
  • 网络Miridae;plant bug;lygus
  1. 半翅目盲蝽科点翅盲蝽属新种新纪录新名。

    Heteroptera Miridae Compsidolon new species new record new name .

  2. 结果表明,6种苜蓿盲蝽属昆虫不同种群的酯酶同工酶(EST)谱带清晰、稳定,且不同种群间有差异;

    The results showed that zymogram of EST is clear , various and stable .

  3. 转Bt基因抗虫棉田棉盲蝽防治剂筛选及施药技术研究

    Efficacy of Insecticide against Cotton Plant Bugs and Controlling Technique in the Transgenic Bt Cotton Field

  4. 科学家表示,他们的研究表明,Bt棉花是盲蝽象的发源之处。

    The scientists say their research shows that the Bt cotton has become a of mirids .

  5. 铷(Rb)标记棉盲蝽及其向棉田扩散为害的研究

    Studies on the rb-marked cotton plant bugs and dispersal from weeds to cotton fields

  6. 报告称,农民种植Bt棉花之后杀虫剂的使用量减少,随后盲蝽象入侵。

    The report says the bugs invaded after farmers d their use of insecticides by planting Bt cotton .

  7. 讨论指出绿盲蝽已成为转Bt基因棉生产中的重要问题,应加快绿盲蝽在转Bt基因棉田的生态调控研究。

    It suggested that green leaf bug became an important pest in Bt cotton production and its ecological control in Bt cotton field should be studied .

  8. 由于Bt棉对棉花和相邻作物起到保护作用,显著降低了杀虫剂的大面积使用,一种新的病虫&盲蝽蟓逐渐演化上升成为棉田的主要害虫。

    And while insecticide use has decreased since the introduction of Bt cotton , a new insect mirid has gradually replaced bollworm to become the main cotton pest .

  9. POD同工酶特征的支序分析结果表明,苜蓿盲蝽A.lineolatus的4个种群分为2大支系,不同的地理分布和生态环境是导致同工酶酶谱趋异的主要原因。

    The ( cladogram ) of POD showed that four different geographical populations were classified into two branches , and the differences of zymograms were mainly resulted from the differences of geographical distribution and environment .

  10. 应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直板型电泳技术,对内蒙古苜蓿盲蝽属(AdelphocorisReuter)的6种苜蓿盲蝽不同种群的酯酶同工酶(EST)、过氧化物同工酶(POD)、乳酸脱氢酶同工酶(LDH)进行比较研究。

    EST , POD and LDH isozymes of six different geographical populations of plant bug ( Adelphocoris ) Reuter were studied using vertical slab PAGE .

  11. 相反,草盲蝽属Lygus昆虫的性信息素却难以鉴定。

    In contract , Lygus sex pheromones are difficult to identify .

  12. 内蒙古齿爪盲蝽亚科(Deraeocorinae)昆虫的区系分析牙齿敲完了,它还有爪子。

    Analysis of Fauna to Deraeocorinae ( Hemiptera : Miridae ) in Inner Mongolia When all the fangs are gone , it will still have claws .

  13. 研究表明,SGK321在对棉铃虫具有很好抗性的同时,对棉蚜、棉粉虱、绿盲蝽、小绿叶蝉等非靶标害虫的发生也有一定的抑制作用;

    The results suggested that the transgenic cotton SGK321 had control efficiency not only to the cotton bollworm , but also to some non-target pests , such as the cotton aphid and the tobacco whitefly .

  14. 海南岛腰果角盲蝽的研究

    A study on the mosquito bug infesting Cashew in Hainan Island

  15. 绿盲蝽在果园中的发生与危害状况;

    Occurrence and harmfulness of Lugus lucorum ( Meyer-Diir ) in orchard ;

  16. 棉田中黑盲蝽的经济损害允许水平

    Economic injury levels of black-striped leaf bug to cotton yields

  17. 中国棉盲蝽种类及地理分布的研究概述

    Research on cotton capsid varieties and geographical distribution of China

  18. 吮吸树汁的大盲蝽,其腿部有叶子形状的延展物。

    Large sap-sucking bug with leaflike expansions on the legs .

  19. 烟草盲蝽生物学特性研究

    · Study on the biological characteristics of tobacco capsid

  20. 他表示,以前,在这些地方,盲蝽象从来都不是问题。

    He says this is happening where mirids never before were a problem .

  21. 这项研究报告了1997年至2008年间盲蝽象的数量。

    The study reported on mirid populations between nineteen ninety-seven and two thousand eight .

  22. 不同寄主植物对苜蓿盲蝽种群增长的影响

    The effect of different host plants on the population dynamics of alfalfa plant bug

  23. 结果表明:绿盲蝽的敏感虫态为1龄若虫;

    The results indicated that the1st instar larvae of A.lucorum was the sensitive stage .

  24. 美洲的黑色大盲蝽,它们吮吸葫芦科藤本植物的汁液。

    Large black American bug that sucks sap of vines of the gourd family .

  25. 棉花不同生育期棉盲蝽的为害损失及防治指标的研究

    Plant bug damage on cotton in different growing stages and the threshold for control

  26. 射阳棉区棉田盲蝽象灾变规律与综合治理对策

    Occurrence Law and Integrated Control Strategy of Cotton Fleahopper in Cotton Field in Sheyang

  27. 本文简述了近半个世纪以来我国棉盲蝽综合治理技术的研究进展。

    This article indicated research progress of Chinese cotton plant-bug synthetical utilize technique since 1950 year .

  28. 中华微刺盲蝽是一种重要的捕食性天敌,在华南地区分布极为普遍。

    Campylomma chinensis Schuh is a predatory mirid bug and is very common in Southern China .

  29. 他表示,盲蝽象摧毁了棉花,苹果,梨,桃和蔬菜等作物。

    He says mirids are destroying crops including cotton , apples , pears , peaches and vegetables .

  30. 上述结果表明,水稻挥发物在黑肩绿盲蝽的捕食行为中起着重要作用。

    The results showed that rice volatiles played an important role in mediating the foraging behaviour of C.