
  • 网络activity;job activity
  1. 右键单击“作业活动监视器”,然后单击“查看作业活动”。

    Right-click job activity monitor , and click View job activity .

  2. 新的算法可以将供应链消耗的资源追溯到作业活动以及最终的产出,以方便的对供应链成本现状进行评估。

    The source reduced by supply chain could be dated back to job activity and final production in order to be convenient for the evaluation of cost status of supply chain .

  3. 12例患者瘫痪侧上肢进行WMFT作业活动时,由检查者对其摄像,用于信度检验。

    The reliability of WMFT was analyzed by videotaping in 12 patients .

  4. eTOM业务流程框架提供了一种国际通行的企业内部整体活动图景的全方位描述,全面直观、逐级深入地定义和勾画出了企业内部全部的作业活动和业务流程。

    ETOM framework gives us an international and all-sided description of the whole prospect of the activities inside the telecom operators , defines and describes roundly all the work activities and business flows inside the enterprise step by step .

  5. 基于工效评价的手动作业活动范围研究

    Study on Range of Motion of Manual Performance for Ergonomics Evaluation

  6. 班组作业活动危险源的辨识及风险控制方法

    Identification of Hazard Sources and Risk Control Methods in Team Working

  7. 加拿大作业活动测量表在51例四川地震伤员康复中的应用

    Application of Canadian Occupational Performance Measure on Survivors from Sichuan Earthquake

  8. 自主临近作业活动具有重要的民用和军用价值。

    Autonomous proximity operations have important civil and military value .

  9. 建造作业活动的第一级缓解措施是使用低噪音设备。

    The first level mitigation for construction activities is the use of quiet equipment .

  10. 痉挛控制后,两组均进行有选择的、不引起痉挛的作业活动来诱发和促进患肢及手的功能恢复,疗程为3个月。

    After spasticity untroubled , both groups had undergone suitable occupational therapy for three months .

  11. 组织的作业活动、产品或服务中会和环境产生互动的要项。

    Element of an organization 's activities , products or services which can interact with the environment .

  12. 应用加拿大作业活动测量表对120例地震伤员的作业活动和疗效分析

    Analysis of the Occupational Activities and Effectiveness of 120 Earthquake Wounded Persons by Canadian Occupational Performance Measure

  13. 成本管理是通过管理人员对与成本发生有关的人员行为进行管理,也就是说,成本管理是对与成本发生有关的职工作业活动进行管理。

    Cost management is the management of all personnel who is related to the cost through management personnel .

  14. 在尝试开放式地理作业活动中培养学生的创新思维能力,是素质教育的需要。自编试题,培养思维和严谨性;

    Training students'creative thinking ability while attempting to opening up geography homework is what the quality education requires .

  15. 而作为一系列物流作业活动的物资后备&存货,是整个物流系统中相当重要的一环。

    As the reserve of a series of logistics Operation , inventory is the most important sector of the whole logistics system .

  16. 目的探索完善而合理的手动作业活动范围评价指标及最大主动活动范围。

    Objective To search for perfect and logical evaluation indexes of range of motion of manual performance and maximal voluntary range of motion .

  17. 因此,有必要从战略分析开始,就把最底层面的作业活动架构在价值链框架中,做战略意义的考察和论证。

    Therefore , it is necessary to put basic layers ' activities into value chain frame to be reviewed and demonstrated from the beginning of strategic analysis .

  18. 本文在介绍建筑施工的特点的基础上,重点分析了建筑施工过程中存在危险因素的作业活动,充分辨识可能存在的危害因素及现存危害因素。

    On the basis of the construction characteristics , risk factors in the construction process were emphatically analyzed . And all the maybe risk factors and existing risk factors were identified .

  19. 建筑施工进度计划是对各项施工作业活动在逻辑和时间上进行适当地安排,以便有效地利用有限的资源条件,在保证施工质量的前提下按期完成整个工程项目的施工。

    The construction schedule plan is carries out to organize all construction works with right logic and sequences under resources conditions . The purpose of schedule plan is to finish the project on schedule with quality guarantee .

  20. 方法根据手的活动机理和手动操作特点,提出了较为全面的手动作业活动范围评价指标,并通过26名青年大学生(12女14男)对16项测定指标进行了测试。

    Methods From mechanism of hand movement and characteristics of manual action , some relative comprehensive evaluation indexes on range of motion of manual performance were provided . Twenty six undergraduates ( 14 male and 12 female ) participated in the test for 16 indexes .

  21. 将传统的企业战略分析引导到作业活动的基本层面,从上至下整合资源,从而产生协同共享效应,这是价值链理论最主要的功能之一。

    One of the most important functions of value chain theory is leading enterprises ' field of vision from original strategic analysis to the basic layer of activities , and integrating resources from top to bottom so as to produce cooperation effect and share effect .

  22. 预估各种作业和活动需要花费的时间。

    Estimate how long assignments and activities will take .

  23. 工程都由一系列可明确区分的作业或活动组成的。

    The project consists of a well-de-fined collection of jobs , or activities .

  24. 课堂上也会有其他不需预先作回家作业的活动。

    There will also be other activities in class that won 't require you to have completed a homework assignment .

  25. 总之,提高家具配料工段的生产效率是一项复杂工程,本次研究主要从方法和内容上为作业改进活动提供指导,希望能对家具生产企业有所帮助。

    This study mainly provided a guidance to improve the work efficiency form the methods and the contents . I hope this thesis can provide some help to the furniture company .

  26. 体检发现坐位作业工人关节活动受限、压痛点压痛阳性、颈部挤压试验等阳性率均高于相应对照组(P<0.01)。

    The positive rates of some physical signs , such as joint activity limit , pressure pain point , neck 's pressure test , Tinel 's test , Thomas sign in sedentary groups were higher than that of control group ( P < 0 01 ) .

  27. 科学管理机场候机楼的作业及商业活动

    Managing the Interface Between Commercial Activities and Terminal Operation in An Airport

  28. 不得以其它书面作业代替讨论活动。

    You cannot substitute additional written work in place of this requirement .

  29. 基于过程的思想,综合考察产品的实现过程,提出了“基于作业的质量活动链”的概念,并在此基础上建立了作业质量成本管理体系。

    The quality cost system can be set up based on quality activity chain .

  30. 进行其他影响海上航行和作业安全的活动。

    Carrying out any other activities affecting the safety of marine navigation and operations .