名时尚公司,前任创意总监亚历山德罗•萨托利(AlessandroSartori)营造了中庸氛围。

    Its previous creative director , Alessandro Sartori , had cultivated an air of appropriateness at this storied Parisian shoemaker-turned-clothier .

  28. 距其惊世骇俗的时尚发布会开幕仅几分钟之时,我询问创意总监OlivierRousteing多久前获悉这场并购交易。

    A few minutes before his audacious show , I asked creative director Olivier Rousteing how long he has known about the deal .

  29. 真丝“既实用又神秘”,埃特罗创意总监基恩•埃特罗(KeanEtro)说。

    Silk " is both practical and esoteric , " says creative director Kean Etro .

  30. 但他担任创意总监这几年成绩喜人,也会永远记刻在1946年创立于巴黎蒙田大道30号(30AvenueMontaigne)的迪奥的历史功勋簿上。

    His tenure was successful , a fact that will not be lost on the fashion house founded at Paris 's 30 Avenue Montaigne in 1946 .