
  1. 对事物保持好奇之心,但从不盲目跟风。

    Keep the curiosity of things , but never blindly following .

  2. 幸运的是,一些理智的用户并未盲目跟风。

    Luckily , some sane Weibo users have put the trend under fire .

  3. 误读和忽视双语教学目标势必导致大量学校盲目跟风,使学校本来就极为有限的人力、物力和财力得不到合理利用。

    Misunderstanding and ignorance of objectives of bilingual instruction make the limited human resource and financial problems worse .

  4. 所以市场上长期盛行着盲目跟风、追涨杀跌等非理性投资行为。

    Some irrational investment behaviors prevail in the long term , such as follow the trend blindly and chase sell .

  5. 可以料想,在风险评估和其他资产分析方面,监管者不但未能引领了市场风向,反而成为了盲目跟风者。

    One can expect regulators to mainly follow rather than lead the market in assessing riskiness and other asset characteristics .

  6. 然而,许多企业发展多元化经营战略时,盲目跟风,不能取得成功。

    However , a lot of enterprises develop pluralistic strategy with the wind blindly , so they can 't achieve success .

  7. 在盲目跟风地实现品牌全球化之前,企业应该仔细考虑自己的具体情况。

    Blindness with breeze ground carry out a brand globalization before , the business enterprise should is careful to consider an own concrete circumstance .

  8. 中国现有日化产品的视觉传达设计存在的主要问题是,对西方广告模式的盲目跟风和生硬模仿,忽视了中国传统文化资源和民族特色开发利用,以致丢掉了中国品牌那浓浓的中国味。

    China has cosmetic products visual communication design the existing problem is blindly follow the west of the advertising model . Ignore the Chinese traditional culture resources and national characteristics .

  9. 随着网络公关的兴起,在一阵盲目跟风之后暴露出来了一些问题,主要有对网络公关认识不清以及将网络公关和网络广告相混淆等。

    Along with the rise of the public relation on network , some problems are exposed out after following-up , which are mainly following : ambiguous cognition of it and confuse between it and advertising on network .

  10. 我国证券市场发展初期,占据主导地位的是个人投资者,因为其信息有限,投资决策缺乏足够理性,个人投资者的盲目跟风、追涨杀跌行为加剧了股市的波动。

    During the development of securities market in China , individual investors occupied the predominant position in the early years . Because of their limited information , irrational investment decision and blind follow , securities market fluctuated acutely .

  11. 其中,对于投资者在证券市场中大势杀跌、盲目跟风、过度反应的表现,不得不让我们重视非理性因素在证券市场中的作用。

    Among them , the performances of investors in the stock market including trading blindly , overreaction to information and so on surprise us . So we have to attach importance to the role of irrational factors in the stock market .

  12. 目前国内许多城市在建设规划过程中都提出了核心商业圈的概念,并盲目跟风,不顾城市的现实和实际需求而建设商业圈。

    In recent years , many inner cities have brought up the concept of core commercial circle within the process of construction planning , and follow others randomly to construct commercial circle without considering the fact and the demand of the city .

  13. 在研究的过程中发现,不少地区发展生态农业旅游,不仅没有起到保护环境、促进发展和人地和谐的目标,而且出现了盲目跟风、重复建设甚至生态遭到破坏的情况。

    The investigation indicated that the development of EAT in many areas not only failed to protect the environment , promote development and harmony of people , but also there was a blind imitation , duplication or even the ecological had been destroyed .

  14. 近年来,随着监管机构放松了对城商行跨区域发展的管制,越来越多的城商行加入了跨区域发展的队伍,但他们中很多只是在盲目跟风,根本没有结合自身的实际进行深入地思考。

    In recent years ,, as regulators eased restrictions on city commercial banks cross-regional development , more and more city commercial banks join the cross-regional development , however , most of them just blindly follow suit and none of them think deeply with its own ability .

  15. 但是,由于许多企业在外包前并没有真正分析自身的实际情况,对物流外包的真正含义不清楚或者没有相关的与第三方物流合作的经验,盲目跟风外包,结果外包难言成功。

    With the logistics outsourcing development , the professional third party logistics enterprises come into being . But because of the unclear understanding about logistics outsourcing , or the lack of correlative experiences cooperating with TPL , the logistics outsourcing process is hard to be carried out successfully .

  16. 我的观点:支持有必要的整形,不支持盲目的跟风的整形。

    My standpoint : support contain necessary orthopedics , nonsupport blindness of and the orthopedics of the breeze .

  17. 几十年的旧习、迷信和规矩最近又开始风行,人们盲目地跟风而不去质疑这样做的理论依据。

    Decades of old beliefs , superstitions and rituals are being performed these days and are followed blindly without questioning their rationale .