
  • 网络Mining height
  1. 大采高支架EEP电液控制系统介绍及应用

    The Application of EEP Hydraulic-electronic Control System for Large Mining Height Supports

  2. 通过计算可以得出3煤全部采高以8.4m计算时,其裂隙带高度为23~31.9m。

    According to the calculation we can know that when the mining height is 8.4m , the maximal height of the crack strap is 23-31.9m .

  3. 基于Matlab的大采高支架稳定性研究

    Research on Stability of Large Mining Height Support Based on Matlab

  4. 6m以上大采高液压支架稳定性分析与控制措施

    Stability Analysis and Control Methods on Above 6 m Hydraulic Supports with Large Mining Height

  5. 总的说来大采高综采面的各项经济技术指标不如采高为3m左右的综采面。

    Generally speaking , the technical and economic indices of these faces are not as good as faces with a mining height of 3 meters .

  6. Nastran软件,对煤矿用大采高液压支架结构,应用有限元分析的理论,进行了静强度分析。

    Nastran and the theory of finite element analysis , this paper performs a static intension analysis of the shield by the MSC .

  7. 6.2m高可靠性大采高液压支架的选型与设计

    Selection and design of reliable hydraulic support with 6.2 m mining height

  8. 综采6.2m采高工作面破碎顶板稳定性研究

    Study on the Broken Roof Stability in 6.2m Mining Height Fully-mechanized Face

  9. 大采高高瓦斯综采工作面瓦斯综合治理技术日产30kt大采高大倾角综采工作面开采技术

    Highly gassy longwall coal faces with big mining heights : comprehensive mine gas control technology

  10. 对不同采高的顶板断裂、垮落和移动特点分析表明,支架结构高度小于5.5m是可行的。

    Analysis of roof fracture , roof collapse and movement at different mining heights indicated that it was feasible when the structure height was less than 5.5 m.

  11. 本文介绍了利用PROMOS监控系统实现寺河矿大采高综采工作面泵站智能控制的原理、特点以及操作方法等。

    The paper introduces the principle , characteristic and operation method of intelligent control of pump station in fully mechanized mining face with high shear height which is realized by PROMOS monitoring system .

  12. 探讨了WS1.7-210/450型电液控制液压支架的性能特点及支架结构对大采高的适应性。

    He performance speciality of electro-hydraulic controlling powered support WS1 . 7-210 / 450 and the adaptability of its structure to thick seam mining are investigated .

  13. 大采高综采技术是回采3.5m~5.0m中厚煤层实现高产高效的主要途径,在我国许多矿区都得到推广应用。

    Technology about high cut in fully mechanization face which is often used to mine 4.0m-4.5m thick coal seam is the main approach and has been widely applied by a lot of collierys in our country .

  14. 煤层厚度6.0~7.0m时,这种方法的经济效益接近大采高及液压支架放顶煤采煤方法的相应指标。

    When seam thickness is 6.0 ~ 7.0 m , the economic profit of inclined slicing is close to those of caving method with extraction height and sub-level caving method .

  15. 浅析大采高工作面的割煤方法

    Talking about the cutting coal method at large mining height face

  16. 大采高工作面下巷沿空留巷实践

    Practice of gob - side entry at large height mining face

  17. 大采高工作面顶板冒落性分析与预防

    Analysis and prevention of roof fallen in great mining height face

  18. 浅谈我国大采高综采技术

    Present condition of high mining height longwall mining techniques in China

  19. 大采高工作面搬家安装工艺探讨

    Discussion on moving and erecting of high mining height working face

  20. 大采高强力液压支架的参数确定及结构设计

    Parameters determination and structure design of high mining height hydraulic support

  21. 两柱掩护式大采高强力液压支架适应性研究

    Study on Adaptability of Shield Support in Large Cutting Height Working Face

  22. 大采高综采工作面支架&围岩系统监控

    Monitoring of Face Support-Surrounding Rock System in High Mining Height Coal Seam

  23. 高进路低采高采矿法对降低贫化率的意义

    The sense of low-mining-height advance mining in decreasing dilution rate

  24. 厚煤层大采高全厚开采工艺研究与应用

    Research on Large Mining Height Technique for Thick Coal Seams

  25. 坚硬顶板条件下大采高小煤柱回采工作面上隅角瓦斯治理

    Gas Control in the Upper Corner of Working Face under Hard Roof

  26. 大采高支架的使用及参数研究

    Application of support with great mining height and study of its parameters

  27. 大采高综采工艺参数正交优化

    Orthogonal Optimization of Fully-mechanized Mining Parameters with Large Mining Height

  28. 大采高综采工作面采空区顶板处理的实践

    Practice on Roof-control in the Gob in High-thickness Fully-mechanized Face

  29. 中厚煤层大采高回采工艺探讨

    Approach on large mining height at middle thick coal seam

  30. 大采高四连杆超前液压支架的研制与应用

    Research and Application on High Mining Height Four Link Forepoling Hydraulic Support