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  1. 宋代馆职从职能上可以分为狭义的馆职与贴职两大系列。

    In Songdynasty Guanzhi can be divided into Guanzhi in a narrow sense and Tiezhi based on its function .

  2. 论证的主要问题:馆职词臣的职业生活及馆阁翰苑的学术与艺术气氛;

    The main problems it studies and investigates are : the professional life of the librarian and the academician and artistic surroundings of RoyalBibliotheca ;

  3. 北宋三馆秘阁馆职及两制词臣频繁参与宫廷及馆阁宴赏诗会,构成北宋诗歌发展的重要文化背景。

    In Northern Song Dynasty , the palace verse parties constituted an important cultural background for the development of poems .