
kǎo qín zhì dù
  • Attendance system;system of checking;system of checking work attendance
  1. 劳动考勤制度是指考核职工出勤、缺勤情况的制度。

    Research of Employee Attendance System Based on Fingerprint Identification Technology ;

  2. 改善一些不合理的业绩考核及考勤制度,缓解代理人的压力。

    Change some unreasonable appraisal system , ease the pressure of agents .

  3. 负责监督和执行考勤制度保证教职工遵守我们的制度。

    Responsible to oversee and enforce policies to insure faculty abides by stated policy .

  4. 负责把我们的考勤制度传达给学校向光部门,包括教学与学生事务部,和院长办公室。

    Responsible to communicate philosophy and policy to relevant school departments , including TAO and president 's office .

  5. 制定培训考勤制度(教育训练实施办法)并在全厂范围内加以宣导和执行。

    Make checking attendance system about training ( refer to training executive method ) and corresponding propaganda and executive .

  6. 负责在学期结束以后审核考勤制度,并在必要时修改制度。

    Responsible to review and evaluate attendance policy at end of year with a view to revising policy where necessary .

  7. 人事考勤制度是现代管理制度的重要组成部分,是企事业单位正常工作的前提。

    Personnel attendance system is an important part of modern management system , is the premise of normal work in the enterprises and institutions .

  8. 无论是过分严格的考勤制度,还是私吞员工的累计飞行里程,甚至只是几条多余的规定,都可能把人逼疯。

    Whether it 's an overzealous attendance policy or taking employees ' frequent flier miles , even a couple of unnecessary rules can drive people crazy .

  9. 负责公司员工考勤、休假制度的实施及管理;

    Implementing and managing the mechanism governing staff attendance and leave policy ;

  10. 包括在用人制度方面要建立教师成长机制,加强职业培训;在评议制度方面完善考勤与考评制度;在激励制度方面应采用多元化的激励措施等。

    We should set up teacher-growing system and strengthen the occupational training . Perfect the checking attendance and evaluation system . Adopt the diversified encouragement measures .