
  1. 审证求机知常达变&周仲瑛教授谈中医临床辨证的思路与方法舌象有别,凭舌审证为其证候特征。

    Flexible Analysis of Pathogenesis in Syndrome Differentiation & Prof. Zhou Zhong-ying 's Talk about Syndrome Differentiation having different tongue pictures .

  2. 不仅教人知常,掌握一般性辨证论治,尤其可贵的是教人达变,提示复杂性辨证论治思维。

    Not only teaching people to " always know ", grasp the general syndrome differentiation ; especially valuable is that teaching people to " change up ", suggesting that the complexity of syndrome differentiation of thinking .

  3. 全国名医、针灸专家田维柱教授技术精湛,理论深厚,诊治时知常达变,不拘常法,丰富的临证经验和精深的医学造诣形成了自身的学术特色。

    Professor TIAN Wei-zhu , a national famous expert of acupuncture and moxibustion , has consummate skill , profound theory , and does not stick to routine method in diagnosis and treatment , with rich clinical experiences and comprehensive and profound medical theories , forming own academic characteristics .

  4. 王阳明汲取了程朱之学的知行常相须之说,他在延承宋明理学基础上进行了批判。

    Wang Yangming from Chu of " knowing and often phase shall be " of said , he is continuing the song provides a critique .

  5. 如所知,拟常曲率黎曼空间等价于共形平坦的拟Einstein空间。

    As is well known to us , a quasi-constant curvature Riemannian space is equivalent to a conformally flat quasi - Einstein space .

  6. 为什么盯住汇率知是最常使用的机制?

    Why is exchange rate pegging the most common mechanism ?

  7. 老子提出“知和曰常,知常曰明”;

    Lao Zi regarded harmony as a general rule .

  8. 据我所知,他常宣称自己是人类憎恶者;然而,他的脸庞上却总漾溢着怜悯之情。

    I have known him profess himself a man-hater , while his cheek was glowing with compassion ;

  9. 欲知其人,常可观其所读之书,恰如观其所交之友。

    A men may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps ;

  10. 老庄哲学具有丰富的生态伦理底蕴,其自然、无为、知和、知常、知止、知足的思想,与现代生态伦理学有许多契合之处。

    There are rich ecological ethics thoughts in Taoism , such as nature , inactivity , following the law of nature , moderately done , etc , which have common points with modern ecological ethics .