
  • 网络Project final accounts;final account of project
  1. 基于Web的维修工程决算审计信息系统的开发与设计

    The Development and Design of Web - based Returns Audit Information System for Maintenance Works

  2. 公路建设项目工程决算编制与加强和规范造价管理

    Making Final Accounts and Improving Cost Management for Highway Construction Project

  3. 高校基建工程决算内部审计分析及对策&以广西民族学院为例

    Analysis and Countermeasure of Capital Construction Project Final Accounts in Universities

  4. 高校基建工程决算审计探讨

    Preliminary Exploration of Audit of Returns of College Capital Construction

  5. 工程决算审核中应注意的问题

    Matters Needing Attention in Project Final Accounts Examining and Verifying

  6. 认真做好工程决算的审核工作

    Auditing work of engineering final accounts should be done well

  7. 关于公路建设项目工程决算编制办法的分析

    Analysis on the method of final accounts making of highway engineering project

  8. 谈工程决算中审核与审计的差异

    The Differences between Audit and Verification in Final Project Accounts

  9. 编制工程决算应注意的几个问题

    The issues should be paid attention to when working out project final accounts

  10. 浅谈高校基建工程决算审计应重视的几个问题

    On several issues in audit of returns of capital construction projects in academies

  11. 浅谈如何做好建筑工程决算审计工作

    The Final Accounts and Audit in Construction Project

  12. 竣工阶段要合理准确地计定工程决算造价。

    And to guarantee the project cost accounted for reasonably and accurately at completed stage .

  13. 工程决算文件自动生成系统的开发与应用

    Automatic generation system for project account files

  14. 从总结工程决算审计内容,规范工程决算审计方法入手,较全面地探讨了工程决算审计的重点和技巧。

    The article generalizes contents of audit of returns of college capital construction , standardizes its focal points and techniques .

  15. 高校基建工程决算审计实践存在不少问题,要针对存在问题的原因及危害采取相应的措施。

    Many issues have existed in auditing practice of capital construction project final accounts in universities . Corresponding measures must be taken to solve them .

  16. 建设实施阶段,建设单位在招投标、合同管理、材料价格、施工管理(监理)、工程决算等几个方面,加强管理能够有效地控制工程造价。

    Project cost can be effectively controlled from the aspects of implementation , bidding , contract management , material and stuff price , construction supervision and project budget .

  17. 基建工程决算审计中的问题、原因及重点竣工决算超施工图预算的原因剖析及防治

    Stressing the Essential Question in Order to Do Well Audit of Capital construction Engineering Returns A study on the causes of completion budget beyond working drawing estimate and its prevention measures

  18. 监督内容涵盖了政府投资项目全过程,具体包括项目前期审计、项目预算执行审计、竣工结算审计、工程决算审计及项目后评审,是整个投资审计体系和审计内容的重要组成部分。

    The supervising covers the whole process of the government-funded projects , including pre-audit of the projects , implementation audit of project budget , audit of completion and settlement , audit of project accounts and post-audit of the projects .

  19. 论述了基建工程决算审计过程中的审计重点和主要内容,阐述了审计在基建工程决算中的重要作用和对基建资金使用的控制作用。

    This paper mainly discusses the key points and main content of audit of returns of capital construction projects , and explicates the important role that audit plays in final accounts and its effect on controlling the application of capital construction funds .

  20. 基于LCM需求的500kV输变电工程竣工决算分析

    500 kV power transmission and distribution project completion accounting analysis based on LCM demand

  21. 基建工程预决算专业的教学改革应与时俱进。

    Construction Project Budgeting and Final Accounting Specialty should undergo reforms .

  22. 工程竣工决算审查的一点体会

    Comprehension of the final accounting of revenue and expenditure censoring in the project completing

  23. 建筑工程预决算审查及投资控制

    On the Investigation of Budget and Final Accounts of Architectural Projects and Investment Control

  24. 审核工程预决算时应注意的几个问题

    Several Problems on Auditing Budget and Final Account

  25. 本文根据工程预决算工作的特点,论述应用微机编制预决算的重要性。

    Basing on the characteristics of engineering budget making , the importance of microcomputer application in budget making were discussed .

  26. 影响工程竣工决算报表准确性因素的研究年度收支决算报告表

    Research on the Factors Influencing the Accuracy of the Final Accounts for the Completed Project annual statement of receipt and expenditure

  27. 通过几个工程的决算实例,论述了现代市场经营理论在决算实践工作中的应用。

    Through several examples of project final account , the article describes the application and embodiment of modem market operation theory in project final account .

  28. 建设项目成本管理工作是建设项目管理的核心内容,从项目前期策划、可行性研究,招标报价,直至工程竣工决算为止,始终贯穿于项目的全过程。

    Project cost management is the core subject of the construction project management . Project planning , feasibility analysis , bidding and account settlement , run through the whole process of the project .

  29. 着重于对土建施工图预算六种审查方法的分析讨论,帮助工程预决算人员采用适当的方法合理确定土建工程造价。

    Focus on analysis and discussion on six auditing methods for a civil construction project , help civil construction project management personnel to adopt appropriate methods to decide the reasonable budget for a civil construction project .

  30. 本文详细介绍了在应用神机妙算工程预决算套价软件时土建、装饰、安装混合模板的编制,为神机妙算工程造价套价软件的操作实践提供参考。

    This article introduces the compilation of mixing model of civil construction , decoration and installation with " Shen Ji Miao Shun " Set-Price Software for construction budgeting and estimating , giving reference for the operation practice of the " Shen Ji Miao Shun " Software .