
  • 网络blind end;dead-end;dead end;Blind Side
  1. 10例腔内堵塞,呈盲端;

    The luminal was occlusive to be blind end ( 10 cases );

  2. 盲肠盲端粘膜轻微炎症改变31例分析

    Analysis of 31 cases mild mucosa inflammation on the blind end of cecum

  3. 结果1.从行为学实验来看,与模型组相比,电针组大鼠进入盲端的错误次数和平均逃避潜伏期明显减少(P<0.05)。

    Compared with the model group , the number of entrance to dead ends and the average escape latency of rat in EA group was remarkably reduced ( P < 0.05 ); 2 .

  4. 12例低位闭锁,直肠盲端均在PC线以下,其到肛门窝的距离<10mm。

    Twelve cases were proved of low location of imperforate anus . The rectal end was under PC line , the distance between the rectal end and anal skin pouch was less than 10 mm .

  5. 提出改良胆肠Roux-en-Y吻合术,它有防止术中门静脉损伤及术后出现盲端综合征的明显优点。

    A modified Roux en Y anastomosis was developed , which can prevent injury of hepatic portal vein during operation , and cul de sac syndrome after operation .

  6. 结果IAA表现为主动脉弓部成为盲端,降主动脉与肺动脉相连,最常合并室间隔缺损,均有重度肺高压等。

    Results Eleven patients were found interrupted aortic arch ( IAA ), which descending aorta was connected with pulmonary artery through patent ductus arteriosus and usually accompanied with ventricular septal defect or ( and ) pulmonary hypertension .

  7. 扫描电镜观察:与ANP组比较,内给氧组大鼠胰腺毛细血管间吻合的减少相对减轻,存在泡状物和树脂聚集相对较少及盲端数量减少等现象。

    Compared with the findings of scanning electron microscope in ANP group , rats in group of intra-venous oxygen therapy displayed rather slighter decrease of pancreatic inter-capillary anastomosis , existence of lesser bubble-like substance and resin aggregation , and reduced number of caeca , etc.

  8. 采用水迷宫实验检测大鼠学习记忆能力:用一约1m3有机玻璃槽,槽内为迷宫状,有多处盲端。

    Water maze test was used to detect the abilities of learning and memory of rats : One 1 m3 lucite canal was set as a maze with several blind ends .

  9. 空回肠盲端型肠闭锁9例分析

    Clinical Analysis on 9 Cases of Jejunoileal Atresia of Blind End Type

  10. 聚合物溶液在驱油过程中对盲端类残余油的弹性作用

    Elastic behavior of polymer solution to residual oil at dead-end

  11. 粘弹性流体在盲端孔隙中的流场

    Flow field of viscoelastic fluid in pores with dead ends

  12. 黏弹性聚合物溶液在油藏盲端孔隙中的流动特性

    Flow performance of viscoelastic polymer solution in dead end of reservoir pores

  13. 不同水淹程度产生不同特征的剩余油,盲端状剩余油受聚合物驱影响最大;

    Different flooded degree leads to different characteristic remaining oil .

  14. 12例胃肠造影中,显示肠闭锁盲端8例,盲端未显示4例。

    In 12 cases of gastroenterography , 8 cases showed the atresic caecum .

  15. ③胆管的微囊肿和赫令管膨大盲端提示胆道闭锁预后差。

    Blind end or cyst formation of Herring 's canals predicts poor prognosis .

  16. T型切开直肠盲端的新型肛门成形术在临床中的应用研究

    The study on the application of anoplasty of T-shaped incision of rectal blind end

  17. 先天性幽门盲端型闭锁1例

    Congenital pyloric caecum atresia : case report

  18. 陶瓷膜盲端-错流深度过滤污水厂二级水的比较

    Comparative study on advanced treatment of secondary water by the dead-end-cross flow filtration with ceramic membrane

  19. 2盲端状残余油;

    Oil in dead ends ;

  20. 尤其是带有盲端或开放式盲端的一体型式,更显得结构精练,设计独到。

    The one-piece structure with a dead end or an open dead end is especially compact with unique design .

  21. 通道式水迷宫测试中,3盲端时,模型组比对照组游出时间有所延长,错误次数有所增加,差异不显著;

    The error times of model were much more than those of the control in the channel water maze .

  22. 研究了粘弹性聚合物溶液在盲端孔隙模型中的流动与驱替特性。

    The flow and displacement characteristics of the viscoelastic polymer solution in the pore model with blind ends are studied .

  23. 结果造影显示上段食管盲端13例,食管内胃管受阻1例。

    Results A cecum of the esophagus was revealed in 14 cases and the NG tube advancing was discontinued in another case .

  24. 结果腹股沟斜疝表现为腹股沟区腹壁层内见疝囊,其近端通过疝囊颈与腹腔相通,远端为边界光整的盲端。

    Results Hernia sac can be displayed in inguinal region , the upper part is extend to abdominal cavity and the end is smooth .

  25. 这种粘弹涡可将孔隙盲端和喉道中的部分残余油分散成油滴或油丝并携带至主流区,使之成为可驱动原油。

    The part of remaining oil in the blind ends and throats can be dispersed into oil droplets and transported to the main stream by the viscoelastic eddy .

  26. 结论鱼际间隙的近端为盲端,掌中间隙的远端分为3个小间隙,手掌部筋膜间隙的可视化研究对该区域疾病的影像学诊断和外科手术具有重要意义。

    Conclusion The proximal of the thenar space is close , the visualization of the fascial spaces of hand can provide some guidance for imaging diagnosis and surgical treatments .

  27. 18例灌肠造影显示为细小结肠16例(显示结肠闭锁盲端3例),正常结肠2例。

    In 18 cases of iodinated aqueous medium enteroclysis opacification , 16 cases demonstrated micro-colons ( 3 cases showed the caecum of colon atresia ), two cases were normal .

  28. 结论B超能准确诊断先天性肛门闭锁,并能测量直肠盲端与皮肤间的距离,为手术方式的选择提供可靠依据

    Conclusions Ultrasound technique is a effective mean both for diagnosing the congenital imperforate anus and for choosing operative mode by measuring the distance between the end of rectum and the skin of anus

  29. 各组大鼠于第11天进行水迷宫空间分辨能力实验,记录大鼠进入盲端的错误次数及登陆安全台所需的时间。

    Water maze spatial discrimination experiment was conducted on rats in each group on the 11th day , recorded the frequency of mistakes of rats entering dead end and the latency for landing on safe platform .

  30. 结果腹膜毛细淋巴管有丰富的网状连接、显著的瓣样结构和大量盲端,管径变化较大(约40~120μm)、管腔极不规则。

    Results 5 ' Nase positive initial lymphatics showed extensive network , obvious valve like structures and numerous blind ends . The calibre of lymphatics with extremely irregular lumen varied greatly from 40 to 120 μ m.