
  1. 3月20日,“考古中国”重大项目工作进展会在成都举行,通报了四川广汉三星堆遗址重要考古发现与研究成果。考古学家宣布,四川广汉三星堆遗址新发现的6座三星堆文化“祭祀坑”中已出土500余件文物。

    Chinese archaeologists announced the discovery of over 500 cultural relics at the Sanxingdui Ruins site in Guanghan , Sichuan province .

  2. 聚落考古在中国&历程·现状·问题

    Settlement Archaeology in China : Course , Current Situation and Problems

  3. 从史前考古论中国热带地理环境的相对稳定性

    The stability of geographic environment in tropical China on the basis of Prehistoric Archaeology

  4. 从考古发现认识中国思想的最初源头

    Understandings of the Origin of Chinese Thought based on Archaeological Discoveries

  5. 思想考古方法与中国哲学史研究

    The Archeology Method in History of Thoughts and the Study of Chinese Philosophy

  6. 考古所见中国古代的太阳崇拜

    On Sun Worship of Ancient China in Archaeology

  7. 本文综合文献记载和考古资料对中国古代的茶具进行宏观的考察,认为茶具随着饮茶方式的产生而产生,随着饮茶方式的变化而变化。

    In virtue of the archaeological data and the literature concerned for the tea set in ancient China , this paper believes that tea set develops and changes along with the way of tea drinking .

  8. 历史文献和考古资料证实中国植柳起源于夏商时期,周代以后得到了很大发展,并保持着长盛不衰的历史景象。

    According to historical documents and archaeological data , planting willow in China originated from Xia and Shang dynasties . Since Zhou Dynasty , planting willow in China have had a rapid development and kept a prosperous scene for a long time .

  9. 史前城市的考古新发现与中国文明的起源

    The New Archaeological Discoveries of Prehistoric City Sites and the Origin of Chinese Civilization

  10. 古代岩画,是已在世界范围内具有普遍意义的一类考古遗存,在中国也有大量发现。

    Ancient rock art that is a worldwide historical remains with universal significance , were also found in China .

  11. 最近的考古发现又使中国人利用发酵工艺制酒的时间向前推移。

    Recent archaeological discoveries have pushed the date for Chinese fermentation and the creation of alcohol much further back .

  12. 以考古实物为证,中国镜文化至少已有四千年的历史。

    According to the cultural relic , the history of mirror in China has lasted for at least four thousand years .

  13. 无数考古发现证明,中国不仅是人类文明的摇篮之一,而且是人类起源进化的摇篮之一。

    Numerous facts show that China is not only one of the cradles of human civilisation but also one of the cradles of man himself .

  14. 在其短暂的一生中,致力于美术史研究与美术考古研究,成为中国现代文化转型时期一位不可忽视的中坚人物。

    Though his life is short , yet he focuses his research on the art history and art archaeology and is one of the leading scholars in the transformation of modern Chinese culture .

  15. 结合文献资料、传说和河南龙山文化的考古发现,认为中国法起源的途径是:由原始习惯到礼,然后经过对礼的筛选过渡到法;

    Considering the relevant documents , legends and the archeological finds of the Henan Longshan culture , China 's laws develop from primitive habits to courtesy , and then after filtration , to laws .

  16. 来自中国与美国的学者在书中解说,考古证据如何证明中国文化并非如先前所假设、是从单一中心区域向外扩散;而是从地理上互异而互动的新石器文化中浮现。

    Scholars from China and America show how archaeological evidence proves that Chinese culture did not spread from a single central area , as has previously been assumed , but emerged out of geographically diverse , interacting Neolithic cultures .