
  • 网络Production Preparation;production arrangements;Setup;Pre-production Preparation
  1. 材料处理,生产准备,产品包装,验收与检查,生产过程控制,工厂管理

    Material-handling , production setup , product-packaging , receiving and inspecting , process-engineering , facility-managing

  2. 建立了问题的期望值模型,目标函数为极小化生产准备成本、生产成本、库存成本的期望值。

    The problem is formulated as expected value model , and the objective function is to minimize the setup costs , production costs and inventory holding costs .

  3. 基于Web的分布式生产准备信息系统的研究及实现

    The research and development of web based distributed production preparation information system

  4. PDM技术在车间生产准备中的应用

    The Application of the PDM Technique in Production Preparation of the Workshop

  5. 通用三维CAD模型的应用,超越了产品开发的范畴,在生产准备和加工领域也达到了较高的水平。

    The consequent use of 3 D modeling results in a higher level in product development as well as in production planning and in manufacturing .

  6. 这一成果足以获得进步保险汽车的X奖,该奖的设立是为了鼓励那些超节能的生产准备就绪汽车的发展。

    That was good enough to share the Progressive Insurance Automotive X-Prize , an award set up to encourage development of production-ready cars that are super-fuel-efficient .

  7. 以生产准备中磨叶片工具的计算为例,使用三维CAD系统的自由曲面建模技术,精确计算出叶片工具设计中所需叶片通道数据。

    In computation on blade grounding tool design in technical preparation , accurate blade passage data necessary for tool design has been obtained using free camber modeling technique of 3D CAD .

  8. 计算机辅助工艺规程设计(ComputerAidedProcessPlanning,CAPP),是促进生产准备工作自动化的有效途径,其应用对于缩短产品制造周期、提高产品质量、降低产品成本具有重要意义。

    Computer Aided Process Planning ( CAPP ), which helps to organize the preparation work for production , plays an important role in shortening product-manufacturing period , enhancing product quality and reducing product cost .

  9. CAPP的应用将为提高工艺文件的质量,缩短生产准备周期,并为广大工艺人员从繁琐、重复的劳动中解放出来提供一条切实可行的途径。

    The application of CAPP will improve the quality of craft document , shorten the producing prepare period and provide a viable path for the craft personnel .

  10. 阐述了CIMS对夹具生产准备的基本要求,提出了实现柔性夹具快速生产准备的几种方法。

    The basic requirements of preparation for fixture production under CIMS are expounded and several methods for achieving flexible fixture rapid productional preparation are proposed .

  11. 通过与传统计算方法的对比,可以看出:在工艺准备中使用三维CAD技术,不但能准确快速的解决生产准备过程中的复杂计算,而且能有效减少工具设计的错误,缩短工艺准备周期。

    A comparison with traditional computation method shows that the application of 3D CAD in technical preparation is helpful in solving complex computation , eliminating errors in tool design and reducing technical preparation cycle .

  12. 基于生产准备管理的产品配置研究

    Research on Product Configuration Based on Preparation for Management of Production

  13. 面向并行工程的车间生产准备

    The production preparing in the shop based on concurrent engineering

  14. 长壁式陷落采矿法生产准备矿量的管理

    The Management of Production Preparation Ore Quantity of Longwall Caving Ore Method

  15. 东风汽车公司提高汽车铸件生产准备效率的做法

    Measures for Higher Efficiency of Preparation for Production in Dongfeng Automobile Company

  16. 一汽&大众外协件生产准备项目管理研究

    The Research of FAW-VW Purchasing Parts Production Readiness Project Management

  17. 基于相似特征的生产准备集成系统

    The Production Preparation Integrated System Based on Similar Feature

  18. 日本缩短汽车车身生产准备周期的有效途径

    The Way to Shorten the Preparation Periods of Automotive Body Production in Japan

  19. 化学工业大、中型装置生产准备工作规范

    Code for preliminary work of production of chemical large and medium plant pipeline

  20. 塔里木油田产能设计、施工及生产准备的经验与教训

    Experiences and Lessons of Design , Construction and Production Preparation in Tarim Oilfield

  21. 大规模生产准备集成信息管理系统及关键技术研究

    Research on Integrated Information System and Key Issues for Production Preparation of Mass Customization

  22. 大庆井下生产准备运营系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of Production Management Preparing System in Downhole Service Subcompany in DaQing

  23. 火电厂生产准备阶段环保工作的认识与实践

    Understanding and practice to the environmental protection in production preparation stage of a coal-fired power plant

  24. 本文阐述了不锈钢冶炼的关键技术,为生产准备提供帮助。

    Aimed at improving the production , the paper depicts the key technology of smelting stainless steel .

  25. 计算机辅助工艺规划可以提高工艺文件的质量,缩短生产准备周期;

    The quality of process planning can be enhanced , and product seedtime can be shortened using CAPP .

  26. 目前,一汽-大众公司的国产化外协件的采购管理流程可分为前期采购、生产准备跟踪和批量生产采购三个阶段。

    Localized parts are divided three phases : prophases purchasing , production preparation monitoring and mass production purchasing .

  27. 将原本较为复杂的卷圆工序在简易手工卷圆模上实现,缩短了零件的生产准备周期,降低了零件的生产成本。

    It not only simplified working process , but also shortened production preparation period and reduced production cost .

  28. 不要担心,我们设计了教育工作的这部影片,以适应任何生产准备。

    Don 't worry , we designed the education workflow of this video to accommodate any production ready artist .

  29. 计算机辅助工艺规划属于工程分析与设计范畴,是重要的生产准备工作之一。

    Computer-aided process planning are areas of engineering analysis and design , production preparation work is an important one .

  30. 对于自主品牌企业,更需要在引进先进管理模式后,用生产准备信息系统来固化工作流程。

    After introduced advanced management mode , the own brand enterprises is more needed to curing process with production preparation information system .