
zuò tài
  • pose;affect;strike an attitude;act pretentiously
作态 [zuò tài]
  • [strike an attitude;act pretentiously;affect;pose] 故意作出某种姿态或表情

  • 他怀疑她在作态

作态[zuò tài]
  1. 标点就像人眨眨眼睛,低声细语,或伍犯作态

    Punctuation is the way one bats one 's eyes , lowers one 's voice or blushes demurely .

  2. 《被诅咒的孩子》的故事由罗琳、编剧杰克·索恩(JackThorne)和导演约翰·蒂芬尼(JohnTiffany)共同编写,它让伏地魔这种问题变得没法回答了,我请求保持沉默,这可不是在扭捏作态。

    The story of " The Cursed Child " - conceived by Ms. Rowling with its playwright , Jack Thorne , and director , John Tiffany - makes such questions impossible to answer , and I 'm not just being coy because of my pledge of silence .

  3. 他走开了,一路扭捏作态地穿越百货商店而去。

    Off he goes , mincing his way across the Department store .

  4. 任由他们扭捏作态地申辩反驳,你只要怀疑地挑起一边眉毛。

    Let them wriggle and protest while you raise a sceptical eyebrow .

  5. 论“晚生代”作家的创作态

    In terms of the creating situation of the " younger generation writers "

  6. 不幸的是,他的房地产经纪没办法跟他一样扭捏作态。

    Unfortunately , his estate agent could not afford to be so coy .

  7. 他的拒绝只是一种作态而已。

    His refusal was a mere gesture .

  8. 我想,有些人会认为随笔是自我主义者的最后一招,是一种扭捏作态、自私自利的文体形式,不对他们的口味。

    I think some people find the essay the last resort of the egoist , a much too self-conscious and self-serving form for their taste ;

  9. 他们对她说,她必须在他们中间挑出一个爱人,他们便都整衣作态,争献殷勤。

    They told her that she must choose one of them for a sweetheart , and each began pressing his suit and offering her bribes .

  10. 现在,邓超微博掉粉十万或许正在暗示,观众很快就厌倦了矫揉作态的夫妻和他们粗制滥造的电影。

    In the meantime , the sudden drop in Deng 's Weibo fans may indicate that audiences quickly tire of cutesy couples and their lousy movies .