- Paranoia;bigotry;bigoted;stubborn;monomania

[bigotry] 片面而固执
不想那大尹性是偏执的,那里肯信。--明. 冯梦龙《醒世恒言》
He was bigoted and racist .
No true believer is so bigoted us a convert .
Your article is full of some of the most opinionated rubbish I have ever read .
He deplored religious bigotry .
Her passion for cleanliness borders on paranoia .
Let us discuss , first , five of the most common manias : kleptomania , pyromania , dipsomania , megalomania , and monomania .
One in twenty people is thought to have a personality disorder1 , which can make them over-anxious or paranoid , for example , and normal life difficult .
The words tumble from his mouth , a ramble6 that moves effortlessly from bombast7 to bigotry8 and frames the world as a war between " us " and " them " .
The difference is significant on forced factor and extreme factor in aerobic group ( p ≤ 0.05 ) .
Subjects in group A had higher scores of relations with others , paranoia , hostility and anxiety than subjects in group B.
However , with this wealth of programming capability comes a danger & a sort of API tunnel vision .
The contributive factors to social intercourse problems were EPQ-E , paranoid and fathers ' educational background .
He employs the term " high conflict people " to describe those who are incapable of personal insight and are often personality disordered , or have extreme narcissistic , paranoid or histrionic traits .
Mop 's R & D Team : Technology Paranoid in Internet Age
Group B before and after treatment of somatization and terror , a marked decline compared with before treatment , anxiety , paranoia , psychosis , interpersonal sensitivity , hostility no significant difference .
Results Before operation , all scores of SCL-90 factors except hostile and paranoid state were higher than normal .
There was positive correlation to compare the personalities of anxiety , fear , paranoid and the mental diseases with the points of EPQ mental personalities .
Conclusion : CFS patients have more physical fatigue and emotion problems such as depression and anxiety .
Under Bill Gates , Microsoft was among the most paranoid of technology companies in defending its hard-won Windows near-monopoly of desktop operating systems and extending its strength into other software niches .
There were significant differences from somatization , constraint , anxiety , hostility , interpersonal relationship sensitiveness , depression , paranoia , phobophobia and psychotic factors between two groups ( P0.01 ) .
For the truly paranoid who refuse to create a password-less SSH public-private key pair , there 's the ssh-agent utility .
Results ( 1 ) Besides hostility , horror and crankiness , all factor scores of SCL-90 in the immigrants group were higher than that of local residents group ;
Results The incidences of delusion , anxiety and fear , agitation , attempt to leave and wandering in AD patients were comparatively high . The serious level of behavior disturbance , wandering in AD patients were comparatively severe .
Compared with public college students , students of private colleges had a certain degree of weakness in areas of obsessive compulsive , interpersonal sensitivity , hostility and paranoid ideation .
Compared with the national norm , it has significant differences in its SCL-90 respect at interpersonal relationship sensitivity , anxiety , hostility , terror , bigotry and mental diseases , etc.
There were significant differences in compel , depression , anxiety , inter-person relationship , and crankiness between young the registered nurses and the normal people ( P < 0.01 ) .
But taken too far , the spirit of vigilance yields what the late historian Richard Hofstadter termed the " paranoid style in American politics " .
The results of SCL 90 showed that the scores of interpersonal sensitivity , depression , anxiety , hostility , paranoia , terror and psychonosis were all remarkably higher in the study group than in the control group ( P 0.01 ) .
Results : With the time of stay increasing , the total score of SCL-90 and factorial scores were all increased gradually , especially the factorial scores of somatization , depression , hostility and paranoia .
The social support was positively related with the learning of the students , but negatively with the SCL 90 scores , stress , interpersonal relation keenness , depression , hostility , crankiness and psychosis .