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zhī lǐ
  • know the rules of propriety
  1. 做到什么地步为止就算知礼,打哪儿起就要算是贪心?

    What does discretion end , and avarice begin ?

  2. 张伯伦先生则满心想安抚他,感化他,教他温文知礼。

    Mr. Chamberlain had cherished the hope of appeasing and reforming him and leading him to grace .

  3. 他知礼,耐心,勇敢,而且非常聪明。

    He is gentle , patient , courageous and extremely wise .

  4. 有德者必知礼。

    A person who is virtuous is also courteous .

  5. 知礼者说得出口么?

    Can one with propriety say it ?

  6. 人们往往会评论说,中华民族,是极其知礼的民族。

    The Chinese are , it has often been remarked , a peculiarly polite people .

  7. 唔,你不去拜访他,那就是太不知礼。

    Well , all I know is , that it will be abominably rude if you do not wait on him .

  8. 然而,在大学校园仍有许多不知礼、不守礼、不文明的行为,还有许多与大学生的礼仪修养、与精神文明建设极不和谐的现象。

    However , there are still many uncivilized phenomenon at the campus out of harmony with social manners and spiritual civilization construction .

  9. 所谓修身,就是“克已”,完善人品操行,提高人生境界,通过修身(克己)能达到儒家理想的“怀仁”“知礼”“的人格高度。

    To be benevolent and make one 's personality perfect , so as to reach a high level in one 's life is always what the Confucius advocated .

  10. 周经理收到信,觉得这孩子知礼,便分付银行文书科王主任作复。

    When Mr. Chou received the letter , he felt that the young man knew etiquette , and so he instructed the bank 's chief-secretary Mr. Wang to send a reply .

  11. 而我小时候呢,提利昂应道,我奶妈告诉我,倘若有朝一日,人们都能和睦相处,知礼向善,那么诸神便会让盛夏永无止尽。

    When I was a boy , Tyrion replied , my wet nurse told me that one day , if men were good , the gods would give the world a summer without ending .

  12. 尽管他们不那么知礼,我还是要留给他们维持常青友谊,结交伙伴的能力。我要把所有欢快的歌曲和气势磅礴的合唱留给他们,让他们用粗矿的喉咙歌唱。

    Though they are rude , I leave them the powers to make lasting friendships , and of possessing companions , and to them exclusively I give all merry songs and brave choruses to sing with lusty voices .