
  • 网络Asia Network;Asia Web
  1. 北京咨询公司亚洲金属网(AsianMetal)的彭韦韦(音)表示,市场上的价格影响将是有限的,而且尚不清楚哪些公司将获得出口许可。

    The price impact in the market would be limited , said Peng Weiwei , analyst at Beijing consultancy Asian Metal , and it was unclear which companies would receive permission to export .

  2. 在这两个国家重新打开铁路线之前,亚洲铁路网是没法完成的。

    Until these two countries reopen the rail link , the Trans-Asian rail network will not be complete .

  3. 推动泛亚铁路、亚洲公路网等交通路网建设,开展能源合作,推进十大重点领域的务实合作。

    We should press ahead with the construction of the Kunming-Singapore Railway and the Asia highway network , launch energy cooperation and advance result-oriented cooperation in the ten priority areas .

  4. 一种以东方的航海模式、贸易模式和国际交往模式建构起来的亚洲国际贸易网,繁盛地存在了一个世纪,直至西方殖民势力东来才有所改变。

    Such an international trade network based on an oriental marine navigation , trade and international exchanges and communication had be prospered for a whole century until the Westerners came to the East .

  5. 西方殖民势力东来以前,15世纪初形成的亚洲国际贸易网,是当时世界上最稳定、也最为繁盛的国际贸易网之一。

    Prior to the Westerners ' visits to the East , the international trade network in Asia emerged in the early 15th century , which was one of the most stable and prosperous trade centers in the world .

  6. 许多亚洲国家社保安全网的缺失,也增强了人们的储蓄倾向,迫使他们推迟消费并为未来做打算。

    The lack of a social safety net in much of Asia has also added to the propensity to save , forcing people to defer consumption and plan for the future .