
  1. 对综采放顶煤工作面回采率情况的调查

    Investigation of Recovery rates of Fully Mechanized Faces with Caving Method

  2. 总结出太西集团二矿炮放工作面回采率的影响因素,并从理论上对这些造成工作面顶煤损失的因素进行了分析。

    In the paper , authors concluded influencing factors of breaking mining surface recovery ratio in the Second Mine , Taxi group And given theoretical analysis of those factors .

  3. 综放开采过程中如何提高综放工作面回采率是目前综放开采实践中存在的重大关键技术问题之一。

    How to increase recovery rate of fully mechanized sub-level caving face in process of mining , which is among important and key technique problems what exist in practice of fully mechanized sub-level caving .

  4. 综放工作面提高煤炭回采率途径分析

    Analysis to means of increasing coal recovery rate at LTCC working face

  5. 因此,合理减小煤柱尺寸,即能支撑顶板压力,同时防止采空区的水和瓦斯窜入工作面,提高回采率,是该矿遇到的新课题。

    So it is became the new problem that decrease the dimension of pillar reasonably , made the pillar not only can brace the ground pressure but also prevent the water and gas into the work-face .