
  • 网络Blind construction;unchecked construction
  1. 并认为目前CDK窑法磷酸还不适宜盲目建设。

    The author insists that the CDK kiln phosphoric acid facility is unsuitable for easy construction .

  2. 电力、煤炭盲目建设现象严重;

    Problem of blind construction of electric power and coal mines is still serious ;

  3. 遏制动漫园区盲目建设本身,并不能解决动漫产业发展所面临的问题。

    Construction of the park itself is blind to contain animation , and animation can not solve the problems faced by industry .

  4. 研究以往建设的校园网,我们发现盲目建设和重复建设的现象随处可见,校园网建设也缺乏理论指导。

    We discover that blind construction and rebuilding phenomenon everywhere after we studied the old campus network . And the construction is lack in theory direction .

  5. 由于这几年商场的盲目建设,市场需求的逐年萎缩以及买方市场的形成等各种综合因素的影响,如今国内整个零售行业可以说是今非昔比,每况愈下。

    The whole retail industry is getting worse and worse for the impacts of blind expansion of department stores , shrink of demand and the buyer market .

  6. 中国铝工业发展的新问题&中国氧化铝盲目建设现状令人担忧

    New problems cropped up in development of aluminum industry in Chinese mainland & the present state of blind construction in domestic alumina industry is rather worrisome and troublesome

  7. 然而,这几年开发区一味走数量扩张的道路,盲目建设,存在着诸多问题,不仅影响了经济增长,也致使资源严重浪费。

    However , in recent years , the development zones blindly construct lead to emerge many problems , not only affects economic rising , but also results resources wasting .

  8. 广西支柱产业的发展历程也告诉我们,支柱产业应重视内涵质量的提高,避免盲目建设和重复建设;

    The development history of the support industry of Guangxi manifests the development of a support industry should attach importance to enhancement of quality and avoid unreasoning & repeated construction .

  9. 今后,建设焦炉必须做好可行性研究,不要再盲目建设焦炉,对不完善的大机焦企业,要针对不同情况进行处理。

    For the future , coke oven construction should do well feasibility study , do not build coke oven blindly and the faulty large machinery ovens should be dealt with according to different complexion .

  10. 园区开发中,有许多成功案例,也出现了大量盲目建设,形成巨大资源浪费。

    Of the logistics parks , on the one hand there are many successful stories , and on the other hand there have been a large number of blind constructions which is a huge waste of resources .

  11. 不溶性硫磺在我国尚属发展中的产品,用途单一,价格是普通硫磺的5~15倍,使盲目建设的单位陷入了僵局。

    Insoluble sulphur is a product still in development In China , it has a single use but a price 5 ~ 15 times that of ordinary sulfur , consequently , Indiscreet construction units get in the difficulty .

  12. 随着电子政务的飞速发展,由于使原有的政务工作模式产生了很大的变化,电子政务往往会面临形式合法性问题、盲目建设与推动力不足的问题。

    With the rapid development of e-government , because the original had a great mode of government changes , the form of e-government are often faced with the legality problems , the blind construction and driving force shortage .

  13. 为了避免企业信息化的盲目建设、解决当前企业信息化建设过程中暴露出的种种问题,就必须对企业信息化成熟度的评价方法进行深入的研究。

    In order to avoid blind construction of enterprise information and to solve the problems exposed in the current enterprise information construction process , the enterprise information maturity model and its evaluation system is necessary to be in-depth studied .

  14. 通过社会影响评价有助于保证项目与其所处社会环境的相互协调,减少项目投资的短期行为和盲目建设、有利于资源的合理利用和经济区域布局合理化。

    By social impact evaluation , the highway project can be harmonious to its environment , and can avoid the short-time investment or blindness investment , and the resource should be used reasonably , and the economic district layout should be reasonable .

  15. 其次,由于二次供水设施的盲目建设,缺乏统一规划,泵站的分布过于分散,承担供水负荷不均,造成耗资大,不利于管理的局面。

    Second , blind construction of secondary water supply facilities , lack of unified planning , the distribution of pumping stations are too scattered , uneven commitment to supply the load , resulting in costly and is not conducive to manage the situation .

  16. 但是,近年来一些地区出现了玉米加工能力扩张过快、低水平盲目建设严重、加工转化利用效率低等问题。

    But , some problems also exist , for example , in some areas , the maize processing capacity is expanding too fast , the aimless and low level construction is serious , the efficiency of transformation and utilization after processing is low .

  17. 然而,大部分具有一定发展历史的企业在信息化建设中还存在很多盲目建设的问题,导致达不到理想的效果,究其根本原因是没有进行信息化建设规划。

    However , most enterprises which have certain developed history in the construction of informationization have a lot of blind construction . It is unable to get the desired effect . The fundamental reason is that there is no planning for construction of informationization .

  18. 我国电力行业经过最近3年的改革,发生了许多变化,同时出现了很多问题,如电力短缺、电价上涨、发电项目的盲目建设等。

    With the reforms in recent 3 years , there are a lot of change taking in the Chinese electricity industry , meantime , many problems , e.g. shortage of electricity power , growth of power price , out-of-order construction of electricity projects and so on .

  19. 乡村旅游一定程度上促进了农村地区经济的发展,但是发展过程中环境恶化、盲目建设等问题众多,严重影响了乡村旅游的可持续发展。

    Rural tourism promotes the development of the countryside to a degree . But at the same time , it is not difficult to find so many problems , for example , blind construction and destroyed environment , which seriously influence the sustainable development of the rural tourism .

  20. 加强对学生实验教学过程中信息收集,为实验室建设和实验教学改革提供重要依据,避免盲目建设和改革,提高实验教学的效果和质量,培养出更多更好的高素质人才。

    To strengthen the collection of information in course of experiment teaching for students , it can provide important bases of laboratory construction and experiment reform , avoid blind construction and reform , improve experiment teaching effect and quality , and train more and better talent with high quality .

  21. 高技术项目盲目重复建设治理研究

    Research on the Administration of Blindly Repeated Construction of High-tech Projects

  22. 城市特色问题的出现,主要是因为全球化、城市化的快速发展,以及城市自身存在的无序、盲目的建设。

    The issue raised is due to the rapid development of globalization , urbanization and the existence of the city unordered and blindly building .

  23. 在这样的环境下,正确的投资决策可以使房地产开发企业避免盲目开发建设,回避可能的投资风险。

    The right investment decisions can make real estate development enterprises avoid blind development and construction and prevent possible investment risk in such circumstances .

  24. 但是,若对土地资源不加以合理地规划优化配置,盲目增加建设用地需求量,会增加城乡土地利用的危险性系数。

    However , without the intelligent planning and optimum distribution of land resources , blindly increment of urban construction land will increase the danger coefficient of land-use in town and country .

  25. 既要积极进取,抓住机遇加快发展,又不能脱离实际条件,盲目扩大建设规模、片面追求经济增长速度。

    We should work energetically and seize opportunities to speed up development , but we must not ignore reality , recklessly expand the scale of development and only pursue rapid economic growth .

  26. 本文研究所选定的项目评价方法,在一定程度上,有助于我国农村饮水安全工程系统性建设理念的建立和盲目性建设困境的扭转。

    Ject evaluation method selected at the Institute of this article , to a certain extent , help to erse the plight of " systemic " The construction of the concept of " blindness " construction rural drinking water safety projects .

  27. 但是,目前许多港口不仅暴露出恶性竞争和严重盲目重复建设等的问题,而且如何提升港口竞争力和进行体制改革也已成为制约港口发展的突出问题。

    However , there are many ports not only exposing problems of vicious competition and serious sightless duplicate construction , and it has become a prominent problem that restricts port development about how to enhance the competitiveness of our port and reform system .

  28. 一些地方政府和旅游企业急功近利盲目开发建设活动和当地居民不当的旅游经营活动,直接导致了旅游文化资源的逐渐衰微,并加剧了所谓的乡村旅游快餐化现象。

    Blind development made by and tourism companies construction activities , and local residents improper business activities by some local governments , directly led to the gradual decline of tourism and cultural resources , and exacerbate the so-called rural tourism , " fast food " phenomenon .

  29. 但是,改革开放以后,盲目的开发建设致使驿道聚落面临着严峻的特色危机。

    However , the Ancient-post-road settlements are facing the severe crisis of missing characteristic by blind developments after Reform and Opening-up .

  30. 此外,许多农村领导一心要与其他村庄竞争,他们盲目地为建设形象工程预留大笔的预算资金。

    Besides , many rural leaders are obsessed with the competition with other villages , and they blindly reserve budgets for image constructions .