
  • 网络Reading tutoring;coaching readers in reading
  1. 浅谈如何利用中学图书馆开展阅读辅导

    How to Make Use of the Library to Conduct Reading Guidance

  2. 大学生心理咨询与图书馆阅读辅导

    College Students Psychological Consult and Library Reading Guidance

  3. 诗文荐读是图书馆阅读辅导工作的重要内容之一。

    It is an important part of library reading tutorship work to recommend readers to read poems and articles .

  4. 适合5-15岁孩子阅读的辅导书、课外书(教科书除外)。

    Extra-curricular reading books for5-15 year-old children ( excluding textbooks ) .

  5. 汉语课外阅读个别辅导实验报告

    Experiment Report on Individual Tutoring the Extracurricular Reading of Mandarin Chinese

  6. 浅谈地市级博物馆的图书资料管理学校心理辅导中开展阅读治疗的关键性问题有:阅读观念的改变;阅读治疗与辅导资源库的建设;

    There are three major steps in doing bibliotherapy in school mental counseling : to change the concept of reading , to construct the book resource for bibliotherapy , and to plan the activities after reading .