
  • 网络disability;Handicapped;psychosomatic disorder
  1. 没有一张照片展示了一位身心障碍者真实的身体。

    There was no picture depicting the " true " body of someone with a disability .

  2. 十年前,我担任过一个关于身心障碍的摄影比赛的评委。

    Ten years ago , I was a jury member of a photographic contest about disability .

  3. 结果不同性格类型、述情障碍、身心障碍、生命质量、体重指数的T2DM患者的性别间差异有显著性意义。

    Results There are obvious differences between male and female with Type 2 diabetes mellitus on type A behavior , Alexithymia , mind and body obstacle , life quality , and older age , mental work and obese are the risk factors .

  4. 我们千万不要取笑身心障碍人士。

    We should never laugh at the disabled .

  5. 飞鹰人经营一所数位学校,名为「圆梦学园」,是一所专为身心障碍者所设计的数位学习学校。

    E-fly also administer a successful accessible e-Learning school , called EDS , destined to serve people with disabilities .

  6. 该研究将临床抑郁症与其他200多种引发身心障碍的疾病和伤痛进行了对比。

    The study compared clinical depression with more than 200 other diseases and injuries as a cause of disability .

  7. 学生们使用了一些比喻以及诗化的方式去展示一些关于身心障碍的问题而不是使用直接明晰的方法。

    The students used a metaphoric and poetic approach to illustrate the question of physical disability instead fo being explicit .

  8. ⑶身心障碍者对支持的主观体验和利用程度越高,所采取的面对策略越多;

    ⑶ The greater the physical-mental handicap subjectively experienced and degrees of use , the more confrontation strategies they adopted .

  9. 本研究回归分析的结果也证实了在身心障碍儿童的家庭中,夫妻之间若能彼此支持、协力分工,对增加其夫妻恩情有显著的效果;

    Regression analysis further verifies that in this special type of family , both sharing parental responsibilities and spousal support increase marital En-qing .

  10. 本研究从家庭关系的角度出发,检视身心障碍儿童家庭中影响夫妻恩情的因素。

    The purpose of this research was to examine factors related to marital En-qing in families with disabled children from a family relation perspective .

  11. 那些作品是由瑞士洛桑的一些艺术学生拍摄的。我很惊奇地发现,他们中没有一个人在作品中展现了身心障碍人士或者他们的身体。

    The photos were shot by art students in Lausanne , Switzerland , and I was surprised to see that no one showed a disabled person or body .

  12. 非洲开发银行说,“老化和长期身心障碍和许多慢性病都有高度相关”。

    No safety nets The African Development Bank says , " Aging is highly linked with long-term physical and mental disability and a number of long-term chronic conditions . "

  13. 除了这部分所提及的内容外,航空业者不得要求身心障碍者必须有陪同者才能够搭机。

    Except as provided in this section , a carrier shall not require that a qualified individual with a disability travel with an attendant as a condition of being provided air transportation .

  14. 迷信以及缺乏知识让人们将身心障碍人士当做最为恐怖的存在,身心障碍人士将“脆弱”这一抽象概念具体地呈现了出来。

    Superstition and a lack of knowledge make people point out disabled persons as symbols of what scares them the most . A disabled person makes the abstract idea of vulnerability become present .

  15. 为了确定是否有陪同者的座位,所以当身心障碍者报到时,陪同者也被视为一起报到了。

    For purposes of determining whether a seat is available for an attendant , the attendant shall be deemed to have checked in at the same time as the person with a disability .

  16. 除非有特别的允许,否则航空业者不得拒绝提供运输给身心障碍者。

    Unless specifically permitted by a provision of this part , a carrier shall not refuse to provide transportation to a qualified individual with a disability on the basis of his or her disability .

  17. 早期的研究者主要关注完美主义同抑郁、强迫症等身心障碍的关系,从20世纪80年代开始,学者们开始注意到完美主义同样具有适应性的一面。

    In the early times , researchers focus on the relationship between perfectionism and dysfunctional , such as depression and obsessive compulsive disorder . Beginning from 1980s , researchers started pay attention to the adaptive side of perfectionism .

  18. 辅助技术是身心障碍者补偿功能、独立生活、融入社会的重要手段,在生活、医疗、教育、就业等方面帮助他们克服身心障碍、提高生活独立性、提高生产力从而提升生活品质。

    For those individuals with disabilities , assistive technology is a significant means , which aids them in improving life quality with enduring inconvenience and raising working efficiency in the fields of activity , medical treatment , education , and career , to live independently and rejoin social life .

  19. 结果身心健康障碍发生率为34.68%,女性高于男性;

    Results The rate of psychosomatic disturbance was 34.68 % .

  20. 随着对儿童心理健康水平要求的提高,近年来的研究报道显示,儿童孤独症的发病率有明显增高的趋势。儿童孤独症亦称儿童自闭症,是一种严重的身心发育障碍疾病。

    With the elevation of children psychological health level , recent reports show that incidence of childhood autism has tendency to raise up .

  21. 克服了身心的障碍,她的音乐与艺术气质使听众感受到不屈不挠的精神与美。

    Conquering her mental and physical barriers , her music , along with an artistic impression , makes her audiences feel an indomitable spirit and beauty .

  22. 残疾人作为一般社会群体,享有作为公民的权利和自由,但是它也是一个特殊的群体,存在着身心的障碍,造成了个人生存和发展中的严重困难。

    The disabled as a general social group enjoy the rights of citizenship and freedoms , but it is also a special group of people , there is mental and physical barriers , caused the personal survival and development of a serious difficulties .

  23. 紧张状态&幼儿身心健康发展的障碍

    Nervousness & an Obstacle Hindering the Healthy Growing of Infants 's Body and Mentality