
  • 网络yaw;Yaw angle;Crab Angle
  1. 这组控制规律通过解耦控制飞机的飞行速度(V)、滚转角(φ)、航迹角(γ)和偏航角(φw),使飞机能够精确地跟踪期望的三维突防航迹。

    This control law could guarantee aircraft accurately capturing desired 3-dimension penetration trajectory by decoupling control the flight velocity ( V ) , bank angle (φ), path angle (γ) and yaw angle (ψ w ) .

  2. 单片偏航角速度陀螺仪的原理与应用

    The Principle and Application of Single Chip Yaw Rate Gyroscope

  3. 较之传统的TRIAD算法,融合TRIAD算法的偏航角、俯仰角和滚动角精度分别提高了35%,19%和34%

    Compared with the traditional TRIAD algorithm , the fusion TRIAD algorithm can improve the accuracy of attitude solution 35 % , 19 % and 34 % in azimuth , pitch and roll respectively .

  4. 船撞桥偏航角分布研究

    Research on Aberrancy Angle Probability Distribution for Ship Colliding with Bridge Piers

  5. 中继卫星的偏航角估计和控制方法研究

    Yaw Angle Estimation and Control Method Research of TDRS

  6. 潜望式偏航角观测器大斜井中双侧向测井的仪器偏心校正

    Periscopic drift-angle sight Research on eccentric correction of dual lateral logging tool in highly deviated wells

  7. 多普勒偏航角测量器

    Doppler drift angle measuring apparatus

  8. 用光测图像确定空间目标俯仰角和偏航角的中轴线法

    A New Method of Measure the Pitching and Yaw of the Axes Symmetry Object through the Optical Image

  9. 首先文中给出了中继卫星的动力学方程,这是进行偏航角估计的基础;

    First , dynamics equation of TDRS is given and this is the basis of yaw angle estimation .

  10. 本文主要研究了中继卫星的偏航角估计和姿态控制问题。

    This paper mainly studies yaw angle estimation and attitude control of Tracking and Data Relay Satellite ( TDRS ) .

  11. 偏航角速率反馈以增加荷兰滚模态阻尼比,按高度及马赫数调参数实现。

    Speed feedback of yaw angle was realized through adding mode damping ratio of Dutch roll and adjusting mach number by height .

  12. 根据右侧飞试验结果,估算出样机悬停回转时尾桨处于涡环状态的偏航角速度范围;

    The range of yawing rate when turning left in hover is calculated , where the tail rotor might get into vortex ring .

  13. 而且偏航角速率到方向舵反馈的阻尼失效,方向舵的操纵补偿难以改善副翼的操纵性能。

    The yaw rate feedback to rudder is of none effectiveness in damping the Dutch roll , and aileron to rudder interconnect cannot improve LCDP .

  14. 介绍了一种单片集成化偏航角速度陀螺仪的工作原理与典型应用,阐述了角速度测量仪的设计要点。

    The principle and typical application of single chip yaw rate gyroscope are introduced , then the design notes of yaw rate measure instrument are presented .

  15. 此外,配合地理坐标基准,可以将横向角速度分解为偏航角速度和俯仰角速度。

    In addition , the transverse angular rate can be decomposed into the yaw angular rate and pitch angular rate with the geographic coordinates of reference .

  16. 仿真结果表明在俯仰角、滚动角和偏航角机动量均为0.01rad情况下,控制器能够提供较高的控制精度。

    Simulation results show that the control precision is high when the maneuvering angles of pitching angle , roll angle and yaw angle are all 0.01 rad .

  17. 本文研究毫米波频率步进目标辨识功能下获取弹目线相对于导引头轴的俯仰及偏航角误差的实现方法。

    This paper studied the extraction of the pitch and yaw angular errors of the line-of-sight to seeker-axis under the function of MMW step frequency target identification .

  18. 模型系统有三方面的控制,分别为俯仰角控制,滚转角控制,偏航角控制。

    Three aspects of control are included in this model system , such as control of pitch angle , control of roll angle and control of yaw angle .

  19. 介绍了一种简单实用的船舶转向调节器的设计方法,该调节器只需偏航角量测值便可实现快速平稳的转向调节。

    It provides a method of fragmenting gain for ship turning adjuster which could apace and stably achieve turning adjustment just by simple and useful measures based on yawing degree .

  20. 最后阐述了在得到偏航角的估计值后,运用喷气控制来进行动量轮卸载和长期角动量管理,并进行了计算机仿真。

    At last , momentum wheel unloading and long-term momentum management are accomplished under the control of thrust after getting yaw angle estimator and computer simulation is achieved at the same time .

  21. 针对轴对称目标三维姿态参数中的偏航角、俯仰角的提取问题,提出了一种自动提取目标中轴线方法。

    In order to measure the pitching angle and yaw angle of the axes symmetry object in three-dimension orientation , an automatic method of extracting the axes of the object has been presented .

  22. 本文对单伺服阀控制的驱动风洞尾撑系统偏航角的串联双非对称液压缸系统进行了试验研究,对系统的静态性能和动态性能进行了测试。

    This paper studies the single servo valve controlled , series and dual-asymmetric hydraulic cylinder for yaw angle of driving wind tunnel tail-stay bearing system , and tests static and dynamic performances in the system .

  23. 控制器根据给定的俯仰角、偏航角和滚动角参考信号,得出相应的舵偏输入,使导弹能按给定姿态角确定的轨迹飞行。

    According to given reference signals of pitching angle , drifting angle and rolling angle , the relative rudder deviation inputs were calculated by backstepping controller . So the missile could be flied along the trace in decided attitude angle .

  24. 本文从鱼雷的数学建模思想出发,建立了研究对象的数学模型,利用小扰动原理简化了数学模型并得出了深度、偏航角等控制参数的控制模型。

    The mathematical model of AUV is set up from the mathematical modeling method of the torpedo . The model is simplified by the theory of small perturbation and the control model of the depth and yaw angle is gotten .

  25. SAR卫星的多普勒中心频率与卫星和地面目标点间的相对运动有关,文章基于轨道动力学理论,把中心频率分解为两个部分,分别与卫星偏航姿态角相关和无关。

    The Doppler shift of SAR satellite is related to the relative motion between the satellite and the target . The two-points correlations , correlation fractal dimensions are calculated for IRAS galaxies in four fields . angle .

  26. 该文详细推导了星载合成孔径雷达系统中偏航控制角的精确计算公式;

    In this paper , an advanced method in precisely computing of yaw-angle in space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) system is proposed in detail .

  27. 仿真试验表明,与PID自动舵相比,应用本文提出的在线辨识和自适应控制算法的自适应操舵系统能减少偏航、转舵角所引起的附加阻力,并能相应提高航速。

    Comparing with PID autopilot , the simulation experiment have demonstrated that the adaptive system can minimize the additional resistance caused by yaw and rudder angles , and increase the speed of the ship , while using the algorithms of the improved ELS and the new STC .

  28. 对于偏航角度,由于偏航角和重力方向正交,无法用加速度计测量得到,因此还需要采用其他设备来校准测量偏航角度的陀螺仪的漂移值。

    For yaw , which is orthogonal to gravity , the accelerometers can 't help you , so you need something else to correct your drifting yaw gyro .

  29. 为改善偏置动量卫星无偏航姿态敏感器时用滚动角间接控制偏航姿态的精度,基于降维观测器设计提出了一种采用偏航角估计值直接控制偏航姿态方法。

    To improve the control accuracy of the yaw attitude by roll angle indirectly for biased momentum satellite without yaw attitude sensor , a new method in which the yaw attitude was controlled directly by yaw angle estimation was put forward in this paper .

  30. 为了研究偏航机理,在受力模型简化的基础上利用撞击动力学理论,分析射弹撞击异形体后的动力学特性,并利用数值模拟技术分析攻角及偏航角对侵彻的影响。

    Analyzes the dynamic characteristics of a projectile after its impact with a shaped target , and as well as the effects of the angles of attack and yaw , respectively , on penetration , based on a simplified mechanical model and numerical calculations .