
  • 网络collection;collection building;Collection Development
  1. OA期刊对图书馆馆藏建设的影响研究

    Effect of Open Access Journals on Library Collection Development

  2. 信息时代图书馆馆藏建设的几点设想

    Some Ideas about Construction of Library 's Collection in Information Times

  3. 专业图书馆特色馆藏建设的若干思考

    Consideration on the Construction of Special Library Collection in Academic Libraries

  4. 网上虚拟馆藏建设初探

    A Preliminary Approach on the Construction of Virtual Library on Web

  5. 漫议我院图书馆的特色馆藏建设

    An informal discussion on collection development with characteristics of hospital library

  6. 每个图书馆的馆藏建设都有一定的目的。

    Every library collection should be established for a definite purpose .

  7. 高校评估中的图书馆馆藏建设

    Collection development of libraries in the assessment of colleges and universities

  8. 新形势下高校图书馆馆藏建设的思考

    Reflections on the Construction of College Library Stock under New Situations

  9. 用引文分析指导馆藏建设

    A study on using citations to analyse and guide the holding construction

  10. 电子资源在馆藏建设中的地位和作用

    The Status and Roles of Electronic Resources in Construction of Library Collection

  11. 读者调查、分析与图书馆馆藏建设

    User Survey , Analysis and Collection Development of Our Library

  12. 浅谈石油地质档案的馆藏建设与开发利用

    On the Library Construction and Utilization of Petroleum Geological Archives

  13. 图书馆馆藏建设的就业服务功能研究

    Research on the Functions of Collection Construction of Library for Employment Service

  14. 高校图书馆应加强地方特色文化资源馆藏建设

    College Library Should Strengthen Its Construction of Cultural Characteristic Resources

  15. 在复合馆藏建设中,要严格加以区别并有机地结合起来。

    Sternly distinguish and organic combine in the hybrid library collection building .

  16. 浅议非物质文化遗产与图书馆特色馆藏建设论图书馆对非物质文化遗产的传承与保护

    Brief Discussion on Non-Material Cultural Heritage and Construction of Library Feature Collections

  17. 加强特色馆藏建设,实现网络资源共享

    Strengthening the Special Collection Construction and Realizing the Sharing of Network Resources

  18. 论档案馆藏建设应当遵循的原则

    The Principles Should Be Followed in the Construction of the Archival Collection

  19. 浅谈高校的特色馆藏建设有特色的资料室藏书体系刍议

    Characteristic Library Collection in Universities On Constructing Characteristic System of Books Collection

  20. 如何利用有限资金进行馆藏建设

    How to utilize the limited financing to construct the storage of Library

  21. 论地方院校特色馆藏建设

    A Study on Construction of Featured Collection of Local Colleges

  22. 数字化馆藏建设与特色馆藏数字化加工

    Building up Digitize Collection and Special Document in Digital Processing

  23. 数字环境下地市高校图书馆特色馆藏建设之管见

    On the Construction of Library Collection in Local Universities under Digital Environment

  24. 资源共享环境下馆藏建设若干问题的探讨

    Exploration on the Building of Library Collection in the Environment of Shared Resources

  25. 医学图书馆馆藏建设的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis of collection building of medical libraries

  26. 网络化趋势与少儿图书馆馆藏建设

    Trend of Network and Construction of Children Library Collection

  27. 论合并后高职院校图书馆的馆藏建设

    Collection Construction of Library Merged Vocational Colleges and Universities

  28. 图书馆的工作日记馆藏建设经费使用效率的评价与控制

    Evaluation and Control on the Output Efficiency of the Investment on Library Holdings

  29. 开放存取环境下高职高专图书馆的馆藏建设

    The Library Resources Construction of High Polytechnic Colleges Libraries under Open Access Environment

  30. 国家农业图书馆古籍数字图像馆藏建设的研究

    Study on Digitization of Ancient Books in the National Agricultural Library in China