
  • 网络Agony Aunt;Intimate sister
  1. 这个建议与我认为的知心姐姐群体给出的诸多建议相悖。

    This advice runs counter to that being churned out by what I like to think of as the agony aunt community .

  2. 认识一下世界上最小的知心姐姐:只有八岁的伊芙建了一个网站来解决你的难题,收费仅仅10便士。

    Meet the world 's youngest agony aunt : Evie , 8 , launches website to solve your problems for just 10p .

  3. 噢,你总是像一位知心姐姐

    Oh , you 'll always be just like a sister

  4. 奥利弗,我不擅长当知心姐姐,但

    You know , Oliver , I 'm no expert at this , but ...

  5. 他们不是治疗师,不能解决你与同伴的矛盾,他们也不是知心姐姐,不会帮你解开喝酒后的醉意。

    They 're not your therapist if you had a rough night with your partner or your father confessor if you had a rough night at a bar .

  6. 这我倒是突然觉得是个开头的好办法。的确,作为知心姐姐,我对丢掉工作的人至少是口袋里有一些钱的人的建议是,把最近的时间用来休息和玩耍。

    This strikes me as a good way to start ; indeed , as an agony aunt , my advice to those who lost their jobs last week - at least to those with some money in their pockets - is to spend the immediate future on rest and play .