
  • 网络offset address
  1. 同时,用另一SRAM来存储偏移地址。

    Another SRAM is used for storing the offset address .

  2. 用一SRAM来存储解交织的数据,读写共用一个地址,由基地址和偏移地址组成。

    There is one address for read and write which comprise two parts , a start address and the offset address .

  3. Oops消息告诉我们问题是由位于偏移地址3c的指令引起的。

    The Oops message tells us that the problem is caused by the instruction at offset3c .

  4. 偏移地址3c之所以很重要,是因为Oops消息将该处标识为引起问题的位置。

    Offset3c is important because that is the location that the Oops message identified as the cause of the problem .

  5. 提出了一种新的低功耗非冗余排序总线编码方法,通过对改进的偏移地址线的动态重排以降低具有高负载的地址总线的功耗。

    The irredundant sorting bus encoding method reduces the power dissipation of highly capacitive memory address bus based on the dynamic reordering of the modified offset address bus lines .

  6. 其他常见的格式还有X-Form(接受两个加在一起的寄存器)和A-Form(可保存一个常量或一个常量相对偏移量地址)。

    The other popular formats are the X-Form , which takes two registers which are added together , or the A-Form , which can hold a constant or a constant relative offset address .