
  • 网络identity management;Identity Manager;idm
  1. 身份管理服务器使用身份信息库统一管理系统中的身份信息,引入了会话管理、安全审核等多种安全机制,为身份主体提供认证、授权和审核等安全服务;

    The IDM server manages the identity information centrally , introduces session management , audit management and other security mechanisms , and provides authentication , authorization and audit services .

  2. 数字校园中基于LDAP的统一用户身份管理技术研究

    LDAP-Based Unified User Identity Management Technology in Digital Campuses

  3. 一种基于J2EE平台的SAML身份管理模式

    A SAML-based Identity Management Model Based on the J2EE Plantform

  4. 开发人员缺乏针对身份管理和访问控制的连贯和通用模式,即一种与REST兼容的方式。

    Developers face a lack of consistency and common patterns for managing identity and access control in a way that is compatible with REST .

  5. 使用PKI构造企业身份管理系统《伯恩的身份》

    Constructing Enterprise Identity Management System by Using PKI ( Public Key In frastructure )

  6. 基于4A技术的统一身份管理在企业门户系统中的应用

    Unified identity management application in enterprise portal systems based on 4A technology

  7. IBMTivoliDirectoryServer提供一个基于LDAP的高性能的身份管理基础结构,它是可伸缩、可靠且基于标准的。

    The IBM Tivoli Directory Server provides an LDAP-based high-performance infrastructure for identity management that is scalable , reliable , and standards-based .

  8. Jeff:对。在这本书中,我并没有介绍身份管理,它是一个广泛的主题。

    Jeff : You 're right , I didn 't really get into identify management , which itself is a fairly broad topic .

  9. 基于SPML的电力企业应用系统集成身份管理

    Integrated Identity Management in Power Enterprise Application System Based on SPML

  10. 需要一个松耦合的、非侵略性的身份管理平台来从SaaS应用本身上游施行策略。

    What is needed is a loosely coupled , noninvasive identity management platform that can enforce policy upstream from the SaaS apps themselves .

  11. 在平台集成方面,本文作者在Portal平台上集成了其它信息系统的用户管理系统,建立了统一身份管理系统;

    In the integration of the platform , writer integrates the user access systems based on the Portal platform and build a unique user access system to improve the security of the systems .

  12. InfoQ:您是如何看待身份管理,以及类似OAuth的规范,在目前组合应用中所起的作用?

    InfoQ : How do you see Identity Management , and standards such as OAuth , playing in modern composite applications ?

  13. ITDS是一个功能强大的LDAP基础架构,为部署全面的身份管理应用程序和高级软件体系结构提供了基础。

    It is a powerful LDAP infrastructure that provides a foundation for deploying comprehensive identity management applications and advanced software architectures .

  14. 基于以上研究背景,本论文着重于WebServices的分布式安全架构、访问控制模型及用户身份管理等相关安全问题的研究。

    Thus the study of Web Services security become a hotspot recently , it is also critical factor for Web Services technology popularization . This dissertation focuses on the study of Web Services security of distributed security infrastructure , access control model and identity management .

  15. 基于SAML的身份管理系统可为其他具有多个应用系统的平台整合身份管理方面提供可借鉴的解决方案。

    This SAML-based identity management system could be used to provide solutions to other systems with multiple platforms to provide integrated identity management .

  16. 身份管理模块使用LDAP数据库统一管理系统中的身份信息,引入了多种用户身份的注册,可以灵活地和企业现有信息系统无缝结合。

    Identity Management module uses the LDAP database , and supplies of a variety of user registration methods , can be flexible and seamless integration of existing enterprise information systems .

  17. 针对面向服务体系结构(Service-orientedarchitecture,SOA)的身份管理中存在的安全问题,提出了一种面向服务的统一身份认证协议,阐述了其认证原理,分析了其安全性和性能。

    With security problem in the process of the identity management in Service-Oriented Architecture ( SOA ), this paper proposes a service-oriented uniform identity authentication protocol , illustrates its authentication principle , and analyses its security and performance .

  18. OpenID基金会是一个社团,该社团成员关注通过OpenID规范推进开源身份管理。

    The OpenID Foundation is a consortium whose members are interested in promoting open source identity management through the OpenID specification .

  19. 目前,随着SAML标准的广泛推广,分布式的身份管理技术得到越来越多的专业人士和机构和企业的认可。

    At present , with the development of SAML standard , many professionals , organizations and enterprises have approved the technology of the identity federation .

  20. 遵循PIDS规范的病人身份管理系统在国际上尚不多见,在国内还未见报道。

    There are seldom systems which follows PIDS standard in international and none in native .

  21. 在用户身份管理方面,通过在Portal平台上建立LDAP目录服务器,储存了统一的用户信息,然后采用CAS进行统一的用户认证,实现了单点登录。

    On the user identity management the portal platform built a LDAP directory server to store the unified user information then use the CAS to make the unified user authentication which achieves single sign-on .

  22. SAML作为身份管理解决方案中服务器之间的通信协议发挥了重要作用;

    SAML plays an important role as a communication protocol between servers in an identity management solution ; however , SAML is not an entire solution .

  23. 在WindowsNT/98的局域网中使用Samba访问Linux机器上的文件,并以用户身份管理相应的用户及目录。

    Samba is used in the local net of WindowsNT / 98 to login linux in order to take advantage of the documents and manage the related users as well as directories as a user .

  24. 一旦您的公司讨论使用该标准或者要实现身份管理,您就可以利用对SPML的认识和了解来创造价值。

    Whenever your organization discusses or implements identity management , you can draw upon your knowledge and understanding of SPML to add value .

  25. SiteMinder是一种安全性软件解决方案,能实现整个组织的安全性身份管理,控制对企业信息资产的访问。

    SiteMinder is a security software solution that securely manages identities across an organization , controlling access to enterprise information assets .

  26. 为了解决SSLVPN系统缺乏数字证书管理设施的问题,本文在身份管理服务器中加入了PKI处理模块,该模块能够颁发并有效地管理用户证书。

    To resolve the problem of lacking certification management in SSL VPN , this paper introduces a PKI process model , which could award and manage certifications for users . IDM authentication service is used to improve the authentication in SSL VPN system .

  27. 微软的Passport达到了跨域用户身份管理的目的,但它是由一个存储用户密码和其他相关信息的单一公司操作的大型数据库。

    The Microsoft 's passport system achieved this goal of user 's identify management across domains , but it is realized by a sole large database , storing all of user 's passwords and other related information , which is manipulated by a company .

  28. 在此基础上,讨论身份管理系统的核心功能,分析身份授权操作的主要流程,明确了基于CAS认证技术的身份管理系统的系统需求。

    Based on these , the core functions of the ID management systems are discussed , the main process of operations of the ID authorization is analyzed , and systematic demands of the CAS authentication technology based ID management system are made clear .

  29. 这个服务基于WS-Federation,支持企业内部和来自外部边界的身份管理和验证。

    This service is based on WS-Federation and supports management and validation of identities both internally in the enterprise and from foreign trust boundaries .

  30. 要完成这些工作,首先要解决的就是认证和身份管理。

    In doing so authentication and identity management needs to be addressed .