
mánɡ rén tú shū ɡuǎn
  • Blind Library;Braille library
  1. 本文通过对《2001国际图联盲人图书馆会议论文集》中来自主要国家论文的介绍,说明了世界盲人数字图书馆的发展情况,同时也展望了我国盲人数字图书馆的发展未来。

    This article explains the development of digital libraries for the blind in the world by introducing some papers coming from the main countries in the world , and at the same time looks forward to the future of the digital libraries for the blind in our country .

  2. 世界盲人数字图书馆的发展

    The Development of Digital Libraries for the Blind in the World

  3. 积极推进信息无障碍建设人人共享公共文化服务&中国盲人数字图书馆网站介绍

    Actively Promoting the Construction of the Information Barrier-Free to Make Everyone Share Public Culture Services & Introduction of the Website of China Digital Library for Visual Impairment